18 of the Funniest Bribes Students Offered to Teachers

‘$3 in quarters’
18 of the Funniest Bribes Students Offered to Teachers

People in positions of power know that a bribe beats out good old-fashioned hard work any day of the week. The difference between them and the rest of us, though, is that they have access to resources that could actually sway someone to do what they want. Students, on the other hand, are young, dumb and broke, which is why their attempts at bartering don’t hold much weight. Just ask the teacher whose pupil offered up twerking lessons in lieu of a better grade. His offer was declined, but it provides insight into what he considered to be a worthy exchange. 

Other educators have shared stories about the ways their students have tried to grease their palms, and some of these kids definitely have a future in politics

technicolordreams 11y ago I'm a little on the heavy side (280). I told my teacher I'd do a cartwheel for extra credit. I got it. 12 Share ...
DanielJK42 11y ago Music major: Our ear training professor told us the only way to guarantee an A is diligent day by day work, or a manilla envelope full of 50s slipped under his office door. Another kid in the class bought Monopoly from the local thrift store, put the 50s in an envelope under his door. Prof loved it, grade did not improve, though. 24 Share ...
 11y ago A pre-med biology student (a sophomore) offered me free medical services for life...after he finished his undergrad, completed medical school, and residency, and established his own practice. I just had change the с I gave him on lab report. If by some miracle this clown is accepted to, and finishes medical school, I feel sorry for anyone under his care. Share 139 ...
 11y ago I became romanticly involved with one of my middle school student's sisters(She was 19ish I was 24). Не actually introduced us and I sometimes wondered if it was a way to ensure his grade because he tended towards the manipulative side and seemed to do what he could to set us up. Funny thing was he didn't need any bumps to up his grade. 868 Share ...
urnbabyurn 3y ago Lecturer, Econ, R1 I had a colleague tell the class it would take a new Porsche to get a higher grade. A bunch chipped in a got him a small sized model. 29 Reply Share ...
well_uh_yeah 11y ago I had a student once who came up in the middle of a test and asked if he could borrow some tape. Uh...whatever, let's see where this is going... I thought to myself. When he hands in the test it feels kind of funny and I see no tape, but there's a note on the bottom of the page that says to flip it over. I flip it over and see a penny taped to the back with a note that says, Maybe Mr. Lincoln could convince you to mark number three with some compassion. I chuckled.
capncuster . 11y ago A student threatened me with eternity in the Lake of Fire unless I gave her a passing grade. So I have that to look forward to. 445 Share ...
TGSwithtraceyjordan . 6y ago A 4th grader once offered me a dollar instead of his homework. I respectfully declined. 50 Share ...
albinoblackbird 6y ago Job Title | Location A student brought me fresh baked cinnamon rolls so he would pass. I happily accepted them, knowing he was already passing. They were delicious. Share 11 ...
Magicalyn 6y ago A student once taped a (fun sized) snickers bar to a quiz when he turned it in and wrote the word bribe next to it because he knew it was going to be failing. I graded it like normal and still ate the snickers anyway. Share 37 ...
zxo Зу ago Engineering, SLAC I once received a (very obviously fake) $100 bill from a student, jokingly asking for an A. I told them that (for exactly the reasons u/chemprofdave mentioned) they would need to add several zeroes to that amount for me to even consider it. About 10 seconds and one magic marker later, I was offered a $1000000 bill. Which I took and keep pinned to my office corkboard. 36 Reply Share ...
faleboat 11y ago I once had a student offer her sister to give me a blow job if I would change the student's grade on an exam. I of course had to flat out refuse, but to this day I want to know why she offered her sister's services over her own. 189 Share ...
CaptainCheddarJack . 8y ago A fucking Pokemon card and a Minute Maid lemonade from the vending machine. 7th graders are weird. 633 Share ...
 8y ago My friend offered a teacher twerking lessons in exchange for a better grade. HIS offer was not accepted. 53 Share ...
 8y ago A student once admitted that he hadn't studied for the final exam, but turned in an alternative hand-written final exam featuring his own questions. 30 Share ...
 8y ago One offered to be my housekeeper and cook for 2 semesters. She claimed to be as talented in the kitchen as with organ performance. Share 53 ...
Fibonacci_fan . 8y ago A student once offered me $3 in quarters if he didn't have to come to class. 171 Share ...
BridgetteBane 11y ago My one out-and-obviously-gay professor told me he was approached by a female student offering sex for grades. Не just shook his head at her and said Honey you're barking up the wrong tree. 806 Share ...


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