35 Situations Where Being Nice Went Very Wrong

‘Hey, there’s a bug on your face!’
35 Situations Where Being Nice Went Very Wrong

Certain situations warrant an exaggerated, cartoonish “whomp whomp whommmmmp” trumpet sound — like one unforgettable situation a Redditor found himself in. His friend mentioned that his grandma was probably dying, and said he’d be out of town for a few days without cell reception. Not wanting to be late with offering sympathy, our dear Redditor told him, “Condolences in advance.” Which, you know. 

On that note, whether it was a compliment gone wrong, a simple mix-up or a gesture that completely backfired, these Redditors will never forget when attempts at kindness fell a little flat. And now, neither will we.

zhongweibin 6y ago . I once told a girl they had a piece of spinach in their teeth and she told me I was the rudest person she ever met and that you just don't do that kind of stuff. She also told me I was a jerk for even trying to point it out. So now I just keep it to myself. 3 ...
leajeffro 5y ago в I recently gave a homeless man money and he stole my new iPhone 5 ...
 3y ago I offered to help an elderly woman with her groceries. She must have been in her 70s. She lived in an upstairs apartment. All she had to do was say no thanks but she completely lost it. She was accusing me of trying to rob her and she screamed it so loud that everyone outside heard. Completely embarrassing. If you saw me the last thing you would think is that I would do something like that. Thats what I get for being considerate and kind I guess lol + 10 ...
Used_Ad_7729 3y ago - I was at work. Homeless guy asked me for money for something cold to drink (it was outside, summer in Texas) and when I got him ice cold water bottles from our cooler he yelled at me because he meant money for beer. 7 ...
ZePlagueDoctor91 . 3y ago o Let a girl borrow my phone one night in the town, so she could call her friend. That phone was never returned to me. 5 ...
Gunzher 12y ago I worked in retail and saw a man walk into the women's dressing room. I said sir please get out of the women's dressing room. Right as I said that last word I realized it was a large women (possibly butch idk). She turned around viciously and yelled with uhmm what? I then quickly ran away and hid in the back of the store until the customer left. 5 ...
the_starlight_girl 2y ago . during my first year of university i was approached by a guy on a different course at the train station saying he didn't know his way to campus, i gave him directions and when he said he still didn't understand i walked with him to campus...he ended up stalking me for the 3 years of my degree + 5 ...
CarlSpencer 5y ago I'm an amateur artist and last year I painted a birthday card for a co-worker who is an amazing mentor to our entire department (40+ people). A week later I was bitched out by my supervisor because I hadn't made HER a birthday card, too, even though her birthday was a month before the first woman's birthday and no one even knew that it had been our supe's birthday BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. 3 ...
olganair 12y ago . Insisted for 30 minutes that a girl had dirt on her nose. She kept telling me it was her freckles. Let's just say I should have believed her the first time. Felt like such a huge bitch. That was the first time I met her too. + 6 ...
Pied_piper_of_Canada 5y ago When I was in High school I passed a house with a little puppy out front. After a few mins I feel something run into the back of my legs and it was the puppy. So I picked it up, and brought it back to the house and said  excuse me, your dog was following me down the road. Here he is. And handed him back to her and she goes  Do you make a habit of walking onto people's property without permission? Because I walked up her drive way to give her the dog back. Absolute bitch. 14
Churro_bandit 12y ago e I was in a drive thru at dairy queen making an order to a very masculine voice on the other end. When I finished I said thank you sir before pulling to the window to see a woman in clear embarrassment handing me my shake. 10 ...
vicious_pandas 12y ago . It wasn't really meant to be a compliment, but it wasn't meant to be mean. I told one of my grade school acquaintances I never noticed her freckles...they weren't freckles. She had a face full of pimples. I felt so bad. 12 ...
bored-now 12y ago I stopped by a co-workers desk one day and asked if she was feeling okay. Her lips were swollen and her face appeared all tight. I asked if maybe she had a shellfish allergy, and offered her some benedryl that I kept in my desk drawer (for the specific purpose of my shellfish allergy). She looked at me, all innocence, and said I just got botox done, what do you think? Don't I look good? I felt bad because she was, naturally, a very pretty girl and didn't need to have her lips pumped, and whatever else
Georgeisthecoolest 5y ago I was returning a pair of earrings I'd bought for my wife. I'd ordered them online but was returning to the store. The young lady started dealing with my refund without objection but was about to refund me more than I'd paid (something like the full price instead of the sale price I think) so I corrected her. This led to the system being confused beyond her abilities so she had to fetch a higher-up. This lady flat-out refused any form of refund as apparently they don't refund for earrings (which I'd never heard of before this
 5y ago . A lady with a cane and I were crossing a busy intersection during a rainstorm. I offered to cover her with part of my umbrella so she didn't get soaked. Instead, she grabbed the umbrella and walked away with it - cane in one hand and umbrella in the other.
antifascistcuzyeah . 12y ago On my way back from soccer practice one evening I was piling up my cents to buy myself a soda. It was snowing and I saw a bundled up black man with a cup kind of shaking it in the middle of the street. I decided I would give him the money I was gonna use to buy the soda. As I put the coins in the cup I looked at the mans face and he looked horrified. I walked away and heard the coins hit the floor and then realized he was throwing salt on
 12y ago I am an event photographer for fraternities and sororities, and I was at this party (my first party) where there was some hazing going on (guys dressed up in Barney costumes getting hit in the head, guys wearing ass-less chaps, their asses were torn apart). I see this one guy with no eyebrows, completely bald head and I say something to one of the fraternity brothers about him, and how it's so mean that they would make him do that. Не tells me, Не has cancer, with this really disgusted look on his face. I ran away
