31 of the Most Bizarre Sandwiches Customers Have Custom Ordered

Though I’m not the food police, I do think there should be certain sanctions on what people are allowed to order from restaurants. Food-service employees shouldn’t be subjected to the culinary depravity of your twisted mind. For example, if you’re strolling into an establishment and ordering a “sandwich” consisting of “just condiments,” there should be some kind of watchlist that your name is placed atop. A Subway employee goes through enough on a daily basis; they shouldn’t have to experience the horrors of spreading every condiment between two slices of honey wheat bread, too.
To that end, tortured sandwich artists have weighed in on the most repulsive, questionable and disturbing sandwiches they’ve had to make, and I have questions for the woman who had the bread scooped out of a bagel and requested it be filled with mayonnaise.
We really need to get that watchlist started ASAP.