23 Times People Used a Very Poor Choice of Words

‘We should get all the black people off the land’
23 Times People Used a Very Poor Choice of Words

It’s impossible to always know the right thing to say, but there are times when you whiff so bad that you want to take up residence on a remote island where no one else can be cursed with your words. One Redditor remembers the time they greeted their friend by saying “How’s it hanging?” and immediately regretted it. While yes, this was the greeting they always used for one another, they were at a funeral for the friend’s uncle, who hung himself. He still wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about that one. 

Other Redditors have detailed the times they fumbled their way through an interaction with a poor choice of words, including one phrase that should never be uttered in Mexico.

unclaimedshoes 11y ago In Mexico at a wedding everyone sweating through their dress shirts because the chairs were so hot. Everyone stands up for pictures and I said OK now everyone turn around and let me get a picture of all the wet backs. + 1.1K ...
TrainFan 11y ago Was meeting with a co-worker who had only one hand. Не was writing something in a notebook and I was mindlessly staring at his hand. Then, without thinking, I said Oh, I didn't know you were a lefty too! We have an awkward relationship now. + 505 ...
 2y ago This wasn't embarrassing so much as funny, but I once used getting struck by lightning with a client with OCD as an example of something catastrophic but rare. Guess whose house had been damaged by a lightning strike? + 135 ...
merrythoughts 2y ago First session today, were talking about anxiety and catastrophizing, and I said something like it's so powerful when we realize it isn't the end of the world and we are actually ok when we do something scary. And then lo and behold they eventually disclose they are a prepper and have massive anxiety about end of the world type events. Eeeeek. Ok so the scale was WAY bigger than I expected lol. + 51 ...
rainbow-sprinkles515 2y ago Said you feel that you've really shot yourself in the foot with that one to a client who has previous trauma with guns I immediately apologized for using the wrong expression and luckily she didn't seemed bothered by it but yeah, that one plagued me the rest of the day + 10 ...
Fluffy_Turnip_7582 2y ago I was in a crisis session with a client recently discharged from the hospital due to SI. We were making a safety plan and after discussing firearm safety, locking up pills, and the other common risky items I mentioned a few more obscure prevention measures the client might consider taking. After listing off a few I said what do you think of those ideas? That might be a little bit overkill As soon as I realized what I said my eyes got big and I stopped talking, the client's eyes got big, her jaw dropped, and she
oceanic-feeling 2y ago My worst gaffe was when I was working in community mental health about 10 years ago. A patient that I worked with had severe diabetes and was scheduled to have their foot and a small part of their leg amputated in the near future. During one of our sessions, I used the phrase, put your best foot forward and immediately was horrified. Thankfully, the patient took it in stride (lol) and we both had a good laugh about it. + 4 ...
wakasooooooooooooooo 5y ago Was at my great grandmothers funeral. I was probably 12..? I don't remember exactly. At the lunch after where we all met up, nobody was really talking and kinda quiet, my dumbass said who died? completely just meaning, why's everyone so quiet.. forgetting that it was not even an hour after a funeral. 8 ...
Funderfullness 5y ago . My friend was trying to get to the airport and I promised I'd get her there on time come hell or high water. The reason she was going to the airport was to fly to her parents' place where their town had just been destroyed by a flood. 3 ...
 5y ago . My ex-coworker was fired for embezzlement. When I found out, I was shocked, as she and I were very close and I had no idea. How I tried to say this, to my boss, who fired her for the embezzlement, was to hell him that she and I were as thick as thieves. Not great wording, in retrospect. 8 ...
lonely-bumblebee 5y ago My mother likes to tell the story of the time she noticed the woman bagging the groceries was having trouble lifting something into a bag. She asked, Need a hand? The woman turned around and fixed her with a sort of exasperated, deadpan stare. My mother had failed to notice that one of her arms was prosthetic. + 15 ...
