25 Random Acts of Kindness That Backfired Horribly

‘I did laundry for my wife and ruined $300 worth of clothes’
25 Random Acts of Kindness That Backfired Horribly

Random acts of kindness can unleash a level of chaos you never knew possible. For instance, one Redditor gave a homeless man $5, causing other people in need to “melt out of the scenery” and begin asking for money, too. When the Redditor explained he didn’t have money to give to everyone, the group stabbed the guy who received $5 and took his money. Another Redditor found a lost dog, took it home and called the phone number on its tags. The owner answered and accused her of stealing the dog, which led to a verbal altercation when she returned the dog to him. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times their random acts of kindness blew up in their faces, and it would be understandable if they took a break from doing good deeds entirely. 

the_mooses 12y ago I was standing outside the bar and heard a woman crying in the parking lot. I walked over towards her and asked if she was ok. Some drunk asshole who was about 60 (I'm 22) came over and told me to leave her alone. I said I was just asking her if she was ok and he punched me in the head. I basically asked him what the fuck was his problem and walked away. 1K ...
pizza143 12y ago I was a 3rd grade teacher a couple years ago. My class went on a field trip to the DC Zoo. I split up my class into groups of 4-5 to go around with each chaperon and I gave myself a group as well. It was hot and I only had 5 kids with me, so I offered to get them frozen ices at like $5/each. One student got blue took a bite and told me he wanted red instead. I told him sorry that I didn't have money to throw around like that and to try
whistledick 12y ago I flagged someone down on the highway who was driving with a flat tire. We both pulled over and they explained they didn't have a spare. I offered to drive them to the closest convenience store and back for a can of fix-a-flat. Not only did they ride in my car silently, offering no thanks, but they also stole my wallet out of my console when I wasn't looking. + 2.2K ...
 12y ago Was walking in the park on a really hot day and there were a bunch of kids fighting over two freezies (Mr. Freeze, ice pops, whatever your region calls them). Now, these things are like 30 cents so naturally I buy like 20 and go back and hand them all out. The kids are really excited. As I'm walking off, I turn to see an adult collecting the freezies back while looking at me. I kept walking, being all Oh well, her problem. Two cop cars tracked me down and questioned me for 3 hours. :( +
kevocitonakis 6y ago One of my coworkers was struggling with working live sound. His show was about to be a wreck so I decided to show him and walk him through every step I do. Showed him multiple methods to get solid sound. Не of course takes all the credit, the managers see how good it sounded and give him a raise. Now he parades around and acts like a dick. 55 ...
Zacky505 6y ago Not me, but a friend of mine was walking down a street with coffee from Jollibee (local fast food chain) in hand. Не passes by a beggar sitting on the floor who asks for food/drinks, he hands the coffee over and as soon as the beggar could see where the coffee was from based on the cup, he pushes my friend's hand aside spilling some hot coffee and then mumbles something to the effect of I wanted Starbucks, not THAT trash. Yeah, okay I guess starving is a better alternative. 36 ...
Dangerfolf 6y ago Giving what I thought was a homeless guy twenty bucks, only for my mom to see the exact same guy at a different Walmart a good 20 miles from where I met him. Turns out he's been scamming people for years. + 147 ...
 12y ago Woman dropped her wallet in front of me while walking down Broad in Philly. Cought up to her to return it and got accused of not only taking her wallet, but taking the money that was supposedly in it. It was a good day. + 1.9K ...
dendaddy 12y ago My wife donated a kidney to a stranger,all bills where supposed to be taken care of by the recipient. We have been told that their insurance didn't pay enough and a collection agency is after us for $10,000. This started 9 months ago. 371 ...
000-000-000yea 6y ago We were on vacation playing Risk and dominating. Decided to let our brother win a game, to thank us he gloated to us how he was better at Risk than us the whole 7 hour drive back from Tennessee. Of course he would never let us play him again + 220 ...
lolprynce 6y ago went to a local walmart with my friend and a man approached us asking for money. I asked why, he said to buy socks. I was skeptical, so I offered to purchase them for him instead if he waited (he didn't want to come inside with us for some reason). bought some really nice socks but we couldn't find him once we got to the parking lot. rip + 118 ...
CelestialRune 6y ago Tried to help a drunk girl up off the floor and she bit me really hard instead. She broke the skin on my arm and I was on antibiotics after that, had a scar for a while but it has since gone away. Human bites hurt. 531 ...
