30 Bone-Chilling Times People Knew They Had to Skedaddle

‘I was stalked by a panther’
30 Bone-Chilling Times People Knew They Had to Skedaddle

If you were walking down the street and a man carrying a baseball bat sidled up next to you while talking about how “weirdos come out at this time of night,” you’d assume he was about to murder you, right? What about if that guy then purposely dropped a $5 bill on the ground and tried to get you to pick it up? Yeah, you’d get the heck outta there. 

These are the kinds of skedaddle-worthy scenarios Redditors can’t believe they escaped, including a snake story that nightmares are made of.

Gyzonx 1y ago Oof, 3 days into college in a not so great area my new roommate and I wanted to go to the local humane society. We were followed by an older, bigger guy, for a good 10-12 blocks. I mean this dude was attempting to hide behind the trees that lined the city sidewalks whenever we stopped. Luckily we ran into a welcome group of probably 15 other kids from the school. Happened to be our RA running it and we told him what happened. We merged into the group and luckily nothing happened. We didn't get to
LiterallyRickTocchet - 1y ago Walking my dog (Aussie shep) and suddenly he's in full blown defend-his owner stance, barking and growling. It's pitch black out and I live on a wooded street in the boonies. A 500lb bear was 6 metres from us. Не got up, looked me in the eye, and then casually walked away. 269 Share ...
sideone 1y ago Mountain biking in winter, at night, in the woods. It's pitch black apart from our bike lights. We've stopped for some water etc and out of the darkness comes a man on foot. Не has no torch, so walking by what little moonlight is getting through the trees. He's carrying a large black sack over his shoulder. Не neither looks up nor acknowledges us, just walks straight past into the night. Noped right out of there. 290 Share ...
Scotty1210 1y ago I was at a high school party with some friends that started to get out of hand. The girl having the party called her older sister and her boyfriend to come and help her get everyone to leave. The boyfriend is a hell's angel with his whole face tattooed named Monster. We see him yelling at everyone to leave and are trying to get in my friend's car, but he cannot get it unlocked. Monster comes up to me and my friend and points a revolver right in our faces and tells us to get the fuck
moms_new_boyfriend 1y ago Edited 1y ago I once did a cross country road trip, and around dusk in Pennsylvania, I entered the small town of... Amityville. Every street seemed to hold a building that looked like a hotel or dorm, with rows and rows of windows with a single candle in each one. I legit thought I was going to die. My then-wife was in the passenger seat, asleep, and I just kept going until we escaped and never mentioned the creepy town until it was a hundred miles behind us. I later found out the Amityville from the movie
 1y ago I work as a private contractor. Was working an overnight security gig in the middle of a large South Texas ranch near the border. Me and my partner for the night had been patrolling for hours with nothing happening. Stopped for a few minutes to talk to each other and heard some cracking in the brush. Flipped down our nods and saw an IR light moving through the brush, then freeze and vanish. Obviously we couldn't leave the job site, so we sat in painful silence for hours, rifles on the brush line. Never saw or heard
Astoria_Column 1y ago I was stalked by a panther walking back to my friend's cabin at night. | knew if I ran it would chase me so I tried to pretend it wasn't there. It fucked off after a while but that was the worst feeling. Share 572 ...
GabrielXS 1y ago Once went urbexing in a storm drain on a nice summers day. We only intended to explore the first couple of hundred feet but kept going. After a while we could hear lots of water echoing in the distance and I noticed the water level was a little higher with a bit more flow. My mate tried to convince me it was was just a diverted river. I weren't having it though and made us head back pronto. Stupid us didn't count on a freak rain storm and managed to get out just as it got torrential.
 1y ago I was 19 and just finished my first year of college. I went to Mexico with my best friend for the first time. We got drunk almost everyday and would wander around (not the smartest thing to do). We made a random male friend that invited us back to his place to see his dog. We walked with him and got to the entrance of his place. Не opened his door which immediately led downstairs. It was dark and we couldn't see down the stairs. A dog came up covered in flees. I looked at my friend
