22 of the Worst Calls Received by Call Center Agents

‘We just went through a hurricane and she’s worried about five cents’
22 of the Worst Calls Received by Call Center Agents

A quick glance at social media is proof that people feel emboldened to say pretty much anything from behind a phone screen. And while it’s funny to troll a stranger on Reddit or roast a politician under the veil of anonymity, it’s not funny to tell a call center agent that you’re going to pray that God will let you “stand on the banks of hell” so you can watch them burn. 

That’s extremely not cool, and gives the implication that you, the person who is yelling at an underpaid customer service representative, will even see the gates of heaven. You won’t! 

To that end, Redditors have put their blinking lines on hold and remembered the callers who definitely won’t be entering the pearly gates, including *checks notes* Stephen King.

 5y ago I was doing an external exit survey and a woman starting crying about losing her job and went into a very detailed and cringeworthy story about how she ran into her man's lover at the gas station and they got into a brawl, which led to a series of events that definitely did not relate to losing her job. She would not let me get a word in to get the info I needed and ignored all attempts I made to say I needed to wrap up the call. After one hour, she lets me speak but
SoftSayOcean 10y ago I work at a call center in the retention department of a TV provider. I have had a lot of bad calls but my most recent was a customer called in to lower his bill. I went through all the options of lowering his channel package (which he had the highest package possible) and possibly deactivating tvs not being used (he had 6 tvs active) but no discounts possible. The last thing he said to me was Have a horrible night and a terrible Christmas. I didn't say anything. Did you hear me? I answered yes sir.
OGWhiz OP 5y ago My absolute favourite one.. I still remember her full name four years later. She would call apple, get a rep on the line and then three way call us and just yell at both of us to fix her phone. It's not sending texts. Why do you all suck at your job? Why does your service suck? Why does this phone suck? We didn't suck, the phone didn't suck, the service did suck but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that she wasn't putting the area code in to text people. Both us and apple
flipping_birds 5y ago I know someone who used to work for a utility in Maine and she said that Stephen King once called in because his service was out and screamed at her Do you know who I am? If you don't get my service back up, I'll have you working at Shaw's! (the local supermarket) I much later saw in a documentary that when he was a poor struggling writer, his utilities were often cut off because he didn't pay the bills. So it was easy to see where the bad attitude came from. + 30 ...
warp_rot 5y ago My girlfriends friend is Portuguese so for starters she gets hung up on because she has an accent but one time she told me this guy flipped out when he was spelling his last name she said S for Sierra? and he shouted NO! I SAID S FOR SAUSAGE!! which she replied well done, they both start with an S + 8 ...
mollytmartin 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I used to work in collections for an auto-finance company. Not as bad as you might think but I remember on 2 separate occasions, a customer on the other end refused to talk to my black co-worker and demanded to be transferred to a white person. It was so sad how my co-worker just accepted it saying that happens from time to time. I'm white and I think the ordeal upset me more than her, which is also super fucked up. 8 ...
depressed_jess 1y ago I had a customer call because what they were charged for a service call was 5 CENTS more than what the tech said it would be. I had to transfer her to the local Miami office, that had just opened back up, after being closed for a few days because of a hurricane. I warm transferred and explained what the lady wanted, the branch said, good lord, we just went through a hurricane and she's worried about 5 cents. + 4 Reply ...
Sliperyfish 13y ago I was trying to remotely connect to a customer site to fix an issue. We had connected through before so it should have been simple. After about 30 minutes of diagnosing why we couldn't connect, checking firewalls, port forwarding..etc she finally says 'you don't need the internet to connect do you? I cancelled that yesterday' What kind of magical filled land of stupidity do these people live in? How the fuck did she think that it was going to work otherwise? Some people.. 5 ...
kiwifruitfan 13y ago I had to call another call center once for my job (in a call center) to get some information. I called the other place (it was Chase) said our hello's and then I asked my question. (I needed status of a payment) instead of answering me the lady (at Chase) says . let me tell you about my cat Then she spent about 5 minutes telling me about her slutty cat and how all the Tom Cats hang outside her window hoping to get a little something .... so yeah that was kinda weird... Another one is when