ColonolCool 12y ago e I wrote in my cool 8th grade Lang. Arts teacher's yearbook I'm sure all these lessons on plot analysis will come in handy during a zombie apocalypse. I meant that to be joking and funny, only recently did I realize how that actually sounds and I feel awful. + 21 ...
Nautilis 12y ago It was my second day working at an amusement park when a girl in a wheelchair came through my line. The ride I was working has a height restriction of 48. Naturally my first reaction was miss, you'll need to stand up so I can make sure you meet the height requirement. Later on, her sandal hit me in the face as she was going around the ride. She said it was an accident. 30 ...
AgentUmlaut 12y ago I was trying to cheer up my then girlfriend who just got a parking ticket just as she was walking to her car. My girlfriend texted me saying this meter maid was such an asshole with this ticket. I then replied she should shove it up her ass. I then realized that I sent that text to my girlfriend's mother who just texted me asking to pick up a bottle of wine for my girlfriend's grandma's birthday dinner. Her mom texts me and says, don't say that about my mother! You little shit! I then get a
 12y ago Edited 12y ago i was at a halloween party once and some guy went as twoface. one side of his face had a swollen lip that was drooping down and scars and i thought WOW excellent make-up and went and told the guy what a great costume. i saw the guy two days later, it wasn't make up on his face. + 1.1K ...
no_talent_ass_clown 12y ago Edited 12y ago When I was maybe 7 years old I went to play at a friend's house. I tried out a new accent and said, 'This is a nice lil' ole' house you have here.' The next time I went over, despite my best, seven-year- old efforts to explain, her mother told me my friend was off limits because I had called her house both 'little' and 'old'. The unfairness still rankles, several decades later.
sesamestreetwise 12y ago I was spending some time with my family, and my older sister was there with her boyfriend (who is Mexican). My dad likes to call my boyfriend Bob Dylan because he thinks that he looks like him, and he called over my boyfriend and my sister's by yelling C'mon, Bob and Chavez. I thought that my dad was just using any random Mexican-sounding last name to call my sister's boyfriend as a joke (he makes racist jokes sometimes) and I said that that was pretty tasteless. Everyone looked confused, and my sister's boyfriend started laughing and said
twiggyfoot1 12y ago Not mine but a rabbi i know. She was attending the funeral of someone in the community, going around the room speaking to the attendees. The deceased was a young girl in her 20s. Amongst the people who were there was a husband and wife whose college age daughter had just won a big scholarship to somesuch top ranked school. The rabbi approaches the parents and gives them a mazel tov on the news of their daughter. It was the parents of the dead girl....cringe... She still tells this story to people she is counselling sometimes. She
spidysweb87 12y ago I was at a Walmart and the Saturday Night Fever song came on over the loud speaker, I then see a Walmart employee from just the head up over some dividers strutting like John travolta. I laughed and started to do the same thing. The divider ended and the guy had a gimp leg and walks like that. I felt likes horrible person as I strutted away. 45 ...
Duggur 12y ago A friend once told me his grandma was probably dying, so he would be out of town for a few days without any cell reseption. I thought it would be a nice gesture to say condolances in advance. Eh. 1.1K ...
meatpit 12y ago I was waiting at the bar for my boyfriend to finish up work and a couple sits next to me. The girl was making this annoyed face kind of like this il I was just trying to make conversation, and it had been a long day so I said I know how you feel and made the same face. Then I realize she had Bell's Palsy. + 1.1K ...
teenygoblin27 5y ago This girl who used to work with me asked me for a ride home after work, me being the nice person I am I'm like yeah of course, no problem it's 15 min in the opposite direction of my way home from work but it's fine, I'm doing someone a favor... She then tells me hey, you can drop me off right at this corner coming up, I can really walk the rest of the way so I'm like are you sure sure?? It's no problem to drive you all the way home she proceeds to tell
 12y ago . About a week ago I was at a party and this girl I met had a large, protruding mole sticking off of her upper lip. I told her, hey there's a bug on your face! and tried to brush it off. Realizing it was a mole, I apologized profusely but surprisingly she found it hilarious + 1.1K ...
xSleyah 12y ago In school during Spirit Week we had different themed dress days. On Tacky Day my friend showed up in these loud purple jeans tucked into bright pink boots with hearts on them. I said Oh, I thought you said you weren't doing Tacky Day! She wasn't. + 1.3K ...
 12y ago e A family friend's wife had just died and we were at the funeral and a group of us decided to go to red robin's after with the widower. The waitress thought it was his birthday and brought out a little cake... + 51 ...
yuppitsalex 12y ago In high school I worked at a place that had bowling, laser tag, arcades, etc. and in the arcade part we had this virtual reality ride that I just so happened to be scheduled at on the day this story takes place. Anyway - people got on, the ride finishes, and I go to let them out. I start to walk them to the exit, but trip as I'm opening up the gate and it flies open; almost hitting the guy standing directly beside it. I'm looking down at the floor at this point, picking myself up when I
njh219 12y ago I complimented a friends brother on his photo- bombing face at a Christmas party. Turns out he was autistic and he wasn't making a face. My soul hurt after that one. + 1.5K ...
 12y ago Oh god. Once when I was a hostess at a chain restaurant, I sat this family at a booth. I pretty much always tried to sit people at booths, because if you sat them at a table they would complain and ask for a booth anyways. So the family just stands there, and finally the obese mother turns to me and says I can't fit in this booth. We'd like a table, please. Afterwards one of my coworkers kindly pulled me aside and explained that we always sit obese people at tables unless they specifically ask for
tu-BROOKE-ulosis 12y ago I once was hosting at a restaurant and saw a kid walk in out of the corner of my eye. I tried to accomodate the kid and her parent by asking if I could get crayons and a coloring book out for her daughter. Upon second glance I realized it was a midget. Not my finest hour. + 2.4K ...


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