SirGlenn 1y ago Ice fishing on a far north lake, not a big lake, but known for good fishing, we fished awhile, got nothing, then, a large loud crrrrraccckkkk and the ice split from one side of the lake to the other, get to shore ASAP! one side of the now two different giant slabs of ice began to sink an inch or so under the other half, water started running out on to the top of the ice, get to shore, gently, ASAP I yelled to my buddy, By the time we got to shore the one slab of
Auntikrist 1y ago We were tearing down an old outbuilding/office on my in- laws farm. We wanted to save as much of the lumber as we could to reuse in a chicken coop. So, we pulled a large piece of plywood off one of the walls and the insulation was crawling with hundreds of snakes. Said snakes immediately started exiting the wall towards us in a writhing horde. There are rattlesnakes on the property, we've seen them. I have never in my life noped like I noped at that moment. I pretty much teleported into the back of my fil's
Jolly-Perception-520 1y ago I was driving back from a trip with a friend and my kids (at the time 4 and maybe 3 month baby) my baby was screaming so I pulled into a gas station to change her and nurse her in the car. The store was very rural but maybe 10 cars still there, they were closing as I was feeding her. I stood up and laid her in my drivers seat to change her diaper when a pickup truck with 2 men pulled up behind me, they were talking to one another and smiling the nastiest, creepiest
EZkg 1y ago Best friend and I were heading down a mountain from scouting bighorn sheep a little before opening day for hunting season. It was already pretty close to a 20km day of hiking through the mountains. We were roughly a couple of kilometres from the truck, hiking along the bank of a dried riverbed when his dog stops dead in his tracks. We thought he heard a squirrel or something like normal, so we keep walking. In an absolute flash, a bear (must have been a black bear) gets up about 25 feet from us and BOLTS off
senanthic 1y ago When I was younger, I was on a road trip through rural Saskatchewan with my mother and aunt. They were driving home when they realized it was late, and they were exhausted. They pulled into a small town with a tiny motel, and this is where it got weird: the front desk INSISTED they had no rooms. No cars in the parking lot, no sounds in the motel, nothing. My aunt is the kind of person to whom no is a suggestion, so eventually we got a room to split. The whole motel was dead silent, but
Kid_Muscle_ . 1y ago Ventured deep into an abandoned mineshaft on a mountain side on the island of Tasmania. We got to a point deep in the tunnel that was covered with hundreds of massive orb weaver sliders and we started hearing echos of weird ass sounds, decided to turn back the . 4.2K Share ...
 1y ago A friend and I were exploring an abandoned factory in North Philadelphia about 8 years ago, and when we got to about the third floor...I discovered a booby trap in the stairwell. Basically it was a trip wire that swung an axe down from the ceiling. Right as that fully set in, we heard someone from up above shout YO! Time to go. I've never covered that much ground so fast. I think we were two or three blocks away before we realized we were riding each other's bikes. + Share 5.5K ...
shlable710 1y ago One time I was out in Colorado with some buddies hiking near the top of a mountain. Some bad weather started to roll in but the top was only 15 mins away so I went ahead while they went back down. As I was getting to the top I felt static in the air and the hair in my head started to stand up. I immediately started to panic cause I thought I was about to get struck by lightning so naturally I ran down without ever getting to the top. I'm not sure if I was
Comprehensive_Soil_1 1y ago Exploring a abandoned high rise, out of the blue my friend grabbed me by my collar from behind, I was about to step into a elevator shaft. After swearing at him what the fuck he said look and I saw the drop of like 20 floors to a concrete bottom with broken metal rods sticking out. We went home. Не saved my life 100% 13K Share ...
Starshapedsand 1y ago Possibly fighting a house fire, and realizing that I had very hot feet. Through concrete-soled boots? My officer and I immediately noped the fuck out. Hot feet mean you're standing above a fire. As fire burns upwards, it's weakening the floor beneath you. So we were about to plummet into a basement fire. 19K Share ...
