35 Hilarious Small-Town Controversies

‘People are losing their minds because yoga is not Christian’
35 Hilarious Small-Town Controversies

Small-town living means that enemies are easy to make and local drama spreads quickly. Case in point: One Redditor’s wife is from a town of roughly 2,000 people, where a fruit-stand feud got really nasty, really fast. There was originally just one fruit stand, the owner of which fired the guy who worked for him. The disgruntled former employee decided to declare war by opening a produce stand of their own out of spite. The two later got into a fistfight, and the town remains divided to this day. In fact, now the wives of the mayor, the only police officer in town and warring fruit stands are all feuding as well. 

Other Redditors have revealed the small-town controversies they’ve seen go down, including those involving an emotional support pig, a mysterious Black person and special hunting trips.

Grentain e 3y ago At one point in my hometown a Domino's manager was arrested for arson after burning down a Papa John's in an attempt to increase revenue. 61 Share ...
tacopony_789 . 3y ago e The police chief of chadbourne NC was caught embezzling and faked his own death by leaving his boat on the cape fear river 136 Share ...
scrotdust 3y ago . City had a vote on whether to change the school mascot (a native american with headdress). People who wanted to keep it rallied behind the son of the native american man who initially created the mascot years ago. Then census evidence came out casting doubt on whether that guy was actually native american. 254 Share ...
Cyrussphere 3y ago just recently passed a bill to allow a pot store, it passed with only 1 vote even after a recount. Safe enough to say the boomers are going crazy saying how much crime it will bring in despite the above average meth usage in town. Also this was a vote to allow, there isnt any current plans to open a dispensary yet 855 Share ...
gidget1337 3y ago Our mayor posted a bunch of revenge porn photos of his ex on Reddit. His office and home were raided in August, charges were announced in November, he finally stepped down from office last week after his plea bargain was denied by the judge, and his trial is set for April. shortly, after his arrest, his current fiance called a DC radio morning show to defend him on air. I'm sure you can imagine all of the drama. + 2.7K Share ...
 ОР . 3y ago In my town there was an empty building that is being built into a bar and nightclub. Across the street is a church and the church is pissed and trying to stir up everyone by protesting a bar so close to their church building. + 2.5K Share ...
MariahCareysButthole Зу ago Thousands of crabs washed ashore dead but nobody really knows why, I think they blamed wind turbines at one point. Dogs are now getting really sick and there's warnings for people to stay away from the beach but nobody knows why it's happening. + 1.6K Share ...
Ordo_501 3y ago A woman known as a pretty awful person disappeared. Everyone knows it was probably her husband, but the family own's over 10,000 acres and no body has been found. The rest of her family is ramping up an awareness campaign so should be interesting to see where this all goes. 1.2K Share ...
sluttypidge . 3y ago Someone mentioned opening up a yoga studio. People are losing their minds because yoga is not Christian and of another religion. 1.2K Share ...
duckswithbanjos . 3y ago Two places make dill dip. One accused the other of stealing the recipe 2.7K Share ...
handsthefram 3y ago The city government is trying to outlaw burning couches on your front lawn. I didn't know this happened often enough to be an issue, but it's getting a ton of push back + Share 826 ...
 . 3y ago several prominent men were caught having gay orgies during hunting trips + 743 Share ...
everestsam98 3y ago Someone changed the local Facebook page from SmallTown Community Page to SmallTown Antivaxxer Group. The ensuing debates and confusion as to how the page moderators had their accounts hacked and who was behind it. I shit you not, the current chief suspect is the moderator of the rival SmallTown community faceboom group. Lockdown has given some people too much time on their hands. Share 3.1K ...
UnfairMicrowave 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Delilah from the love song request radio show that's been on for like 30 years lives here and has been trying to convince all the downtown business owners to paint their store fronts pastel. It's a real kerfuffle. 3.1K Share ...
grindstone_hollow 3y ago The city I live in (around 10k residents or so) doesn't allow food trucks to operate outside of things like festivals. There has been a push to change that, and, coincidentally, majority of most vocal people against them are restaurant owners. 6.3K Share ...
Onlykitten . 3y ago e People here in my town of 396 still upset that the local Christmas tree was taken down and thrown away with all the lights still on it. Share 5.6K ...
stickshaker73 3y ago . Town of about 1800. The girl's volleyball coach got a Dwi. The school's principal went to pick her up from jail, and was arrested for dwi himself. Somehow it got out that these two (both married) were having an affair. 5.4K Share ...
