28 of the Most Blatant Cases of Favoritism People Have Ever Seen

‘I have always had the best connection with you out of all my children…’
28 of the Most Blatant Cases of Favoritism People Have Ever Seen

When it comes to favoritism, it’s almost preferable for it to be blatant. For instance, one Redditor’s French teacher would tell the class who she liked and who she didn’t, and would give her favorite students extra credit just for showing up. While incredibly messed-up, that’s also very French behavior. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times when someone didn’t bother to hide their favoritism, including a lot of middle children with bones to pick.

RRuruurrr 5y ago . One of my classmates always got better scores on comparable essays in a high school literature class. I suggested it was favoritism so we decided to write each other's papers to see what happened. Our study found that no matter who wrote the paper, if I turned it in I got a worse grade than if she turned it in. + 22K ...
mordeci00 5y ago My mom told my brother a (very boring) family secret and he told me. I mentioned it to her and she got pissed off and said he shouldn't be telling 'other' people about that, it's just for family. I had to remind her that I am also a member of the family. + 8.5K ...
 5y ago My nephew'ss school had two students who won a contest all by themselves. They got a chance to meet the prime minister and show their work. But at the last moment, the principal insisted to add his daughter in the team. + 16K ...
 5y ago 2 Edited 5y ago . Two AP Math teachers at my school were married to each other, and had a daughter who went to the school. They ran the math department had each department would name a student for some kind of grant or scholarship. You'll never guess who they chose. + 539 ...
dennismiller2024 5y ago . Glory holes are very illegal in my town, but for some reason that law doesn't apply for my local Benihana. I thought it was weird, but then I found out that my local Benihana's manager made a large donation to our police department. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but that doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. + 2K ...
iiSagez 5y ago My friend is the middle child he had to find a job when he was 16 to pay for his car by himself, work full time through college to pay for it by himself, and had to pay for his new house and his parents didnt offer any help in fact they packed up all his stuff while he was at work and dropped it off in his garage and said good luck. While his siblings did not have to work in high school or college, parents paid for their cars and paid for most of their
monhulahate 5y ago e Grade 5 spelling test. A friend sitting across our group of 4 desks says something to me, not even test related. I tell her shhhh. My test gets taken away and I get a 0. She got to continue her test. + 2.6K ...
TheSlowToad 5y ago My brother got everything he ever asked for. Brand new Pcs or phones. His drivers license. A new car. You name it and he got it all. Meanwhile I was wearing hand me downs, Had an old Nokia 3310 (This was about when Apple launched the first Iphone) and had to work after school to afford getting my license, paying for school trips and buying a PC for school. She still to this day denies favoring him. + 3.3K ...
StylishSuidae 5y ago Growing up, my stepbrother was obviously my stepmother's favorite child. Не could get away with anything. I'm fairly certain she's never actually punished him for anything, and he was well aware of this. The most blatant case of this was when the nanny software on his computer caught him searching for porn, so immediately my stepmother goes after me accusing me of going onto his computer to search for porn. + 11K ...
rance_kun . 5y ago e In my school a kid got put into the top class despite his grades being very bad. Не was a relative of the school board chairman. 1.4K ...
SMX--- 5y ago e My French teacher would tell the class who she liked and didn't like and would give the kids she liked extra credit just for being there 1.4K ...
gaydes69 5y ago The middle school gym teacher was a bitch to anyone who wasn't either a jock or a girl, so me and the boys always got the short end of the stick when it came to being put on teams for activities. because a relay race between the kids that run track, and the kids that have the stamina of a level 1 rpg character is a fair race apparently. 1.8K ...
bi_ochemist 5y ago when I was in high school, my dad had a very public affair and my mom kicked him out of the house. A few days later, he sent an email to the whole family begging us to let him back in the house. Не had a line for each kid in the email. My brother and I got a few sentences saying that he missed us, etc. However, he wrote an entire paragraph to my sister, starting with I have always had the best connection with you out of all my children... i've since cut him off
