25 Wild Stories About Helicopter Parents

‘My friend wasn’t allowed to use scissors until he was in high school’
25 Wild Stories About Helicopter Parents

Being a helicopter parent is a good way to ensure that you’re ruining multiple people’s lives at once. Not only will your child hate you, but so will everyone they encounter. And soon, you will hate yourself. There’s a little something for everyone! 

Redditors have remembered the times they were the victims of helicopter parents and the children they hovered over, and if you’ve ever thought you were too suffocating with your parenting, please see the story of the eight-year-old whose mother still wiped him after he used the bathroom.

Pizzaisthebestfood 8y ago Teacher here: A friend of mine had a mom who came to lunch everyday with her kid from kindergarten to last I checked (I've since left that school) second grade. A little much, but the kicker is, she used to spoon feed him. This child had no issues, was completely capable of feeding himself but she insisted on feeding him so she could monitor what he ate. + 408 ...
mamawolf 10y ago Not a teacher but I'm a nanny. I briefly worked for one mom who still wiped her 8 year old son's ass after he took a shit. That poor kid would just sit on the toilet waiting for mom to come clean his poop hole. I didn't stick around that family for very long. + 478 ...
thebloodofthematador . 8y ago A college student's parents renting an apartment in the city she was in school in so they could take care of her and she could live at home with them. 1.2K ...
TheDocJ 8y ago When my friend took her sons to a nursery, the mother of a 6-month old baby had provided them with a multi-page manual of how to care for him. I can't quite remember the details, but she had either written out different types of crying phonetically with a chart of what each type meant, or may have stood in the office giving her own demonstration of each cry. It did have the benefit of making my friend, who had felt a bit guilty about returning to work, feel like an entirely normal and reasonable mother by comparison.
Toil_x_Trouble 8y ago Friends with a girl in elementary school who had parents that wouldn't let her watch PG rated movies at the age of 12. Even with parental guidance! She wasn't allowed to come over to my house because I mentioned my favorite movie at the time to them and it wasn't G rated.
ZacheyBYT 8y ago A guy at my high school last year wrote some college application essays, and after his parents read them they kicked him out of his own account, changed the password, and rewrote them entirely. + 1.3K ...
 8y ago - Edited 8y ago When I was 15 the parents of a kid in my school year drove 7 hours to save their pride and joy from watching Casino Royale on the coach's on-board DVD player driving back from a school trip. The best part about it is that he must have asked our teacher what the film was in advance and then told his mum. + 4.1K ...
stella_the_diver e 8y ago I worked front desk of a hotel in a Big10 college town and the mom's in the lobby were discussing the college entrance essays they wrote for their kids to guarantee they'd get into the school. 495 ...
TheLittleVintage 8y ago More extreme in the duration than the act itself: my 71-year-old grandmother still phones my 51-year- old mother three times a day demanding to know where she is and what she's doing. + 11K ...
 8y ago Newly enrolled freshman in college, and the poor kid's mom would come to the school and walk with him through the cafeteria line picking out what she thought he should be eating. She did this for all three meals. Poor guys was so embarrassed. + 383 ...
Tubaka 8y ago . Edited 8y ago My mom once got a job application for me, filled it out, signed it, submitted it, got it back, emailed them confirming that I'd take it, then told me she picked up an application for me. So that. She's done far more embarrassing and helicoptery things but I don't want anyone recognizing me so that's all for now.
 8y ago Had a roommate freshman year whose mother called every day and stayed the first whole week of school. Ok. She also would randomly fly up to stay a week or two (in the same bed) with her daughter, accompanying her to all classes, meals, and social gatherings. The mom was afraid her daughter would not be pre-Med anymore and would do anything to make sure she didn't change majors. I think what made this an extreme story was the fact that her mom flew in multiple times in one year and called every day all the way
Gig472 8y ago I work at a university. We had a parent get worried because he had not contacted her in awhile and wasn't taking her calls. We tracked him down and it turned out he was just ignoring her because she called multiple times a day and was driving him crazy. + 1K ...
Felicity_Badporn e 8y ago My friend wasn't allowed to use scissors until he was in high school. His parents were insane. You should've seen their reaction when he joined the army. + 1.9K ...
hammond_egger 10y ago Told a lady at work about an interesting app that allows you to lock your child's phone anytime you want and the only option it gives them is to call the preset (parent's) number. The lady who designed it was pissed because she would call or text her children and they wouldn't answer so it allowed her to lock their phones until they called and checked in. My coworker immediately downloaded the app and now if she calls or texts her kids and they don't respond within two minutes, she locks their phones. If her kids are
noshoes77 10y ago . Edited 10y ago My sister-in-law had to stop putting stickers on her 3rd graders papers because parents were upset that some were better than others. i.e: one student received a Great Job! for earning a 98, while another student only received a Good job! for earning a 90, and that implied that a 90 was not great. The kids didn't care at all, the parents were crazy.
Zvanbez 10y ago I worked as a college ambassador during undergrad. Part of this meant I ended up at events with prospective students and their families to tell them about all of the great things we did. This was a fancy one where there was dinner served and were each assigned to a different table with 2-3 families. I always try to talk to the kids and try to connect with them. But this kid, we'll call him Brad, was the hardest case I've ever had. Every time I would talk to him, he would make eye contact with me
supernova789 10y ago Engineering student here. There was this guy in my class, the only son / child to rich parents. Overprotective mom. Не always came in and sat on the first bench in the lectures. One day some kids occupied the first bench unknowingly and he was 'forced' to sit on second bench . Gets his mom to college next day. Mom raises the roof and escalated this to the Dean. This happened in the first year. Goes without saying the guy didn't have very peaceful next three years. His classmates and teachers ensured that. + 2.1K ...
 8y ago I had a friend growing up whose mother was very protective. The father not so much, but she was so bad that my parents called her mama hawk. I invited him to my 10th birthday party, which was at a laser tag place. His mom came, which was fine, but then while we were playing laser tag, she stood with him the whole time. Didn't play, just stayed with him. Really? What was she protecting him from? Не turned out surprisingly normal and now lives 1,000+ miles away from her. I'm not sure how she does with
fartonme 10y ago When I was a student I would hear of parents accompanying their adult children to job interviews. No one will hire anyone who brings mommy or daddy with them. No one. + 2.8K ...
 10y ago I was TAing a general chemistry lab in college and a parent emailed me after the first lab report with an annotated copy of the graded assignment which I gave a B+. Little Johnny had never gotten a в in a class before and I was just being unfair since it was his first semester in college. Long story short, she threatened to go to the prof, I said go ahead, and they did. The professor was awesome. When kids bitch about their grades, he offers them a regrade, and then goes over the report with a
CircadianHour 10y ago I've had parents who wanted to come to school and attend all of the classes with their kid. + 1.8K ...
clavalle 10y ago I once worked as an instructor for blind/visually impaired kids. A lot of parents of disabled kids coddle them to much but one took the cake: She carried around her child so much that the little girl's legs were useless - c o completely atrophied at 14 years old. There was nothing wrong with anything but that kid's eyes. + 543 ...
CORN_TO_THE_CORE 10y ago Edited 10y ago Back when I was teaching I gave a bad grade on a test to a 55 year old woman who was taking the class. Her 80 year old mother came to my office the next day with scones and tea to ask me if her daughter could retake the test. I allowed it.
flannelbored 8y ago A mother at a university parent session explained how her son enjoyed reading before bed and would occasionally leave his light on. Being the considerate mother that she was, she didn't want to call to make sure he'd turned out his lights, since that might wake him. So she wanted to know if there someone at the university could check on him each night. + 220 ...


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