35 of the Most Spoiled Children People Have Ever Encountered

‘She stole her mom’s credit card and booked a trip to Cuba’
35 of the Most Spoiled Children People Have Ever Encountered

Spoiled children are the youngest examples of victims who become perpetrators. 

They’re born to helicopter parents who throw money at their kid’s every problem in hopes that they don’t have to perform any real acts of guidance, and in turn, the child suffers. But the rest of us end up suffering too from all that entitlement and stunted development. This is how situations such as “watching a child throw a tantrum at a birthday party because they want a gift too,” or “listening to a high schooler complain that her personal boat is one foot short of being a yacht” arise. 

Seriously? Send the flood. 

Other Redditors have remembered the brat behavior that even Charli XCX wouldn’t defend, including a girl whose allowance is probably bigger than your salary.

 6y ago My own children. But I'm working on it. Two stories for you, one from each of my kids When my youngest was 4 we were at an end of school party. The kids played in the playground, the adults drink some beers promising to organize play dates during the break. It started getting late and I said something along the lines of I'll probably book an Uber home. I live in a city with trams, and I lived a little distance away from my home tram stop, so I was just thinking out loud. Well, my kid
SuCh_RaNdOm 6y ago I work as a volunteer in this sort-of-school, sort-of- daycare like place and there's this one 10 year old that's constantly on his phone, listening to music or playing games while the volume is as loud as possible while me and two more tutors struggle to teach the smallest kids how to read or write and the bigger ones another language or some songs and such. Не also has a brother which he treats like absolute garbage. Luckily, his parents aren't so bad, and they allowed me to yank the phone out of his hands if he
Mr_Smithenstein 6y ago One of my old best friends. Stopped being his friend because of how toxic he was. His dad paid for everything for him. Не is lazy, fat, no job, drop out if highschool, no work experience ever actually. But his dad gives him like $5,000 every 2 weeks. And he flaunts that shit like crazy. Got tired of it. 182 ...
powerlesshero111 . 6y ago My sister had a friend in high school who threw a fit on her 16th birthday because her parents didn't get her a car. She did not have a license. They caved about 2 weeks later and got her a BMW which she drove to school. She still did not have a license. As far as I know, she didn't get her license until she was about 17. 105 ...
a_pomeranian_bowling 8y ago Girl I went to college whose parents paid her a 'salary' which was more than I earned in my job. She then used to tell her parents she needed extra money for course books and go spend it on booze. Her parents didn't want her to work because it would interfere with her studies. She got fucked up so much on booze and drugs that she ended up dropping out of college and then they bought her a flat to live in. + 2.6K ...
IQ33 6y ago There was a kid in my brothers grade whose parents bought him a brand new dodge Cummins jacked up and all that stuff. Не blew the engine of his truck within a week. So his dad bought him a brand new ford f250 to replace it and paid to have the dodge fixed. So this kid got over $100,000 worth of trucks within a few weeks. + 1K ...
SovelissFiremane 6y ago Some douchenugget who once told me he was going to feel like he was living in poverty if he made anything less than a million a year. The kid lived in Idaho, wasn't even 20 yet and had never worked a day in his life. + 1.1K ...
onekrazykat 6y ago In high school, girl turned 16, parents gave her a new bmw with the understanding that the live-in maid would use it once, maybe twice, a week to get groceries/run errands. Unacceptable! A week after her epic tantrum she had a brand new Land Rover.
 6y ago My sons first girlfriend in high school. She went online and printed off a bunch of clothes (including belts, shoes, and wallets) she wanted me to buy my son. It was a whole new wardrobe. She got mad when I asked her who was paying for this. Weird thing is....my boys had nice clothes. But with a toddler and two boys in high school....who played sports year round, a mortgage, car payments, etc....I certain didn't have the cash to buy a new wardrobe worth a couple of thousand $$$. Wtf? Не dumped her shortly after that incident
applepwnz 6y ago A kid I was in the Boy Scouts with. It was our week at summer camp right after the N64 came out, on Monday he was like yeah, I've already got one N64, but I want a second one too, watch this, I'll have it by the end of the week the kid then proceeded to work on his mom all week long (she was there because she was a scoutmaster) and sure as shit, by Friday she had agreed to buy him another N64. + 406 ...
