20 Times People Regretted Being Too Nice to Say ‘No’

‘I went on two gay dates’
20 Times People Regretted Being Too Nice to Say ‘No’

There comes a time in every person’s life when they curse their kindness. One Redditor understands this concept well, recalling the time her coworker, Dan, asked her to go see a band with him. She said that he seemed “weird, but nice enough,” and would’ve felt bad saying no. Dan informed her that his friends would be there too, so she agreed and met him at his house that evening. Unfortunately, Dan’s “friends” turned out to be a candlelit meal and bottle of wine, and the “band” was a CD he was playing in the living room. 

Obviously, she skedaddled right out of there, but that didn’t prevent Dan from telling all of their coworkers that she was his girlfriend now. She was known as “Dan’s girlfriend” for the next 18 months.

These are the cringey, regrettable tales Redditors shared when they remembered the times they were a little too nice, and some of these stories will make you never want to be kind again.

pyrophobiasbitch 11y ago I recently had a job interview, in which, as the HR person explained more about the position, I realized I really didn't want the job. I was moved on to the next step and instead of telling the HR person I was no longer interested, I had to shadow the managers of the store for 8 hours followed by an interview with the Area Directors. I was offered the position. I'm guessing at some point I should tell them I don't want to the job. + 2.1K ...
 11y ago e Constant computer work for the family. Like every one of them. I've gotten it cut down a lot but I still get a call every week or two. 18 ...
TheGreatJacob 11y ago I bought a country rap cd off of a guy in a gas station parking lot. When I came back out to my car, he asked me to play it in my radio, so I did. Next thing I know, he is telling me his life story and I end up spending $10 on a cd of the worst music I have ever heard. I still have that album as a reminder to that sometimes you need to say no. 25 ...
brushyourteeth2013 11y ago I was dating a Hispanic guy and his mom was very Catholic. I went to mass with them some Sundays and they had this thing going on where every week they would give this portrait of Mary to a new family. But this wasn't just any portrait, this portrait had magical powers. My ex boyfriend's family got it one week and whenever they would pass the portrait on, the families would sit together and talk about all the wonderful things that happened that week that the portrait caused. I'm not religious and I speak some spanish but
phantommunky 11y ago - stayed on the phone with a telemarketer for over an hour... + 81 ...
ziptie1 11y ago a misunderstanding between me and my roommate forced me into allowing a shady guy sleep on our couch. Why shady? Because we found out that he was selling coke out of our apartment, which we didn't know, until a SWAT team decided to tell us about it at 6 in the morning. All after yanking me out of bed at gunpoint.... I still get really anxious to this day when there are loud sounds outside of my apartment door, even though i don't have a reason to be nervous. + 297 ...
The_DOPEST_DOPE 11y ago A kind of unattractive girl who was more of an acquaintance than a friend (ugly friend of a really hot girl I liked at the time) had a crush on me and asked me out to her prom... On her birthday. I've never actually hung out with her one one let alone a conversation between just the two of us. I had to say yes because I couldn't ruin an innocent girl's birthday and I honestly had no problems with her. It ended up being a horrible time with her really awkward/weird friends and I couldn't wait
slendrman 11y ago Friend needed a roomate, rent was super expensive and I didn't really want to live with her, but she was desperate as she was locked into a lease. Agreed, wasted a ton of money, we fought a lot about dumb things, almost ruined the friendship. It was a nice condo though.... 189 ...
a2music 11y ago House 100% robbed, clothes, TV, everything, for trying to help my evicted friend after moving + 132 ...
Eternal_Reach 11y ago e Being the 3rd wheel whilst my friend wanted to spend time with his girlfriend. I think he was too shy to be alone with her. Was way too awkward for me and I could tell she was thinking why are you even here. 151 ...
ermatwerk 11y ago . I got a really horrible hair cut... twice. I knew most of the ladies at a particular salon did a good job but this one just butchered it. I came in and looked around, didn't see her so I assumed it was safe. Guess who walks out of the back room? + 680 ...
darkphoenix168 11y ago Edited 11y ago I now have Linux on my computer, don't know how to run it, and I have a word processing document without spell check. Edit: for a little more context, the hard drive on my computer died and I had to take it to my school's IT department. On the day (one of the many) I was supposed to get it back, the guy told me my windows licence was black-listed for some reason (really stupid as it was a legitimized copy) and he could install Linux at no extra charge. Instead of paying for
RatSalad_918 11y ago . I took the entry exam for the Army Reserves because I was too meek to tell the recruiter I wasn't interested. My experience that day made me even less interested. I learned from that an became a much more assertive person. + 750 ...
habituals 11y ago Two Jehovah's witnesses came by my house two yeats ago and wanted to come in and have a chat. Two years later, they call every week and stop by spontaneously at times. + 1.2K ...
HolySteph 1 11y ago . Edited 11y ago I inadvertently obtained a Mary Kay stalker from my workplace. I was new to the job and didn't want to upset a customer, so when she complimented my complexion and offered a consultation I gave her my phone number. It's nearly a year later and I'm still dodging at-home appointments with lame excuses. She'll go so far as to come to my workplace to ask why I haven't returned her calls.
UcanCallmeDragon 11y ago e I agreed to be a bridesmaid in a wedding for a girl I don't like. Terrible experience. I spent $1500 on the whole ordeal. 4 months after the wedding, they're getting divorced. Such a waste of time and money. + 1.3K ...
here_involuntarily 11y ago Edited 11y ago I worked with a guy called Dan, who would come talk to me on my lunch break and seemed weird but nice enough. Turned out we knew a lot of the same people. One day, he asked me to go see a band with him and his friends that I knew. I felt bad saying no, so I agreed and met him at his house the next evening. Turns out, the band was a cd in his dining room, and his friends were a candlelight meal and a fancy bottle of wine. Clearly tricked
Chainsaw_Cock 11y ago my extremely drunk friend wanted to follow these two girls to a party after the bar closed. They seemed really sketchy but he kept egging me on with Come on, where's your sense of adventure. I was sober and should have known better, but I let him talk me into it. It was somewhere between a punk rock house and a crack house. At least 8 people (ages roughly 18- 22) living in a tiny, horrendously dirty house with no running water or electricity, except an extension cord running from a neighbor's house that powered an amp.
areallydirtyword 11y ago Edited 11y ago Date auction. I was one of the guys being sold. I was the first one up and right as get on stage, the host asks in front of everyone: women only, or can men bid too? was too polite to say women only so I just said sure. Wound up being won by a guy. I'm a heterosexual male. As soon as the auction ends and I'm about to leave, another guy comes up to me and says that he wanted to bid on me but came after I was already purchased and asks
sharxattack 11y ago . My friend pretended that he couldn't text and drive and got me to sext his girlfriend for him... Spent two hours sexting for him, because he was too uncreative to think of anything that could turn a girl on. The last straw was when she sent a photo of herself naked. God, she was ugly.


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