25 Cool Pieces of Lore People Uncovered About Their Dads

‘My dad crash landed an airplane’
25 Cool Pieces of Lore People Uncovered About Their Dads

Though we’re aware that our parents had lives before we came along, we never think those lives include stories like “ran through gunfire to retrieve a scooter” or “bit the head off a live dove before cooking and eating it.” Is your dad Ozzy Osbourne? Why was he… You know what? Nevermind. 

But that’s the kind of lore Redditors have revealed about their dear-old-dads, reminding us that fathers can be weird guys too — and sometimes, those weird guys use an egg salad sandwich as a weapon.

loritree 3то ago My dad was in the army reserve. Не had to take a bunch of guys down to Virginia, and so he thought it would be nice to get a bus and have his guys go by D.C. on their way down. Apparently all of the army guys pissed the bus driver off so much, the driver pulled up in front of the White House and chucked the bus keys onto the Whitehouse lawn and stormed off. 98 Reply ...
didyoubutterthepan 3то ago My dad was a tough old dude. I remember as a kid when he needed knee replacement surgery, he had a consult where the doc asked if he'd ever broken any bones and he said nope. Cut to after the procedure- the dr was like: why didn't you tell me you broke your leg previously? Dad- oh, was it broken? I did hurt my leg many years back but I just walked on it until it felt better. + 613 Reply ...
Darksoul2693 3mo ago My dad went to see Jerry Garcia at a club, small venue to see him play with his band (not the dead) so you usually sit at a table with others depending how many you bring. Не sits down with his friend who's recording the show to listen to it later. The person who sits with them at their table is John Lennon, they have the whole night with him, ppl bring him all kinds of drugs weed etc , he was being him so he pushed them to my dad and his friend said here, I don't
3mo ago PunchBeard My dad dropped out of college in the 60s and was almost immediately drafted. Не recognized the letter so instead of opening it he ran to a Navy recruiter and enlisted in the Navy. The Army actually tried getting him from the Navy but they weren't going to let go of a guy who was really good at math and was a high school letterman who won tons of medals for track. So he stayed in the Navy. During boot camp for the navy he was sent to an office to talk to an officer. The officer
TheBugSmith 3mo ago 9 Edited 3mo ago My grandfather claimed he received his purple heart because another sailor was going crazy and threatening people in the mess hall so knocked him out with an egg sandwich. To this day I don't know who he stole that purple heart from + 1K Reply ...
OderinTobin 3mo ago When my dad was a small child, like 4 - 6 years old, he found and tamed a baby fox in the woods near his house. Не brought it home and his parents said he could keep it if he trained it and took care of it himself. They lived in very rural Newfoundland, and with farm animals, so the biggest concern was that he'd kill the chickens. I guess he got trained well enough not to kill any livestock at their house, but often the neighbours down the way reported foxes killing their chickens. They threatened to shoot
i_hate_stairs D 3то ago One time when I was really little my dad went to his plugs house to do a transaction or whatever. While he was there the guy had a new dog, small cocker spaniel that he was severely mistreating. All you had to do was look at it and it would fall on itself and pee all over itself it was really sad. Anyways my dad got his weed, stood up, picked up the dog and said I'm taking your dog asshole and just left with it, and we had a new dog + 982 Reply ...
jpow33 e 3то ago . Some time in the '70s, my dad went to see Tom Waits play in some dive bar in Downtown Denver. A drunken, passed-out man was in the doorway, who my dad realized was William S Burroughs. So he had to step over Burroughs to get in to see Tom Waits. Legend. 448 Reply ...
Mindless-Stomach-462 3то ago My dad was in the Oklahoma City Federal Building when it was bombed. Не exited the elevator just minutes before the blast, which would have killed him if he was on the elevator any longer. Не saved some people, went back in and saved more, then spoke on Good Morning America. + 622 Reply ...
Substantial-Fig-1907 . 1y ago e My dad was messing about near a ramp when some guy on a bicycle ran over the top of it and caught the back of his clean bald head. Не has a scar to prove it 2 ...
Munzzy6363 1y ago My dad moved to the states when he was 16. Не left India (with $20), or so he says. Не married the sweetest black woman in his mid twenties, and this was to gain citizenship, my dad's older brother did this too. They eventually got divorced once the citizenship went through. My dad returned to India for another family member's wedding, and was told he was getting married too. Never met my mom before that, got married, knocked her up and moved back to the states for work. It took 3 years for my mom and older
