15 Weird Things Found in Abandoned Homes and Storage Units

Decade-old rotted fish
15 Weird Things Found in Abandoned Homes and Storage Units

Though the entire premise of Storage Wars claims otherwise, there’s rarely any good that can come from rifling through an abandoned storage unit. It’s just junk or haunted junk, and nobody wants to conjure up a ghost along with some garbage

Unfortunately, some people are tasked with doing the dirty work of removing said garbage, resulting in findings that range from slightly weird to… a human skeleton

Redditors have recalled the times they’ve ventured into storage units or abandoned homes to clean up, and all they got in return was some emotional trauma

Oh, and piss jars — a lot of piss jars. 

ChaosReality69 4mo ago Homes weren't abandoned, we were clearing them and sorting between items that could be sold at auction and what was garbage. Walked into the attic of a home that was going to be bulldozed. The smell just about knocked me over. 4-5 piles of bat droppings nearly 2 feet high and who knows what other animal droppings. The guy walking up behind me noped right out while I tried to look around. I sent the boss up there to look around without telling him. Не came back down and said anything up there could stay. Even if
Readonkulous 4mo ago I wasn't disturbed by what they left - an onion. I was disturbed by the fact that when I was cleaning out the rooms, they came back and specifically wanted the onion. No idea what they were on. + 417 Reply ...
CakeyJade . 4mo ago expired pickles! the smell alone could knock out a rhinoceros. + 261 Reply ...
Disastrous-Cheek1400 4mo ago Used to do this for Bank Owned, forclosed properties. Middle of summer in Sacramento, so regularly upper 90's to 105°, back room of a forclosed house, that had been just ruined by the people who didn't pay, found a dead body, had been there for a little bit and was bloated, in the back yard pool we found his friend also deceased. I immediately called the sheriffs department, and my buddy and I stopped doing that kind of work that day. + 969 Reply ...
justwantstogohome 4mo ago Knew a guy who was a plumber and had to knock out a cinderblock wall to run water lines. Found a whole ass skeleton. Cops took over the job site and he never went back. 2 Reply ...
PlusAd859 - 4mo ago Little plastic bags filled with shit. They were dated with permanent marker. 4 Reply ...
Alexis_J_M 4mo ago (Not me, but...) A fish processing plant in Vancouver was shut down. The crews just ran the last cans through the line, shut it down, and walked away. Later, the factory was turned into a museum, and the first task was to clean out ten year old rotted fish from all the machinery. 5 Reply ...
e 4mo ago recycledfrogs Opening dresser drawers filled with mice. Floors completely covered with dead flies and mice poop. Just walking over them. Crunch crunch 15 Reply ...
squirrelklan e 3y ago Dildos. Lots of dildos. Was from a 60ish year old mans unit. Seemed like every other box or drawer I opened I found another dildo. Super gross. ALWAYS wear gloves. + 65 ...
Thrills4Shills 4mo ago Someone took 2 dumps on the carpet and just covered it with the box spring for the mattress and just forgot about it I guess. 144 Reply ...
thepurplehedgehog . 4mo ago Edited 4mo ago Ex rented his house out to tenants who did a runner on him owing about 6k in rent. When we finally got back into the house I found several vials of pee in the cupboard under the kitchen sink. I'd rather not imagine what they were for
 8y ago i very briefly worked at a mass chain storage unit. Opened a unit that was 4 months passed due. Boxes all in the front of a 6x12 unit but when we removed the wall of boxes there was a bed and a tv someone was living there. I gotta say it was a great idea + 233 ...
Goldencol . 7y ago Ex removals guy. I started moving a fridge to find a rotted piece of fish in a pool of cat piss at the back. I didn't like it. 1.3K ...
godbullseye 8y ago A cousin of mine owns one and the guy who rented it was 4 months behind so it went up for public auction. They crack that bitch open and find a small armory with automatic weapons and even a couple of pipe bombs. Не calls the police who show up and diffuse any of the bombs and start running the numbers on all the guns many of which were illegal in the state and some reported stolen. Guess this guy was stocking up for the race Wars and ended up in jail for an extended stay and
. 4mo ago CorporateNonperson An attic full of porn. Like actually full of it. Thousands of magazines over 4 decades. And one recliner in the middle. + 392 Reply ...


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