Trestinator 3y ago We have a Starbucks trying to open in my hometown, but half the city doesn't want it to happen saying it'll kill the small businesses around it. Literally being built like two doors down from a local coffee shop. The towns up in arms about it. 5.2K Share ...
ThatDude8129 3y ago . Edited 3y ago About 2 years ago the mayor of the town I live in got caught with drunk driving his lawnmower down main street at around 2 AM about 6 weeks after being elected.
coobmaroog 3y ago A woman found a dog and tried to find the owner for a day or two. She then took it to a rescue. Owner of dog post looking for dog and she let him know the rescue. Owner calls rescue who now will not return dog due to owner negligence. Woman who found dog is now getting shit on. + 11K Share ...
dantheman280 3y ago Local mcdonalds wants to build a drive thru, some people are dead against it, but others think its long overdue as the mcdonalds is always crowded. The people against believe it'd ruin the character of the area. I'm not sure where I stand. + 7.7K Share ...
mulberstedp . 3y ago e Small town with 3000 inhabitants. Everyone knows each other, everyone knows where everyone works, who is related to whom, and so on. Still, my cousin doesn't know who is the father of her child. Share 7.6K ...
ChangeWinter6643 3y ago . Edited 3y ago a couple promissed a lot of cakes and fancy breads to the local festival, and didn't deliverd everyone is mad at them for the last 2 weeks 8.3K Share ...
royhawek 3y ago My family thought that the term Karen being used on Facebook specifically meant the woman named Karen that works at the gas station near me. I had mentioned her once at home and my mom was like Oh everyone hates her on Facebook right now! They all think she's a snitch! + 11K Share ...
Far-Resource-819 3y ago . LoL The Mayor has a personal feud with this one guy that has an emotional support pig while living in the village. Housing farm animals are illegal within the village. Share 20K ...
Technical-Bet-2023 3y ago . They're still trying to figure out who is Black. The village has 249 people. On the census everyone reported white except one person who reported biracial or something and now the demographics show that the town is .7% Black. 17K Share ...
SwingGirlAtHeart . 3y ago My parents live in a tiny Greek village that has a grand total of three families (including my parents) and currently they're trying to rectify the fact that our dog killed our neighbor's chicken. + Share 15K ...
tuc-eert 3y ago . Edited 3y ago One guy wanted to open a gas station but the property wasn't zoned for it. The town wouldn't change it for him, so he put toilets on all of his properties and used them as flower planters. The town has tried many different strategies to get rid of them, to the point where the made a law and then tried to enforce it. They got their asses sued off and the toilets still stand. To be fair, he keeps them in great condition and replaces any broken ones after storms.
adrivebycastellanos 3y ago . Travel baseball. There is a new organization in town that is absolutely bloodsucking money out of parents of 7-12 year olds and they have no clue. + 13K Share ...
blgiant 3y ago Nothing current but have a great one from 5 years ago: So we had a guy who was quite the Libertarian. Не owned a gun store in town and pretty much kept to himself. Не will be known as LibGuy The problem started when he decided to have chickens for his own eggs but he lived within the city proper which had a rule against farm animals within the city (this is a rural farming area live in). One of the city council members (he shall be known as A-hole) discovered he had chickens a few weeks
delux561 3y ago в Edited 3y ago In my wife's home town of about 2k people, the road side produce stand guy is in a feud with a new SECOND produce stand that just opened. The original produce guy trained the new guy for a while apparently then fired him, now the fired guy opened his own spite produce stand. They got in a fist fight and now the whole town has taken produce stand sides. The mayor and the only police officer in town are also involved and their wives are fighting. It is truly the dumbest version of
Woktosha3 3y ago The eccentric millionaire that owned every building in down town and used them to house his extensive rock collection died like 15 years ago and they still haven't figured out what to do with all the rocks. + 36K Share ...
OHDFoxy 3y ago In our small English village, someone has managed to knock over one of the speed limit signs at one end of the road. It's a mystery, everyone is trying to guess who did it/what happened. Was it intentional? Except it's not a mystery in our house. It was my sister and she hit it when she swerved out of the way of an oncoming car (narrow country road). We'll keep acting like we are as clueless as everyone else though. + 26K Share ...
KelsieK09876 3y ago They just built a new Verizon in town, but someone started a rumor that it was also going to be a Panera Bread. Someone went as far as to mark it on Google Maps as a Panera, even though the building is clearly a single store with Verizon signage. + Share 21K ...
xXCr4zie_mofoXx . 3y ago The police chief had to step down and resign or else he would have been held on criminal charges because he would take what he would refer to as trophies from murder cases ie the murder weapons and keep them at his house and put them on his wall as trophies 69 Share ...


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