WeirdWolfGuy 6y ago Kid i went to high school with. got in trouble at school for telling a substitute teacher to 'fuck off' when she asked him to please put his phone away. In the office he allegedly threw the principals hot coffee into the guys face. School resource officer cuffed him. Guy starts screaming and wailing, and saying hes going get the entire school arrested for assaulting and bullying him. thing is, this guy was easily the biggest in bully in school, and because his Daddy was a District Attorney, eh thought he could away with anything. And usually
Jofian_Pounif 6y ago I knew a dude who got a PS4 with two controllers and four games + a XBox One with two controllers and four games + a new 4K TV + other things for Christmas from his parents and still complained it wasn't enough. Не was 15, already had a 2000€ PC, the richest motherfucker I met. + 3.1K ...
IslandMoon124 6y ago Another child once threw a tantrum at a birthday party because they wanted a birthday present too (it was not their birthday, or their party). She got her way, her parents took her shopping after the party and she got a Gameboy. + 2K ...
cheesy_blasian 6y ago I worked at Toys R Us so I had to listen to some pretty ridiculous shit. What stuck with me though was a boy, who was about 9, tell his mother they better leave with the nerf gun or else she know what he'll do when they get home. The look on his face was akin to that of a person who purposefully belittles their spouse in public. + 3.9K ...
 8y ago My brothers girlfriends daughter screams whenever she can't have what she wants. They give her what she wants so she'll stop screaming. + 6.5K ...
Nopers12345 6y ago A kid turning 8 years old. His mom got him a hotel room, took his friends water sliding, new brand name clothing, and plus $100 on top of all the gifts he received at the party. When the party was almost done he said it was real cheap and he didn't like any of it. It seems when you spoil your kids year round they don't appreciate the meaningful effort that is put into birthdays. 55 ...
sophiepath 6y ago My high school had a prep school attached to it. Fee paying, blazer wearing, oh my dog is named after my fathers castle kind of prep school. The high school was nothing like it. A friend of mine bumped into a kid from the prep and said oh, look out in the way you do when a kid runs full tilt into you. Kid turns around with the snootiest voice and says no, YOU look out. I PAY to go to this school. Couldn't have been older than 8. + 132 ...
scatteredloops 6y ago This kid that lived next door when I was 7. Warren was also 7, but spoilt rotten. His parents got him every toy he ever wanted. The only reason we played with him and put up with his bullshit was because of his toys. Не had the entire He-Man set, complete with Skeletor's castle. The total toys my three siblings and I had wouldn't have even been a quarter of what he had. Не was the first kid I knew to have a toy room, and it was stocked. 127 ...
not_at_all_obvious 6y ago A girl at my high school used to complain that her boat was one foot short of being a yacht. Not her family's boat. They had a different boat. Her boat. 79 ...
mediarun 8y ago My sister. She is 17 and has a 1 year old daughter and is pregnant with her 2nd. She lives rent-free with my parents and has never had a job. My mother does all her high school work for her because she desperately wants her to graduate despite my sister not caring. She has never had a job and has no plans for a job in the near future even though she should be done with high school in December. My mom just bought a new car and gave my sister her old 2011 Kia Sorrento. Her
Freecz 8y ago There was this girl in a class I had at the university that said she could not for the life of her understand how anyone could take a loan during their studies to pay for it all (at least here that is the most common way of doing it even though most people also work extra as well). She said people who did that are stupid and they make her sick. So someone asked her how she does it and she said that her mom payed for her apartment, food, car, have fun money etc. Everyone basically
shoko82 8y ago One time I asked a girl in my class if she wanted an orange. She said yes and I handed her one. She asked what it was. I was a little confused. It's an orange... I said. She said, No, oranges don't have this rough skin, they're just sections that you break apart I was shocked and explained that it was the peel and all oranges had them. She said Oh, I guess my butler has always peeled them for me She was 16 at the time. The entire class was furious. 24 ...
theamberdog . 6y ago One kid in our elementary school one day said I could give you all a free phone. Не was 9 yo and his dad worked for Nokia + 146 ...