androidis4lyf 1y ago Was walking from a local shopping mall to the train station so I could go home. The shortcut went through a huge long tunnel and was out of sight from the road, and wasn't used unless you knew the area. When I got to the tunnel I looked up and saw one guy standing right at the other end of the tunnel, in the middle, just looking in my direction. Like he was waiting. Every hair on my body stood on end, I felt like I needed to vomit and before I knew what I was doing
100aliens 3y ago A few years ago a group or friends and I went out clubbing. We went into this one bar, and the moment I stepped in the door I felt a sense of dread. Every cell in my body was telling me Get the hell out of there! so after about 20 minutes, I convinced my friends that something felt really wrong, so we left and went home. The next day there was a news story about the club. There had been a shooting on the street in front of it and the people who had committed the
jasonhackwith 1y ago Edited 1y ago I don't tell this story often but this seems like a good place. Back in college I used to drive up the Oregon coast on weekends, then just crash in my car when I got tired. I woke from a nap in the driver's seat and something just didn't feel quite right. It was just dusk and the light was fading pretty fast. I yawned and stretched and as I did so I turned my head to the side and just caught a face ducking down below my rear passenger window. I went to
pnomsen 3y ago The time I noticed a three men in a white truck following me. I thought I was being paranoid at first, until I pulled in to a gas station and then out the other side ... and they followed me. Even then, I was so used to being told I was overreacting that I didn't call the cops. I just kept driving - in the opposite direction from the town I lived in - until they got caught at a stop light. I quickly turned in to a neighborhood and took a bunch of random turns and drove around some more
Trav-Nasty 3y ago I was solo backpacking within Inyo National Forest, I had just set up camp and was walking beyond this lake and up above the tree line. After walking about a quarter mile up this meadow the hairs on my neck began to stick straight up, instant chills. Didn't know what reason but the gut reaction was enough for me to return to camp. Next morning on the way back to the car a Ranger asks me to be careful, Mountain Lion sightings in the area. I think I found out why my internal alarm went off. 1.7K
shaolinsoap 3y ago Riding my motorbike in the Himalayas, blind corner up ahead...sudden overwhelming sense that I had to get from the middle to the edge-side of the road...massive truck that was going way too fast came about six inches from taking me out. Totally would have pancakes me...further round the bend my riding buddy had stopped and was looking back with sheer terror on his face. 1.3K Share ...
knobdog 3y ago Walked past a parked car not too late at night walking home from the gym. Noticed people inside but didn't think too much of it. Got this crazy urge to run about 10 seconds later so I ran and then sat down and hid behind a car down a side street. The car screeched out of the carpark, down the street, down my side street and then these guys started yelling telling me to come out and that they're going to kill me. They slowly drove past me with their high beams on and then kept going
Business-Pomelo-28 3y ago Once i was driving my car and a semi was SOOO close behind me, it went on for a long time, and suddenly I got this feeling that something was about to happen and I pulled over. A few turns down the road the semi had complitely wrecked the car that was driving in front of me. 299 Share ...
SatoshiFlex 3y ago Edited 3y ago I was walking home in the early hours of the morning, a guy came up to me with a baseball bat and walked alongside me. Не started making weird conversation, about how 'weirdos come out at this time of night' Не drops a $5 bill on the ground and lowkey dares me to pick it up. I sped up and made my way away from him, but the vibe was undeniably creepy. I didn't pick up the money. 10K Share ...
lorealashblonde 3y ago Me and my friends were waiting for a bus when a group of guys came along. One asked us for a dollar (which we gave him) and then they just stayed to chat. They were perfectly nice, but all 3 of us had a really bad feeling. They asked us if we wanted to come to a party with them, we said oh no thanks, gotta get home. One week later, one of the guys was on the front page of the newspaper. Не had just been released from prison for stabbing someone, and had done it
is_this_the_place 1y ago Sleeping outside and a mountain lion screamed probably 30 feet away. My blood literally ran cold, I have never felt such pure terror before or since. Somehow ran to my car which was luckily only 10 feet away. Never saw the cat. This was in Oregon. Share 234 ...


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