31 of the Best Times Service Workers Clapped Back at Rude Customers

‘Are you making music, or did you need something?’
31 of the Best Times Service Workers Clapped Back at Rude Customers

The moment someone becomes a customer, they morph into the worst version of themselves. Despite this, some businesses maintain that the customer is always right, while anyone with a background in the service industry knows that this simply cannot be true. It’s why workers eventually reach a point where they have no choice but to fight back. One such server received a one-dollar tip on an $80 check. Instead of accepting it, she chased the customer into the parking lot and gave them their dollar back, saying, “You obviously need this more than I do.” She received a three-day suspension for her remark, but the satisfaction of speaking her mind was probably worth it. 

Other Redditors have recalled the rude customers they didn’t back down from, and if you’re in need of more comebacks to add to your repertoire, look no further.

anastasiabeverhousen 5y ago . You'd look better if you smiled. You'd look better if you showered. Dude used to say this to me every God damned time I saw him. Not once after that. 90 ...
otterlikenoother 5y ago An older woman at my table asked me what my mother must think about my tattoos and I said, well my father doesn't mind. She didn't take the hint (I guess it wasn't a very good hint) and asked well what about your mother? To which I replied She's dead. She doesn't do a lot of thinking. Did she stop there? No. She said Did she die of SHAME? I just said no, breast cancer and dropped the check. They weren't done eating but her guests looked like they wanted to leave. 222 ...
fuckcabbages 5y ago Had a customer harassing me over a product he bought and wanted to return. No receipt, over the return date, claimed he paid for it in cash. I told him that the return policy was within 30 days and he had to have a receipt. Him: You're just paid to say that. Me: As a matter of fact, I am paid to say that. That's how jobs work. Never saw his scamming ass again. 240 ...
Vanlande 5y ago This will get buried but it's a fun story. I used to be the GM for a kids entertainment place and we'd get terrible parents all the time. One guy was harassing one of the front desk girls about the price of our shirts, so I came up. How much are you gonna pay me to wear that shirt? I'm sorry? That's free advertising for you! You should pay me to wear it (He's currently wearing an Indians hat) How much do the Indians pay you to wear that hat? 183 ...
MadeleineKatherine 5y ago Two women and their small children came in Monday morning at opening for lunch. Monday's were slow unless it was a holiday. The woman found a long black curly hair on her child's food. I should add her child had long black curly hair. The woman was rude and wanted a free meal and blamed the chef. I said Well that's impossible because he's bald. The only chef working was bald and I had him come out and talk to her and eventually she agreed that it was her child's hair. 77 ...
MapOfIIIHealth 5y ago Not me personally but my manager in a luxury boutique hotel. The building dates from the 16th century in a town with cobbled streets and antique shops. People come for the charm of the good ol' days. Had a customer leave a Trip Advisor review complaining that the floorboards in the hotel freaked. My manager responded by pointing out the age of the building and told the customer that next time they would probably be more comfortable staying at a Travel Lodge (budget hotel chain in England). Even had a guest check in a few weeks later
faboc - 5y ago I work at a New York style pizza place but it's in North Carolina. A customer came in and order a slice of pizza. This is how the conversation went. Customer: Is this really a New York slice? My manager: how about you get the fuck out of here is that New York enough for ya The guy laughed. It was pretty awesome 349 ...
dont think that: normal oceanfishie 5y ago I waited on a dude and a group of his friends and he was just generally being a douchebag. Condescending, snapping his fingers to get my attention, calling me sweetie, the whole nine yards. Не also kept claiming that he was a 'friend of the owner' and that he should be able to order from the breakfast menu because of this, even though i said no all of our breakfast stuff is put away, this is dinner only. Well I'd had about enough when he got the bill, and because there was so
Han_Yerry 5y ago e I had a co-worker get a three day suspension for chasing a customer down and handing back their dollar tip and saying you obviously need this more than I do The check was for ~80$ and she was a consistently good server. She had enough bs that day. 263 ...
tommygunz007 5y ago Former waiter turned flight attendant. I fly on a regional plane in which there is a rear jumpseat at the back, surrounded by two passengers on the left, and 2 on the right. I am squished right in the middle. Some guy was busting my balls about being in the back and he was talking smack. My response? If the plane goes down, I will be surrounded by 4 squishy bodies and probably walk away. That's why I am here, in the back, in the middle, in this tiny seat. Bodies make GREAT padding. The look of
DeliciousMrJones 5y ago Edited 5y ago I was working the counter at a ski resort's cafe. This teenage douche came up with french fries and said that he didn't bring any money, so could he just have them for free? I said поре, he said But I'm a good customer. And I said okay but fries are for paying customers, and proceeded to take them away from him and pop one in my mouth right in front of him. Не had nothing to say to that but his friend cracked up and apologized for him. When I turned around all
DivisionBy-0 . 5y ago . My elderly neighbor has connections at Boston Pizza and always gets free gravy with her fries. When she went to Humpty's, she asked for gravy. When she was told she would be charged for it she said I get it free at Boston Pizza. The server told her that she could go back to Boston Pizza then. 476 ...
- - utrage . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago . On my last night as a delivery driver I was told to keep the change on $12.98 as my tip. I responded by rummaging through my change pouch, took out two pennies and tossed them back saying if wanted your two cents I would have asked you a fucking question, and walked away. Was my final delivery ever and well worth it.
