26 of the Best Party Games People Have Ever Played

‘Nerf Russian Roulette’
26 of the Best Party Games People Have Ever Played

Though beer pong and flip cup are tried-and-true drinking games, a party can always benefit from a competition that’s a little more mentally stimulating. Take, for instance, a game called “Drinking and Driving,” which requires the players to finish a beer while competing in a Mario Kart race. You can’t have the controller in your hand while drinking either, which forces everyone to come up with strategic ways of getting loaded and still coming in first place.

See? Mentally stimulating! 

These Redditors have remembered the best party games they’ve ever played, including a Led Zeppelin listening party in which someone might die. 

xenzor 9y ago Gauntlet. Basically you setup the cards in a row about 3 wide and 5 deep depending on how hard you want it to be.. The cards should be face down and you need to flip one card on each row starting at the bottom trying to work your way to the top.. If you hit a face card you take a shot and replace the card and start again.. I've seen people take 10+ shots before clearing it before.. + 31 ...
Grismo4 2y ago Crocinole! Every shot in the middle is a shot for everybody except the shooter. Difference in points in shots or sips. If you hit more than one marker of the board... Extra shot. If you miss anything... Shot for you. 5 Reply ...
 9y ago Arrogance. There is one cup which gets passed around. When you get the cup, you can add as much of your drink to it as you want. Then someone tosses a coin. If you call it right, the cup is passed on. If you call it wrong, you down the cup. An excellent game to start off the night, because it gets everyone moderately drunk very fast... 21 ...
12minuteslate 9y ago Vodka Roulette is my favorite game! Equipment: Shotglasses, water and vodka. Rules: One player pours vodka in ~1/3 of the shot glasses, water in the rest. Another player mixes the shots so none knows which is which. Then everyone drinks at the same time. At this point all players should try to guess who got the shots, if someone get caught they get a bonus shot. + 229 ...
sparklestormzooz 6mo ago I was playing Priorities at a dinner party last weekend and it was so much fun! Two teams, players take turns drawing 5 topic cards and secretly putting them in order of what is important to them, then the other team guesses their order. They win any card that they have in the right spot and try to spell PRIORITIES with the letters on the back of the cards. You can learn a lot about people playing this game! 1 Reply ...
Stavkot23 7mo ago Who am I? Can be played with sticky notes. Your friend writes a name of a famous person on a sticky note and places it on your forehead. You have to guess who you are by asking yes/no questions. One Night Warewolf. Similar to Mafia but with no eliminations. Game is over for everyone when voting happens. You have a secret character and everyone has to weed out the wolves. Code Names. You have a board of words/pictures and you have to make connections between them. Skulls and Roses (up to 4 player). You get points by
shogungrey 9y ago In Germany, we call this Pig Race: You need two cups and two dice (one for each cup). Two people sitting opposite of each other each get a cup and start rolling their dice. The goal of the game is to catch up to whoever other player is currently rolling their dice, by rolling a specific number, that has been agreed upon beforehand (for example, pass the cup when you roll a six) and then passing their cup and dice to the person sitting left of them. If caught up, the person who was caught up upon
Ikiimoni 9y ago Paranoia. If it's your turn, pick a person in the group and whisper a question in their ear. Everybody gets to hear the answer to the question, but not the question itself. Once the answer is out there, a coin is flipped. If heads, the question is shared with everyone. If tails, it's up to the person who was asked the question whether they want it revealed or not. It is then that person's turn. 2 ...
egnards 9y ago EGNARDS For my birthday 2 years ago my best friend and I  hosted a small beer olympics. One of my favorite games involved 2 people holding their full beer in one hand and a Nerf Mavrick in the other hand. Object of the game was to walk 20 paces, like an old shootout, and try to hit the opposing player without spilling your beer. 3 ...
willk95 7mo ago Anomia is a really fun card game that doesn't take a lot of mental stamina. The basic concept is who can say the name of a specific thing (Basketball teams, mountain ranges, Hitchcock movies, etc.) that first comes to mind. The game is most fun when people blurt out the wrong brain-fart answer and makes everybody laugh. 1 ...
KateWinslut 7y ago Drinking & Driving. You and your friends each have to finish a beer during a race of Mario Kart. The catch is that you can't have your hands on the controller while drinking. So you can pause throughout, down it immediately, or try to stop right before the finish line and chug before someone sneaks up behind you. 921 ...
 . 7y ago Listen to a Led Zeppelin album. Every time Robert Plant says baby or woman you take a shot. 1K ...
Seizure_Salad_ 8y ago The 50/50 game. Atleast that is what my friends and I call it. It works like this... People sit around in a circle usually 6 or more people. A person starts by asking the person to their right a question that only the person to their right hears. This question is something like If you had to have sex with anyone in this cirlce who would you choose (It is ussually more intersting when the question deals with people within the group). The person whbo is asked the question says the name out loud for everyone to