 1y ago . My dad served on the city council and created the city's celebration of July 4th and made it one of the biggest firework shows in the state. Не also got sued once because he called the fire chief of the city an asshole when he refused to approve new equipment after the council gave him the money to 1 ...
Domonero 1y ago M27 & trying his best My dad would shoot basketball carnival games at universal studios one handed & over the course of a decade we filled an entire spare (ex) guest bedroom with just stuffed animals The games were those 3 pointer distance ones with that long ass snake net 1 ...
 1y ago My dad crash landed an airplane at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas around 1976. Lost all electrical power and even the gear did not come down. It was at night too. The engines stayed running because of magnetos. But the navigation lights radio, instrument lights, they were all out. Не wad checking instruments with a flashlight. That gave up after a time. Then checked instruments with a zippo lighter. Big problem was radio control center and tower. Ended up picking a runway and put it down. 8 ...
AreYuTriggered e 1y ago Hitchhiked through Canada, went to college, did too many drugs in the 70s dropped out of college, went back to college, got married, then divorced, became a black belt in Judo. 5 ...
Cyberhwk 0 1y ago e My dad wanted to take all of us kids out to Red Robin, but the day there ended up being some parade going on. Не joined the parade, waved a bit, then turned off into the parking lot. 8 ...
sikkerhet . 1y ago my dad had a friend who built bombs as a hobby 3 ...
HughJahsso . 1y ago e My dad once bit the head off of a live dove before cooking and eating it. + 10 ...
PieMan4799 6mo ago My dad didn't grow up with a lot, and one day his mom bought him a scooter. Не took it with him everywhere, but one day while he had it at a basketball court it ended up getting shot up. Не, and everyone else, ran obviously, at least until he realizes he left his scooter and RAN THROUGH GUNFIRE TO GET IT. When his mom found out about it she took it from him though 1 ...
Penguins2451 3mo ago My dad was once dating a girl who was into golf. She took him to a major tournament (don't know which one) to watch it with her and her dad. She was obsessed with one of the golfers there so she and her dad woke up early to go around and follow the golfer. My dad sleeps in and then isn't interested in the golf so he goes to the nearby beach. There was a man there with windsurfing boards and he decides to give one to my dad for free because everyone is at the golf.
LemonSalted 3то ago My dad had a class field trip to a keychain making factory when he was a youngin. They showed them the big grinder where they make the letters, and gave each kid a block to make their own. My dad leaned too far in and the machine ate the top nub of his finger right off. If he pinched the middle part that remained, it would stop the bleeding and build up. So he used his finger like a squirt gun and scared some other kids. 96 Reply ...
backtothisreality 3то ago My dad is in his 70's and comes from a large family - 14 brothers and sisters. Money was very tight so on Christmas they wouldn't get very much and ended up sharing a lot of the gifts. Не never really talked about the gifts he got but loved to tell us about Krampus. Apparently on Christmas eve, after the kids have gone to sleep, they would dress in all black and Kidnap the child that misbehaved the most then take them into the woods. They would then tie them up to a tree and put coal all around
Pure_Eagle7399 3то ago My dad and my uncle Jay put on ape costumes and got arrested for smooshing bananas all over their (soon to be married) buddy's car as a prank. In their mug shots they're wearing ape costumes. This was in the 70s. They were both in the army at the time. 22 Reply ...
i_hate_stairs 3то ago One time when I was really little my dad went to his plugs house to do a transaction or whatever. While he was there the guy had a new dog, small cocker spaniel that he was severely mistreating. All you had to do was look at it and it would fall on itself and pee all over itself it was really sad. Anyways my dad got his weed, stood up, picked up the dog and said I'm taking your dog asshole and just left with it, and we had a new dog + 982 Reply ...
lapsteelguitar 3то ago My grandmothers brother, my great-uncle, flew the hump from India to China. One night, when they were somewhere in China, a bunch of them got drunk & stole a train. Note that they did not ROB the train. They STOLE the damn thing. + 184 Reply ...


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