Ponyo4Life 6y ago Family friends kid his 5-6 years old always gets what he wants when ever he wants, he wants ice cream their parents already going to the shop to get it or already have 5 containers in the fridge, once I went there in the morning and the kid was eating marshmallows, m&ms, coke and lemonade by his side, this was his breakfast. The kid is on a 24/7 hype and their parents are if they gave up. + 154 ...
Drowsiest_Approval . 5y ago A girl in my high school bullied her mom into buying her an electric guitar that was signed by our state basketball team at a silent auction. She didn't play the guitar, or like sports. 408 ...
Raisinette-skittles 8y ago My friend; she gets whatever she wants whether it be tickets to expensive foreign concerts, albums/photobooks of music artists, a new car when she totaled her first one(l was in the car when it happened and she ran a red light like a freaking idiot) and she never does anything around the house. I was talking with her and her parents were amazed by the fact that I actually do chores around my house :/ 195 ...
MrPapadapalas 5y ago My nephew used to bite everyone and when you would tell his mom she would just say well he's just playing around its not really hurting anyone. I love rough housing with my cousins so when he does this I really lay down the law and tell him to cut that shit out. Не just crys and runs to his mom and when I say yep he bite me so I yelled at him she will get mad at me and say thats not my job. Well do your own job bitch and I wont have to
 5y ago I was in second grade, and this kid had an iPhone. The teacher decided that he needed to stop playing on it in class, and took his phone. This kid full on started to cry and yelling that she shouldn't do that, and that she should give him his phone back. She sent him to the principal and he came back a little while later and said it was fine that she took his phone because his mom would just buy him a new one. Her face was priceless. 43 ...
19792014 5y ago A kid kicked me in the leg while having a tantrum at the doctors. His mum looked at me and said hes just expressing his frustration and then proceeded to give him a bag of sweets because....well I'm not sure why. Was mega pissed! + 685 ...
jhpb93 8y ago e Edited 8y ago There was a kid in my fraternity whose parents were literally billionaires. We actually had a couple of them but this kid was just dumb rich. For making the deans list one semester, his parents let him get any car he wanted under $100,000 (I am not making this up). Kid got pissed because the package he wanted on his Jaguar F Type made it over 100k and his parents said fine after enough protest. At least I got to drive it sometimes though. Sick car. Edit: who's/whose
colbsauce 8y ago My cousins. My aunt and uncle can never say no to them and they have now drained my grandmothers small fortune. My other uncle contributed to that as well but now my grandmother is selling her place and moving to a smaller one because of how much money she has had to give to that side of the family. I love them but they are just spoiled as can be + 3.4K ...
fedupofbrick 8y ago There's a little shit of a kid next door. Parents are those new age parents. Real hands on parenting. No one is better than Dylan. He's 11 and has a PS4, XBox One, drum kit, guitar and his parents for the last five years have sent him to Barcelona for a football camp. Не walks around like Lord Muck. Has one of those resting smug faces. I hate him. I'm a 25 year old male. + 9.5K ...
stars1029 8y ago My friends roommate and childhood best friend. She moved to New York after living with her family and working retail after graduating high school, and according to my friend, was handed everything to her you can imagine. If she wanted shampoo, she had her parents leave immediately and get it for her. She literally doesnt know how to contribute to a household. Her parents got takeout and junk food and ready meals so often that she legitimately didnt know what olive oil was used for. She's moving back home with them and all I can say is
sparrow125 5y ago I lived in Russia and worked for a very wealthy family. The four year old had very clearly never been told no. The first time I did, he threw a full scale tantrum for four and a half hours. Не was a monster (though not to me once he understood I had all the time in the world for tantrums, and definitely wasn't going to give in to one). + 681 ...
myballsitch69 6y ago A girl in my class when i was in grade 7 got in an argument with her parents so she stoil her moms credit card and booked a trip for herself to cuba. Obviously she didnt go. But she had the money where she thought that was fine. So proud of wasting her parents money. 47 ...


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