TheEbonySky 8y ago Game called Tellastrations. It's basically whisper down the lane except with pictures and drawing. First person gets a word, draws it, passes it, next person guesses what it is, then passes it and the next person has to draw what the other person guessed. Pretty fun to see where things go. + 1.8K ...
kking0411 8y ago Edited 8y ago What are the odds. One person will say hey what are the odds that (persons name) will eat dog food or whatever ridiculous thing you want to say. That person can say the odds are between 1 and any number as long as it doesn't exceed 300. If they're feeling risky they might say 1-5. Then the person that asked the question to and the person that was challenged both have to say a number in that range on the count of three. If their number matches the challenged person has to do whatever
MrGinger 8y ago Landmines. Get a beer a cup and a quarter. Pour as much beer as you want in your cup. Then spin the quarter finish the drink and pick up the quarter with the same hand you used to pick up the cup. Once your can is empty, while another play has their quarter spinning you can slam your can/bottle on the quarter and they have to go again. The can or bottle stays on the table as a sort of landmine, hence the name. + 35 ...
 8y ago Protecting Mr President. Someone puts their fingers up to their ear as if they are speaking into a headset. Other people catch on and do the same until there is only one person left who hasn't done it. That person is the President and gets tackled by everyone else while they scream in anguish. + 934 ...
 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Cookie-Pocket. It's best played during winter when everybody is wearing jackets and multiple layers. You buy a giant party platter of cookies from the supermarket for everybody to use, and you try to reverse-pickpocket cookies into people's pockets. If they don't catch you in the act, they have to eat the cookie when they find it. If they catch you, you have to eat the cookie. I've seen somebody sneak 12 cookies into somebody's coat, and they drunkenly ate all of them.
lostcognizance 8y ago Nerf Russian Roulette. Had a friend blow vodka out of her nose after someone shot themselves in the back of the throat. It's never not a good time. + 67 ...
SirGanjaSpliffington 8y ago Get a group of people. Everyone fills their mouth with a beverage of their choosing, get one person to be the comedian. The comedian's job is to try to make your friends laugh. If everyone spits out their drinks or it comes out their nose, the comedian wins. If someone doesn't spit up their drink and they are the last one, they win then the winner has to be the comedian. If the original comedian wins then who ever was the closest to winning goes. If you want to go all out then get high or drunk
jzas32 8y ago In college we played a game we called Psychiatrist. I've come to learn we played a variation of the game. In our version, we only played with someone who never played before as the psychiatrist.To start everyone sat in a circle and then someone explains the rules to the psychiatrist. In the game everyone had the same condition which for us was that they were pretending to be the person on their right. The psychiatrist's job was to determine what was wrong with everyone by asking a question to 1 person at a time. However, if the
bananahungry241 . 8y ago Body Body is the best game EVER. You play it in the dark. It's a real life version of Mafia. A murderer (or two depending on how many are playing) goes around 'murdering' by touching people on the head. If you discover a dead person on the ground you call out 'body, body' and the lights are flipped on. Then everyone else comes together to guess who the murderer is and vote them out. Game continues until the murderes have killed everyone or are all gone. 2 ...
jratch94 8y ago This game called stump. You have a tree stump, preferably about waist height or slightly higher, and everybody around the stump has a nail. You put your nail in the stump just enough to keep it anchored. Then you pass around a hammer. If you flip the hammer once and catch it, you get one swing at somebody else's nail. If you flip the hammer under your leg, you get two quick swings in succession, and if you flip the hammer behind your back you get you get three quick swings in succession. The goal is to
IAmASpaceCadet2 8y ago A good alternative to beer pong if you have more people or an odd number is Gaucho Ball Get all of your cups, except two, and put them in the center of the table and fill them with beer. Pick two people to start each with a cup and a ball. You have to bounce the ball on the table and make it land in the cup. If you make it on your first try, you can hand the cup and ball to anyone, forcing them to go. If you make it on any subsequent tries it
MrGC17 2y ago Arkham Horror I'll throw in a less known title, Poetry with Neanderthals. Premise is players are split into 2 teams and take turns describing certain things using only one syllable words. At any point if the clue giver mentions a two or more syllable word, the game comes with a huge inflatable club that the opposing uses to bonk the clue giver. The blow up club alone creates great party vibes and serves well to hold the attention of non gamers. + 18 Reply ...
sheetsofsaltywood 9y ago Roxanne. You divide into two teams: Team Roxanne and Team Red Light. Everyone grabs a beer, you play the song Roxanne by The Police, and the participants must drink when their team name is said in the song. Everyone wins! + 181 ...


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