31 Times People Were Proud to Be Internet Trolls

‘Thousands of people got rickrolled that day’
31 Times People Were Proud to Be Internet Trolls

Anyone who spends enough time on the internet will develop a shitposter’s mentality. These irony-poisoned minds are the ones responsible for trolling large amounts of people who likely engage in activities like “getting fresh air” and “touching grass.” Just ask the one Redditor whose brain became sick at the tender age of 14, when they would log into two Club Penguin accounts and make them argue with each other for long enough that other penguins would join in. They said that the arguments would “last for hours,” and that this was “especially entertaining during the 2008 election,” which certainly leaves us with a lot of questions. 

That’s the mentality many Redditors remember having during their proudest troll moments — including one guy who shut down a website for an entire week. He’s clearly an expert in the field.

 6y ago A few years ago, some smaller basketball school tried to take our legendary awesome coach.. So instead of getting butt hurt about it, we made fake accounts on their forum and kept feeding them fake insider info about how our coach had already accepted the deal and it was a done deal. We got really involved... with fake flight #'s, to house buying sightings, secret meetings.. etc... After all the smoke cleared, Не never even considered the position... 27 ...
 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Convinced a bunch of people that I got some lady from an AMA's double-vagina tattooed on myself. Caused a big debate about whether or not it was fake, even went to r/karmacourt. Got enough gold to last me through the year. 34 ...
Hypnoticah 6y ago Back in the myspace days they had these groups you could join. My school had one. I wasn't especially popular so I didn't really have people from school on my myspace, just people I knew online and I really didn't like having my picture associated with any of my accounts so my profile picture was of Harley Quinn. So I would go on to my school's myspace group with an account named Harley Quinn, to match my profile picture, and just troll all the various people from my school and start arguments and call them out on
jerrybobjoe 6y ago During freshman year of high school my and a very close friend of mine decided to post of Facebook reminding everyone about pajama day at school the next day, eventually a lot of students started sharing and posting on Facebook confirming if it was pajama day or not, even to the point where the class officers weren't so sure either. The next day half of the student body wore pajamas and administration lost their shit. My friend and I deleted our original posts, and administration couldn't figure out who started the rumor. It was glorious. 47 ...
bigtimesauce 6y ago | pissed off the phish subreddit, got like 100 bitchy replies when I asked how they kept listening to the sonic equivalent of a bottle of scotch and a handful of Valium. 36 ...
salizarn 6y ago Not me, but one of my (American) friends is a world class troll. Не told me he went onto a Youtube video relating to an election in Alabama a few years back and commented something like Americans! This is not your country! Stay out of Albanian politics! Then went to sleep. Не said he had 500+ notifications, mostly people saying fuck you, you commie but also plenty of people saying hey leave him alone- he made a mistake! English isn't his first language! Then those people started arguing with each other and so on. 164 ...
montydey 6y ago On Twitch they do reruns of esports stuff on the different and (to my knowledge) I was the first person to start the is this live? trend. Basically, it says RERUN OF insert tournament here in the title of the stream so you know it is a rerun. I went in and started asking if they were live tournaments and people get pissed. Its possible someone did it before me, but I never saw it. 137 ...
laynestaleyscorpse 6y ago caused oklahoma's baptist messenger website to be shut down for a week. faked the deaths of lots of famous people. had a bunch of people in okc believing a major snowstorm was moving in. had an incel believing i was a 16 year old who wanted to fuck him so he drove all the way from kansas city to okc only to find the address was for a police substation. 135 ...
 6y ago Whenever I was mad at someone, I would always just piss the player or user off into the point where they stop screaming at you in all caps, but just saying things like plz. stop. youve been doing this for like 10 mins. Now other people join in on the argument and take your side or the other person's side and now you have an argument that has spiraled into slurs that spawned from me entering somebody else's house on ROBLOX when they forgot to lock their front door. 82 ...
Beezer35 6y ago While playing Lord of the Rings online, somebody mentioned how hot it was in their area. I said blame Trump for that, trying to be funny, which led to an hour long bitch fest and some people getting chat muted or whatever. After that had died down (I stayed quiet after that initial comment), I made some out of nowhere comment about gun control, which turned into another bit of arguments. The funniest part of it was getting a pm from some random person who saw what I did and was enjoying it just as much as
monkeyinalamborghini 6y ago One time I did a large amount of adhd medication and spammed a comment section with pictures of the leprechaun for 8 hours. 570 ...
Phlydude 6y ago 00 When web sites had easy to view and modify html code, I made a fake web site mimicking Reuter's and told a bunch of people on a cruise forum that the ship they were all planning to travel on was damaged in a pier collision and was going to be in dry dock for a minimum of 4 months. The cruise line got overwhelmed with calls with people calling to cancel their cruises on this ship. It was all an April fools joke that people took too seriously not realizing what day it was. 563 ...
Knightified - 6y ago Got tons of people banned on  because it autobanned anyone who said a certain phrase. Ask a simple question that has that phrase as an answer... well you can imagine what happened. 443 ...
Awesomeness577 9y ago A friend I met through Xbox Live told me he once convinced a kid that there was a creature in Halo 3: ODST called the Easter Marsupial. Не explained that killing this creature would grant you Recon armor in Halo 3 multiplayer, but that it only appeared on Easter. Не ran around with this kid in the campaign giving him fake clues and then killing himself to really convince this poor kid. If you even mention Easter Marsupial he leaves the party, and it's glorious. 863 ...