smom 10y ago I've worked for several travel call centers - int'l hotel chains as well as car/truck rentals. Ноо boy. There are some really stupid people out there. rental car - guy called on January 1st saying he lost his rental keys at a party the night before. Could not understand why every one of our rental offices did not have every key to every car at every location. (Не was out of town from the pickup office.) Very irate. hotel - fun nights were when some religious group decided to call and complain that the hotel had a porn channel and 'any kid could
SkyHookofKsp 10y ago Hmm, I have several, but the one I remember most is this woman kept telling me to cut the chit chat when I asked her the predetermined questions to start her report. Even after explaining to her that all of my questions were relevant, she continued to insist that I was wasting time. After several more minutes of blood-curdling interaction with this woman, there was a problem with her information. This sent her over the edge, until she eventually hung up on me. The details are vague, but I still remember how angry I was after that
takenorinvalid 10y ago I used to answer the handwritten letters for a major pharmacy. The only people who write letters by hand are the elderly and the schizophrenic, so we had a lovely batch of both. think the best was a largely incomprehensible letter from a woman. It started with Our children need mittens because of the cold, but in those days we were cold and we had no mittens. A few paragraphs in, it read: Sheila thinks she can do these things but she cannot do these things. There are skeletons in her closet that I know about. I
Aninymas . 5mo ago I had some guy flirting with me and he was really pushing it. This was the last call after closing time. Management listens in on those calls. I laughed a little because I couldn't hold it. And after he hung up I laughed a lot. It was just so pathetic and desperate and public I couldn't stop laughing. 3 Reply ...
ozziesironmanoffroad 5mo ago I had one who tried telling me I need to think of time in minutes instead of hours. That it'll make my life so much easier 60 minutes is more manageable than 1 hour and had a complete system and all that. Like he full on rambled for half an hour if not longer. It was hilarious 3 Reply ...
 10y ago Work as a vendor agent for a major banks credit card. Had a lady be past due 90 days wondering why her card is closed even though she had paid the past due amount. Tried explaining to her the most likely reason. And this little old lady in her sweetest little old lady voice told me fuck you and fuck your card just because of her voice it's the funniest. I've also been told I should of been aborted because I refused to waive interest and late fees. 20 Share ...
DaddyReddits 10y ago Ok not me, but my wife, used to work at a sprint center. She was told, You stupid fucking bitch, you better give me and upgrade, or I'm going to come up there and find you, and fuck your shit up.. My wife replied (in the nicest possible tone you can at that point),So you'd like to speak to my manager?. Her manager had been standing there for a good 10-15 minutes listening already, and said transfer it. She promptly said bye. 9 Share ...
meowhahaha 5mo ago I literally had a chap tell me I was 'too bloody chipper for this early in the morning!' and ask for a supervisor. I actually asked him if he was serious- it seemed ridiculous. Не assured me, in an even grumpier voice - that he was, indeed, sincere. + 8 Reply ...
mikenzeejai 5mo ago I have a higher pitche'd voice so if a consumer is a dick they'll repeat back what I say in a super high pitched voice like they're mocking me. It used to make me cry because I know my voice is annoying and I was super self conscious about it but now I just repeat it back again even higher. I will continue to do so until they knock it off. Sometimes ill get an extra asshole person who will accuse me of faking it. (As if everyone on earth doesn't change their voice a little when
darkness765 5mo ago I was helping this guy who just got of prison, can't remember what with. As soon as we said goodbye he didn't then the call. Next thing I hear is thump, thump, thump MOAN. I was like SIR OMG SIR YOU DIDNT END THE CALL, PLEASE END THE CALL you could hear the woman screech and it ended. I put myself in personal after that as I couldn't stop laughing. + 12 Reply ...
drunktrex 10y ago I worked at a call center last year, selling boat insurance. One guy spent a good 40 minutes bragging about all the amazing places he'd visited and then another 20 minutes asking me why I was wasting my life (I was 17 at the time) in a call center and not spending $5,000 on a trip to the Caribbean. And then he laughed, said 'oh, and I'm already insured' and hung up. Asshole. + 227 Share ...
Weedougie 10y ago I had a customer threaten suicide while on a call with me for over two hours. She had a baby crying in the background and I tried my best to help and talk her down but there was nothing I could do to help her. I work in customer service for a bank and she didn't have any money, she couldn't understand why I didn't just give her money. I felt so bad and she was still screaming and sobbing when she got off the phone so I called the police to do a welfare check on
BigDog6164 10y ago I used to work in an air line call center and i spoke with a woman who was so angry that i wouldn't waive the $50 change fee that she told me she was going to pray to god that he let her stand on the banks of hell and watch me burn. I am an atheist but considering she believed that stuff was real it is probably the worst. 1 Share ...


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