34 Wild Pieces of Reddit Lore

‘We all hacked the Sears website 12 years ago’
34 Wild Pieces of Reddit Lore

Given that Reddit has been around since the early aughts, there’s plenty of lore for newcomers to familiarize themselves with. Sometimes, it’s just the story of a guy who trolled his girlfriend’s parents by insisting he didn’t know what a potato was. But other times, it’s something that starts off as a troll and ends up informative, like the time a guy peed on a pregnancy test as a joke, and it came up positive. Everyone had a laugh — until a med student in the comments told the OP that he should go to the doctor immediately, as that positive test was a sign of testicular cancer. It was caught and treated pretty quickly, all thanks to Reddit. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times the community came together, including moments of laughter, moments of tears and one moment that everyone regretted seeing the contents of a box.

slowshow_ 3y ago Something along the lines of a girl who thought her boyfriend was drugging her, then in the comments someone figured out it was bed bugs. + 197 ...
MightyMeerkat97 . 3y ago That guy who got really confused that a man was calling his boyfriend 'babe', not because he couldn't wrap his head around the idea of gay men, but because he thought they'd call each other something more manly and gay, like 'hotcock or something'. + 236 ...
Positive-Vase-Flower 3y ago Also there was this one TIFU post where I guy got his car stolen (somewhere in Australia IIRC). The thief then was involved in a heavy accident and everyone thought OP died in the car wreck. When he finally arrived at his home town he accidentally visited his own funeral. + 549 ...
Tidley_Wink . 2y ago Can't believe no one has said Magic the Gathering butt cracks. It was the all time top Reddit post for ages, until they changed the upvote counting system.
SPICYLEMONADE12345 e 2y ago e The guy who ordered a whole navel ship to turn a few degrees so the sun was out of his face while he sat down eating his breakfast 27 ...
jrbr549 2y ago Who remembers the guy that used his mom's dildo only to find out it was a mold of his dad's penis. 18 ...
thebearsandthebees 9y ago . Edited 9y ago e There was a user whose name was Roger I think. Не was always posting comments relevant to the post, but they always ended with his dad beating him with jumper cables.
 9y ago . Edited 9y ago e That soldier that got into a snowball fight with a bunch of Norwegian or Finnish kids while trying to get some sort of bacon hotdog thing.
prongslover77 . 6y ago Amazed know one is mentioning Jenny and her meeting up for kisses from r/relationships updates are a lot more regulated now because of that one! + 78 ...
srrn25 3y ago . Something sweet: When Reddit had pizzas delivered to a hospital for sick children after a mother stuck a note on the window. 10 Share ...
TaintDozer 3y ago e The guy who accidentally posted his relationship on a fantasy football threat instead of relationship advice and got the most wholesome response + 119 Share ...
Vctr1407 . 3y ago The guy that cut his dick off, fried it and ate it to save the world or some shit, think his user was u/useless or something along the lines of + Share 144 ...
rhgarton . 3y ago How is the guy who tried scat and immediately regretted it not on this list yet?
Clowed . 4mo ago The one about that one guy who broke into OP's house and shaved his balls while he slept. Reply Share 11 ...
DecisionThot 0 4mo ago The one where the guy got knocked out and lived an entire alternate life then snapped back into reality and pretty much lost his mind Share 13 Reply ...
Sir_Ramsalot e 6y ago . Edited 6y ago . The time a redditor thought his landlord was stalking him, but instead it turned out that he had a carbon monoxide leak
austinbucco 4mo ago I remember one where a guy took a picture of a camera or something and people asked how he took that picture, and then people kept asking that for every new picture he posted showing how he took each picture. 33 Reply Share ...
gregthefeg 6y ago . I don't know how to link threads on reddit mobile but the tifu threads where a husband ate too many edibles before going out to dinner with his wife and in-laws and the one where a husband tried to throw a steak out the window while having dinner with his wife and her boss. Those two always crack me up + 917 ...
Nerditter E 4mo ago G The guy who was super-introverted and on-the- spectrum, whose gf insisted that he try to talk dirty to her in bed. 51 Reply Share ...
TheFoxMaster00 4y ago e Someone rickrolled Rick Ashley himself, Greatest day in history + 4.4K ...
HeisenbergTheory e 4y ago EA's (most downvoted) comment (ever?) defending micro-transactions in Starwars Battlefront 2 902 ...
SanityPills 4y ago e The r/AskReddit thread What movie helped you through a rough time? where every answer was Paul Blart: Mall Cop. 5.4K ...
Fates_the_Great 3y ago e Edited 3y ago Not sure if I remember this correctly since I was still new to reddit at the time of reading but: This guy that kept some cum box, forgot about it and let it fester in his closet for months, then posted a picture of when he finally rediscovered the abomination.
dancingbanana123 3y ago . The lady that owned a wedding cake store and secretly only used boxed cake mix from the grocery in all her cakes. IIRC she said she hated making cakes, but loved decorating them and everyone seemed to like the cakes anyway. She still updates the post last I checked. + 34K Share ...
Suedeonquaaludes 3y ago I m disappointed that no one mentioned the really big sub sandwich story. It was an AITA post about a guy who brought a very large sub to a party (wedding?) or some shit, ate the whole thing, everyone went tf off on him. It was one of my favorites, but I just searched for it and couldn't find it :( + 17K Share ...
TimeTravelMishap . 3y ago Kevin. The guy who pretended he didn't know what a potato was. + Share 18K ...
Hatamaru . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Guy took an incredible amount of edibles and wrote a post just before a long flight. The whole r/trees community was very worried.
RoyallyEffed08 3y ago Banana for scale started here. The post was some kid who found a secret room in his bedroom and didn't have anything to measure the size of the secret door except a banana. I don't even remember how long ago that was. I don't know if I could ever find that post. 3.3K Share ...
sparkplugg19888 3y ago There was that fun time we all hacked the Sears website like 12 years ago and it NEVER comes up in these threads. Basically, gfixler discovered you could visit a sears webpage with a url such as: sears.com/outdoors/outdoorappliances/chainsaws And edit to say: Sears.com/cannibalsupplies/quickwaystokillbabies and the web address change would appear that way INSIDE the page. So we all started doing it, screenshotting it, sharing it, and giggling. Then someone noticed the programming on the website was so bad that what we were doing changed the code for EVERYONE. So then Reddit did it A LOT more and
RFLC1996 e 3y ago The time James Cordon did a Reddit AMA and just got blasted in the comments for literal hours. + 11K Share ...
TimeMachineToaster . 3y ago . Edited Зу ago e When a Redditor asked for help because the language on their screen changed to Spanish. And everyone replied to it in Spanish.
beer_is_tasty 3y ago The one that always stuck with me is the guy who peed on a pregnancy test as a joke, and it came out positive so he posted the picture to r/funny or something similar. Amongst all the tomfoolery in the comments, a med student pipes up saying that OP should go see their doctor immediately. Turns out that the hormone that pregnancy tests detect, when produced by males, is a symptom of testicular cancer. IIRC the guy ended up catching it super early because of the thread and getting it removed before it became a problem. +
iWatchedThis 3y ago e 00 The guy who got drunk and did an AMA asking himself his own questions in the comments then answering them himself + 11K Share ...
ghhostgiirl . 3y ago The one post on r/relationship_advice where a man posted about him and his wife living in a new house and he wasn't allowed upstairs, then he stopped replying to his post. Speaking of which, did he ever update it? + 47 ...


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