40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Been Pickled With the Finest Truths and Verisimilitudes

Delicious, and surprisingly hydrating
40 Random Bits of Trivia That Have Been Pickled With the Finest Truths and Verisimilitudes

The Pentagon spent almost $300 million on erectile-dysfunction medication.

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Of course ’South Park’ tackled 9/11.

Sitcoms and real world events South Park killed Osama Bin Laden way before America! Season 5's Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants aired on November 7, 2001, and in classic durka durka fashion, they revealed Bin Laden's microscopic penis and shot him, and blew him up Looney Tunes style. CRACKED

Comedy Central

TV Tropes

CRACKEDco Carleton Glen Palmer couldn't think of a better place for his remains than an ocean reef. 281 es Why? Because of all that action going on a

Tinder: AI-powered matchmaking.

CRACKED DATING APPS People are using Facebook's AI model, LLaMA, to create text for their Tinder profiles and even write replies in conversation, all in an attempt to get a date IRL. Alas, there's no app yet to tell you what to say in a face-to-face conversation.

Vice / AP2HYC 

Many berries have tiny worms in them that we're probably eating. CRACKED.COM Blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries have little transparent worms in them which eventually turn into fruit flies. The species Dro- sophila suzukii first appeared in the United States in 2008, and are safe to eat.

U.S. Army Base in Greenland

There's a decaying, abandoned WWII US army base in the landscape of Greenland. The abandoned equipment includes about 10,000 rusted and leaking fuel barrels, which the locals charmingly call American Flowers. CRACKED.COM


CRACKEDCON 22.3% 19.5% 17.0% 15.7% The 18-34 crowd is now likelier than ever to have a degree... 1980 1990 2000 2009-13 Percent of 18- to 4-vear-olds

Non-DC and Non-Marvel

Superhero Movies Then vs. Now Outside of DC and Marvel We see efforts like Invincible and The Boys, but also Vin Diesel's Bloodshot. The '90s also had other superhero movies like The Rocketeer, The Mask, The Shadow, The Crow, Tank Girl, and The Phantom. CRACKED.COM

Fiber, schmiber - just add wood!

CRACKED WOOD PULP Fast food companies are adding wood pulp to many items. It's in almost all fast food, like buns, cheeses, sauces, cakes, shakes, rolls, fries, onion rings, smoothies, and meats.

QZ / iStock 


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