whomper13 5y ago Not mine , but my wife. My wife is a very sweet person and wouldn't intentionally harm someone but she does unintentionally put her foot in her mouth a lot. She was talking to a woman who we just met through a friend . The woman had an adopted child. My wife wanted to ask is that your biological child but she ended up saying , is that your real child. The woman took offense. My wife apologized and the woman accepted as she could see my wife was sincere but it made for a very awkward moment 17 ...
Crabbytexan 5y ago Husband was in Hospice Care, dying from Congestive Heart Failure. Не was non responsive and had days left at best. I took a small break and made an appearance at the Church Choir Christmas party, just to check in. A few people were speaking with me, comforting me, and offering prayers. One of the members, a lady with no forethought and no filters, overheard. She said, You mean he's not dead yet??!! I know that what she MEANT was, Oh, Dear! Is this still dragging on? He's still suffering? But that's not what she said. She had
Rickalodean 5y ago Edited 5y ago I was working fast food and just put the old hot pressure fryer oil in a grease shuttle. I laid the shuttle on the floor in front of the ice maker and went up front to help coordinate orders. While I was helping, a female employee went to fill the ice bins and stood over the hot grease shuttle while filling her ice bucket. In a quick panic, I was concerned she could potentially burn herself. I quickly replied, Be careful! That thing between your legs is really hot! She slowly looked up at
theCrow_23 . 5y ago A man came to the bank asking to do a transfer. I told him he can use the self service machine for that, which is touch screen. Не gave me this dude, really? look, that's when I noticed he has no arms. + 92 ...
thermobollocks 5y ago The place I teach pistol classes had a student who was blind (100%, not even a little). Не had no interest in keeping a gun, but he wanted to learn how to shoot in a controlled environment with supervision since he'd never done that sort of thing before. We did a lot of teaching by touch, and I had to smack myself into not saying you can see to introduce something. Не was laughing, since it's something English speakers say a lot, but I felt like a total idiot. 34 ...
squid2716 5y ago when I was in 5th grade (year 6) I was in choir. All the choir kids got to miss a day of school and go to a water park together, and the kids who weren't in choir got a slightly lower work load that day, because the teachers couldn't do much with like half the class missing. I was out of town that day, so I didn't go on the trip, or get to just kinda chill with my other friends in class. When I got back, everyone was talking about how fun the trip was/how fun
makethatnoise 5y ago When my now-husband and I were first dating I was giving him a blow job once, he was laying down on his back and I was sitting up in front of him. I have extremely weak wrists, and having to support myself while doing this started to hurt. Не says to me oh, well, what you need is a whale sling! What he intended was it holds you up without having to use your arms so it wouldn't hurt my wrists. What he said was you need something to support a fucking whale to a woman who
sapnu-aw-puas-noh 5y ago During a vacation to my hometown, I ran across an old high school friend who was always determined to become a cardiologist. I jokingly greeted him with, What's up doc? During drinks later that night, he sadly told me he was rejected from all of his med school choices for the last two years and was currently working as a manager for a shoe store. + 228 ...
coughcough 5y ago . I am a lawyer and was prepping my client for her deposition. Spoke for a while, things are going smoothly. She asked if she should be nervous. I said it's nothing to pull your hair out over. Client showed me her head. She is bald, lost all her hair to lupus. I died inside. + 239 ...
MilkyLikeCereal 5y ago I had a friend whose standard greeting between us was hows it hanging? Not sure why, it was just always our opener. I went to his uncle's funeral and when I saw him it just came out. At the funeral. Of a man who hung himself. It's one of those moments that hits me randomly at 3am nearly a decade later. + 795 ...
ashish19982002 5y ago e I had a kind of terrifying german professor for biochemistry. Не was trying to make the class associate CAMP (cyclic AMP) with a starvation state. In a thick german accent accent he said because when you go to camp, we take away your food. Не changed his wording the year after. + 317 ...
Wahman875 11y ago We should get all the black people off the land. I said this while playing a board game (Carcassonne) with some friends, the player with the black pieces was winning. I got some really weird looks, and then I realized what I said. In an attempt to correct my mistake I said, No, No! I mean the black colored people! + 640 ...


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