playing_human 5y ago 0 My mother punished me for shit my sister did, and punished me for something even if me and my sister did it together and my punishments were worst than my sisters, my sister got a talking to where as I got yelled at and belittled. 916 ...
sbankss 5y ago A girl I was friends with in high school was the middle child in a VERY wealthy family. The parents clearly favored the older sister and younger brother. The older sister got extensive cosmetic dentistry work done and the younger brother got braces. The middle child wasn't taken to see a dentist for 5 years at one point; all while the other dentistry work was going on with her two siblings. The parents truly just ignored her and let the other siblings walk all over her. 258 ...
buttercuphopscotch 5y ago Coworker gets paid way more than I do because of experience yet I have to do their job and mine. Mind you, they can't do half of what I can because of new equipment/software. Also they can piss off work like no tomorrow but if I have to take a personal day, I come back with worked piled up on my desk just because. Basically, they get away with everything and somehow I get blamed or reprimanded. + 242 ...
EvieOfDestruction 5y ago I still remember one incident in 7th grade social studies, where my friend and I were goofing off in the back of the classroom. It was clear as day that we were both equally contributing, but our teacher told him to leave me alone. She also graded him a lot more harshly, including one instance where we worked together on a group project and I got a full letter grade higher. + 383 ...
afrozone100 5y ago My 10th grade English teacher told our entire class that she always made sure to give the 5 Asian students in our class higher grades on assignments because they didn't speak English that well. All 5 of them spoke perfect English, had been in our school district for years, and I think all but one were born in America. It was also an Advanced English class. + 405 ...
zkp0 . 5y ago e a kid in my winning a riddle contest without even being present at that day at school 693 ...
DaedraLord27 5y ago в I have a job, still do my online education, and help out whenever my parents need it but if I want something/help its always a no or do it yourself My little brother is a back talking brat that barely does the online education but my mother will let him get away with murder because he's her little stool pigeon 232 ...
Yeetomyspeedo . 5y ago This girl in my class in 6th grade spilled glue on the teacher's foot and she didn't get in trouble, but my best friend got yelled at for grabbing a tissue. + 161 ...
suddenthing 5y ago . When my nan died she left me and my sister 5000 pounds each and my brother 100 pounds. Absolutely no need for that. We were too young to actually get the money so we couldn't split ours with him either. + 220 ...
whlzup 5y ago o Ruth's Chris (a large business and luxury steak house) received $20,000,000 - that's twenty million dollars - which was intended, by the government for small businesses and capped at $10 million per business. + 161 ...
andy_wait_up 5y ago . One of my professors was the same ethnicity as me and 2 other of my classmates. Не always talked to me and the other 2 in our three hour lab and straight up told me in our shared language, I help out my people. I don't really help the white kids because they get enough help from everyone else in their lives. I ended up getting an undeserved A in his class. 92 ...
 5y ago Edited 5y ago I asked my algebra teacher if there was anyway I could get extra credit for her class because I wanted a В. She told me she would see what she could do. Then another girl who was a student athlete and one of her best math students asked if there was anything she could do to get extra credit in the class in order to make an А. The teacher smiled at her and assured her she would make sure to get her all of the resources and extra credit she needed to make
Oakenfell e 5y ago 0 My parents named me after my Dad while they named my brother after my mom's first dog. 37 ...
joebaby1975 0 5y ago My stepdads mother told me when I was about 5/6. I asked her if she loved me, she said. Blood will always be thicker than water. My little brother was 2. 57 ...
Jesse0016 5y ago At the end of our senior party that was organized for my school, they had a raffle with a bunch of expensive prizes. Every single parent who helped organize the raffle had a child who won big and the main organizer had her son win the 2500 dollar grand prize with the not suspicious speech of and of course, the winner of the grand prize is Charlie. Yeah fuck that shit, I walked out with a 5 dollar gift card to an ice cream shop that had already gone out of business + 6.3K ...


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