RonDreezy 6y ago Gave a coupon to a lady, she then harasses a coworker into giving her friend the same coupon. Never again + 216 ...
usuallycrying e 6y ago I live in Vegas and once saw a homeless man asking for change at a traffic light. I didn't have any cash on me, but did have a few cold gallons of water from the store. I offered him one, he grabbed it, opened the top and poured it on the ground, saying FUCK YOU BITCH. You're welcome, pal!! 227 ...
anarchyreigns 13y ago I took a lost dog home and called the number on his tags. The owner accused me of stealing his dog. When I returned it to him - he was working as a security guard at a local business not far from where I had found the dog wandering alone - we had a fight and I told him he could Fuck Off. Не said, What did you say? so I repeated at the top of my lungs, I said you can FUCK OFF! and I cried all the way home. + 268 ...
 6y ago In middle school, the new kid was being openly bullied by our psychopathic study hall monitor. Не was almost in tears by the end of it. I passed him a note saying she does that to everyone, don't take it personally. Не immediately stood up, walked up to her desk, and handed her the note. Turned around and pointed right at me. Okay, fuckstick; don't be my friend. + 2.7K ...
MaverickF14 6y ago Went around leaving $5 bills in peoples shopping carts around Christmas. One person saw me do it to another, and looked in his cart and found one left for him. Не picked it up, looked at me, and tore it in half. What a bitch. + 1.9K ...
ImAJabroniUrAJabroni 13y ago A few years ago my dad was mowing our lawn and our neighbor offered him his riding mower for the day. We have a decent sized yard so it probably would have taken a third the time, but my dad kindly said no thanks and continued on. The neighbor insisted again and again so eventually my dad gave in. The lawn mower ended up breaking and the guy made us pay to get it fixed which ended up being several hundred dollars. Obviously, since my dad was the one operating it when it broke he gave the
SirLurkselot 12y ago Guy walks up to me while I'm pumping gas and says he's stranded and needs money for the bus. I give him $2 Не walks inside the gas station and buys some Mentos (candy). We make eye contact when he leaves. His smirk is engrained in my memory. 1.2K ...
Meth_Useler 13y ago Edited 13y ago Gave a one-eyed homeless guy $5. Other homeless guys melted out of the scenery from all around like feral cats looking for a handout. I didn't give out any more money as I figured this was a bad idea. So they stabbed the one-eyed guy and took his $5. Не died. I was working as a news camera guy at the time, doing standups with a female reporter for a morning show. Our live hits became more and more interesting as the situation developed. EDIT: To be clear, the guy was stabbed down the
NeilFraser 13y ago On Reddit there was an article about an 18 year old kid who was sitting in jail for seven months without trial for video taping the cops. I stepped up and bailed him out. The DA and the LAPD were seriously pissed at the world-wide publicity this generated. They then went for double-or-nothing, looking for something (anything) to convict him with. They executed a dawn raid, holding him, his family and his neighbours at gunpoint for several hours while they ransacked the house confiscating all phones, computers and correspondence. They continue to periodically park a cop right
 13y ago Twice while at work (as a waitress) I've have people try to help me by removing a glass unexpectedly from the tray I was carrying holding the table's entire drink order. Both times it threw off my balance so bad the entire tray upeneded all over me and the floor, shattering the glasses. The second time it happened the guy actually said Aww you dropped it anyways as if his interference had nothing to do with it. Note: I'm a relatively small girl so people often assume I can't handle the weight of the trays. + 436
 13y ago About a month ago my car overheated on the highway. I pulled over, and couldn't get it to start again but didn't have enough money for a tow truck. A guy stopped to help me, claiming he was a mechanic an offered to tow my car back to my apartment on his truck. I was skeptical but we were close to my place and I didn't really have any other options. Не tied up my car to his truck, and I was inside my car to steer it. Well, this guy sped up as soon as we
danisaacs 13y ago I did laundry for my wife one time, and just put her stuff in the dryer. Ruined ~$300 of clothes. On the plus side, she never complains about me not doing laundry anymore. + 184 ...
plaugerat1888 12y ago Offered to make a friend a dress for her grad since she was always complaining about how poor she was. We found a design she liked, bought the material (I didn't charge her for anything) and I was literally two seams away from being done when she posts on facebook that she bought a grad dress. Out of curiosity I check the pictures. Lo and behold, she's there in a $500 dress that looked almost exactly like the one I was just about done that her dad bought her. We don't talk anymore. 85 ...


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