30 of the Worst Company Gifts Staffers Have Received

‘A penny’
30 of the Worst Company Gifts Staffers Have Received

If you already hate your job, receiving a penny as a company gift is the final nail in the coffin. And if you don’t already hate your job, receiving a penny as a gift will inspire you to start. 

Redditors far and wide have recalled the gifts, which is a word I’m using very loosely here, that they received from their employers that left them shocked, insulted or flat-out confused, including a memory album in which their superiors forgot something very important.

EmotionalEagle838 9mo ago - I got an email congratulating me on 5 years of service. That was nice 163 ...
TacticalGoatse e 9mo ago - Noise-cancelling Bluetooth headphones. I'm sure they were good and useful to some people, but I'm legally deaf. 151 ...
livelyguava e 9mo ago Swag that another company gave us for free months ago 135 ...
ThenaJuno 9mo ago A penny. Specifically, a 1935 penny - representing the year the company was incorporated. + 119 ...
TheRealKirby - 9mo ago GameStop gave me a 256mb flash drive for working there for 5 years. 206 ...
NeutralTarget . 9mo ago Instead of the usual holiday turkey we received a winter hat with the company logo. Practically every person threw it in their desks garbage can. Following year turkeys were back on the menu. 243 ...
LadyLixerwyfe . 9mo ago e A bottle of our restaurant's signature steak sauce that no one really liked and that we all had free access to all day, every day at work. This was instead of the standard $100 cash bonus we normally got yearly. 353 ...
universalrefuse 9mo ago During the pandemic, my partner's company sent employees each an envelope through the mail with a sticker in it for some appreciation week I laughed so hard at that. It literally was a sticker that said happy appreciation week. 386 ...
TheEvilHypnotist 9mo ago I used to work in a record shop in the UK and usually got a bottle of wine as a Christmas bonus. Then the company was bought by Virgin and our Christmas bonus was a copy of Richard Branson's (Virgin's CEO) autobiography. + 503 ...
Goatair 5mo ago Not me, but worked for an old folks company who gave the carers working in the main care home we ran a care package with a single tea bag, a single mento mint, and a small note saying thank you with a smiley face. Not bad enough? This was the thanks given to carers for remaining on site and working through the pandemic. + 318 Reply ...
Theduckbytheoboe . 5mo ago I did some HR thing and they gave a clicky pen with Committed to Quality engraved on it. The first time I clicked it it disintegrated into about 15 parts. + 236 Reply ...
. 5mo ago FreddieMonstera I'd worked in a school for 8 years and I got a blank card which the principal told me to get signed. 20 years ago and it still makes my blood boil. + 167 Reply ...
smeowth 9mo ago o Edited 9mo ago e Not me but a friend - all staff at the hospital received a kitchen scrubby for Christmas. Not even themed. Just random browns, greens, pinks, and yellows... seems like the boss bought dollar store multi packs and opened them to give everyone one piece.
couchjitsu 9mo ago A deck of playing cards with coworkers faces on every card. + 817 ...
WalterZenga . 5mo ago . After Curry wipes...I'm Indian. + 529 Reply ...
VxDeva80 5mo ago My Aunty got local garden centre vouchers. They have worked with her for 15 years, they have been to her flat. They all knew that she has no garden and was retiring because she can barely walk anymore. She was so upset, it felt very uncaring.
Dwcskrogger 5mo ago During the first lockdown in covid our CEO was very excited to tell us all that we could expect a thank you from the company to be delivered to us. Thought it might be a bottle of something nice, a little hamper or even just some vouchers...wait with baited breath for about 3 weeks and then get a knock one day...couldn't contain my excitement and eagerly opened the box to be presented with... a solitary biscuit with some fancy icing on it saying 'You're a star'...a fucking biscuit! it definitely took the proverbial! + 1.1K Reply ...
corickle . 5mo ago There was a generous collection for me moving onto another department and our boss pocketed the money and gave me a plastic black briefcase that he'd obviously been given as a present and was recycling. + 435 Reply ...
flabbergasted-528 2y ago e A box of canned food. It was supposed to be everything you need for a holiday meal canned green beans, canned corn, cream of mushroom soup, canned pumpkin, canned peas, canned potatoes, canned carrots, cranberry sauce, canned ham... I dropped it off at the food pantry on the way home. 119 Reply ...
 9mo ago A letter from the CEO telling us how he is going to celebrate Christmas with his family up north to go skiing. That was all. + 2.3K ...
bleu_flame . 9mo ago A coupon for 15% off Panera Bread catering. I forwarded the email to abuse. They said it was real. + 1.8K ...
LilyExplainsltAll . 2y ago A single-serving bag of Doritos with a sticker on that said You're all that and a bag of chips! Unsurprisingly, this gift did not have the anticipated effect on employee morale. + 321 Reply ...
ATHYRIO 9mo ago e Two free tickets to a cinema. The issue was that the closest cinema in that particular chain was about 800 miles away from me. + 1.9K ...
Earmuffio . 2y ago e 25$ gift card that wasn't activated. + 150 Reply ...
Klotzster . 9mo ago E Company coffee mug with the company name misspelled. It was a large company + 2.8K ...
ihatetwizzlers 9mo ago I was re-gifted a gift basket given to my boss by a client and he forgot to remove the card that was addressed to him. + 3.2K ...
Adventurous_Yak_9234 o 9mo ago Not me but a coworker at last year's raffle got a Nintendo DS cleaning kit. For a normal Nintendo DS, not even a 3DS. They aren't being made anymore. + 467 ...
 9mo ago e A 10 year anniversary memory book with my name spelled wrong on every page. + 609 ...
Active-Strawberry-37 e 9mo ago Boss gave me a mug, I quipped a mug from a mug. HR took the mug off me, made me apologise, then gave me the mug back. + 560 ...
SecretSocietyJ . 9mo ago e Starbucks gift card that had no money on it and they had no receipt for it. 184 ...


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