Desseux 8y ago I tricked whole of reddit into believing I was a national geographic photograper doing an ama. It ended up on front page. 907 ...
sirgog 6y ago e Edited 6y ago So this was a harmless joke but a good one. I went to Carly Simon's song You're So Vein and commented Her best song since Call Me Maybe on a troll account. The original artist herself clarified that no, that was a different Carly. There was a huge number of comments varying between calling me an idiot, a masterful troll, and other things.
AmJusAskin 6y ago Some on reddit didn't like a joke I made and proceeded to go through my history, he downvoted and commented on a load of stuff - it was annoying. It was pretty easy to find his personal info online so I called him by if first name in a reply to one of his many comments to me. Не changed his tune pretty quickly. Wanted to know how I worked it out etc. I told him it was a bad idea to harass people form an account so easily linked to his real identidy. Не then deleted his reddit
FanFuckingFaptastic в 8y ago I convinced a roommate that microsft was coming after him for piracy and that he needed to go down to the court house to meet their lawyer for a settlement. 350 ...
TmickyD e 8y ago e Edited 8y ago I said that r/rickroll was a sad sub to visit. Except I actually hid a rickroll in the sub link. Thousands of people got rickrolled that day. Feels good man.
 6y ago Edited 6y ago So there's this guy on YouTube who does gun guides for COD by the name of Xbox Ahoy (now just Ahoy). Не did a video on the MP5 across all video games and in the thumbnail, included the colours of the German flag as it's a German made weapon. I commented 'I like how he puts the colours of the flag in the thumbnail' - spelt with a 'u' because I'm British. Someone corrected me with the American spelling and that caused a whole shitshow over how to spell 'colour' Imao. + 1.6K ...
Narwhalman02 6y ago One time I caused a war on a Garry's Mod server. I gave a few people some guns, and said the gamers will rise up. We went around the server and shot anyone who tried to stop us. Everyone did agree accept for this group of edgelords. Eventually it was the entire server against this group, and the entire server was launched into chaos. All because I shot a guy and said Gamers rise up. + 3.3K ...
Rally5177 6y ago Back when I was around 12 years and roblox wasn't that big. So I was in this Germany nation group (basically a robloxian group where you can role play as being a citizen of Germany) which had like 10k members. I had a pretty high rank in the group. There was tensions between Germany and another Italian group but things were settling down. I eventually decide to go to the Italian's place and begin killing everyone. I started a full scale war which lasted for around 2 months. Would do it again. + 7K ...
Carbsv2 6y ago Was a member of a forum targeted at residents of my town. 1st time, wrote a ambiguously worded post about when is it okay to cheat. It was fairly long, and it wasnt clear until the last couple sentences i meant cheating at monopoly. Pages of hate until someone finally read it all before posting. 2nd time, made a seemingly racist post about not wanting my beautiful black kids playing with a dirty white kid. I then posted a picture of two black baby goats. Once again, pages of hate until someone finally read it all. +
AgentOrange96 6y ago Edited 6y ago There was a fire drill in the dorm next to mine. This was by far the biggest dorm on campus. (12 stories I think) While everyone was outside, I made multiple posts to Yik Yak about how the sprinklers went off. I did so in varying styles and left comments on my own posts. (This was before Yak marked different users, so you could act like multiple people.) Soon other posts were going up pissed about it and threatening to sue whoever set the sprinklers off/the school. It was pretty amazing. Honorable mention: I
angkoror 6y ago One time my friend and I posted a lengthy post on The Walking Dead subreddit about how Judith doesn't contribute to the group and doesn't deserve to survive if she doesn't help more. For anyone who doesn't watch, Judith is an infant and was born during the zombie apocalypse. People were RIPSHIT and stating the obvious again and again like... WTF ITS A BABY SHE SHOULDNT HAVE TO WORK SHES AN INFANT. I'm still cackling. + 11K ...
DrDisastor 6y ago I once commented on a neighborhood facebook page on which someone named Jose was flexing his salary and pickup truck. All I said was, No way jose and it collapsed into racists death threats that got 25 users banned, the group admin quit and the cops called. Thats a lame joke for such good results. 20K ...
RonSwansonsOldMan . 6y ago I questioned whether or not The Wizard of Oz was a musical and someone created an entire subreddit to discuss it (and make fun of me). 9.3K ...
 6y ago When I was an edgy little 14 year old I'd put my dad's laptop beside the family computer, log into different Club Penguin accounts on each one, and have my two penguins stand on opposite sides of a room having an argument with each other. Gradually, other penguins would join in. Eventually I could leave the room, play some games, and come back to find the argument still in full swing without either instigating penguin. This was especially entertaining during the 2008 presidential election. 21K ...
redditaccount33 6y ago I made a website called twotowersprotest.org which protested the movie the two towers saying that it was disrespectful to the victims of the twin towers collapse. That generated 1 million views and thousands of angry emails as well as interview requests from many reputable news outlets. It's amazing how gullible people on the internet are. 1.4K ...
 6y ago Edited 6y ago Before Star Wars Episode III came out, I posted some BS spoilers on TheForce.net message boards. I found some German magazine site online article about the movie, linked to it, and made claims about battle scenes on Kashyyyk, a scene with Chewie delivering babies, etc. I got on IMDB and looked up the name of some production director for Episode II and said he was the guy who provided the magazine with the info, as well as Peter Mayhew himself. I guess nobody on that site actually read German, so everyone just believed my
 6y ago There a was a chicks that got fat after high school thread on a forum I used to visit. So I searched something like fat woman on google. Some girl that looked very much like a fatter version of my friend came up. Went on FB, stole a pic, posted the two together. Some time later, buzzfeed or whoever stole the pics and made an article. Some friends see it, and post it to her FB. Now she lives in infamy as the friend that got fat after HS. No one was surprised when I let them


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