whatisachelsea 5y ago I worked at a restaurant in my hometown for years, and the most common rude thing customers would pull was lifting their empty cup with ice in it and shaking it at me, implying they needed a refill. My response was always the same - Are you making music or did you need something? Use your words, asshats. I'm not your dog. 698 ...
truisluv 5y ago 0 I had one of those women that complain about their food hoping to get it comped which she did. But then she asked for a togo box. I said I thought you didnt like your meal are you sure you want to take it home? She got pissed. I should have refused to give her the box but I was new so I boxed it for her. No tip of course. + 404 ...
Beccavexed 5y ago Edited 5y ago We have sweet biscuits with icing on top. Every weekend this lady comes in, wants them fresh, with extra icing. But every time something is wrong, the main complaint being its too cold, probably due to the extra icing being on top of it, which we have told her repeatedly. Well, this last time she came in, we give her the biscuit, fresh out the oven , loaded down with icing, and she still says it's cold. The manager tells her the only way to get it any hotter would be to melt the icing
idrathernot_ 5y ago Had a girl ordering a Pina Colada and then complaining about the coconut. She didn't like coconut. So I got her another drink and she goes: what are you going to do with that one? Will you throw it away? I just looked at her, told her that I do like coconut and took a sip. + 717 ...
Dapli 5y ago I'm quite feminine for a guy. I don't mind what people say or think about me so I get confused for gay sometimes. That it's important for later. As I was working as cashier a guy just went to me and started to say, and I'm QUOTING him I don't understand how many gay people works in this restaurant, I don't even know if I want to eat here anymore Lots of my coworkers are gay and the way he said was... Not exactly kindly. So, when his meal was ready nobody wanted to give it to
thekordo 5y ago Table of 10, Sunday Brunch, fancy restaurant, I'm hungover. A crowd swarms in at opening and my whole section is sat at once. I'm efficient and cool, I'm used to this. I get to the big table and preface that water is being brought as we speak, then begin taking everyone's drink order. As I'm taking orders around the table, one woman blurts out that she wants water and not to forget the water, interrupting her friends and family as they make their requests. I acknowledge her each time until after the 4th time saying, 'if you
just_Exodus 0 5y ago My manager gave a customer credit for an order then blocked her from delivery so she never was able to use it + 762 ...
theprettyflako 5y ago obligatory not me but... rude lady to gay cashier: sorry I don't speak gay cashier: don't worry, I'm fluent in bitch + 3.3K ...
silverfin426 5y ago e When they say that they know places that are cheaper, I replied I have customers that pay more + 2.4K ...
Machinations42 5y ago Buncha drunks making a mess, wasting our time and harassing other tables. Me: The manager has decided all off you need to leave. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and your behavior warrants it. Loudest drunk: Fuck it, we're never gonna come back to this shit hole. Me: That's exactly the point. Please leave. + 1.8K ...
Kathyt92 5y ago Work for a moving company, customers always get mad when we dont have the equipment available for them when they show up last minute with no reservation. 'Well I'll just go to (competitor's name)!' Would always reply with exact directions 'Great they are a block north, on the right side. You cant miss em.' Never failed to get a disgusted scoff, but we would always see them again in an hour or so to set up a reservation when competitors didnt have any equipment either + 1.4K ...
BooksRock 5y ago Not at a restaurant but at BYU they're having Education week Lady snapping fingers to student employee: Tell me where the Marriott Center is Student employee snapping back: Try again + 2.4K ...
LemonlnAGlass 5y ago My brother was a waiter and was working with a really difficult woman. She ordered the salmon and asked when it got to her table if it was farm raised. She got mad at him because he didn't mention that the salmon was farm raised when she was ordering even though it clearly states that it is farm raised on the menu. She ordered the chicken to replace the salmon and my brother said I have to warn you, it's farm raised. + 1.3K ...
ToxicHazard- 5y ago Live in a small town, worked in a Fish and Chip shop (one of two in the town). We were a tourism town, and one of the main attractions was the award winning fish and chips (top 5 in the county while I was there). People in the town believed we were in massive competition with the other shop, we weren't. We had 25+ staff, they had around 7-8 and we were serving thousands more customers than them per week or even per day in summer. So, on the rare occasion whenever a customer got angry they
MichelleDeaEst 5y ago e Not me, but my manager. Woman comes in every Sunday... and complains every Sunday. This past time, she said, I won't be coming back. And he goes, Alright, I'll see you next week. + 4.1K ...
HidingWholAm5683 5y ago . Why don't you get a REAL job? Now if I did that, what would you have to bitch and be mad about? + 2.2K ...
 5y ago Edited 5y ago Way back in the day when I worked in foodservice we had a customer who got a salad and when she was finished placed one of her hairs in the bowl in order to get it refunded, and got the complementary I'm sorry free bakery item. She did this every day. Finally the DM sat down at her table and told her this was her last day eating in the cafe, they would refuse her refund today and refuse her service in the future. She started to say something about the customer always being
khenn07 5y ago . Former bartender: had a guy whistling to get my attention. I asked him if he lost his dog. Because you whistle at dogs not people Maybe not witty but felt amazing at the time. 58 ...


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