30 Unusual Ways People Almost Died

‘My stomach veins exploded’
30 Unusual Ways People Almost Died

You can die doing pretty much anything. Case in point: One Redditor got pneumonia from choking on a Goldfish cracker; another almost strangled themself to death by sticking their head out of a car window and accidentally pressing the button that made the window roll up. 

While the stupidity level in each case may be up for debate, there are also people who were the victims of random falling tree branches, car accidents and the like. 

What I’m saying is that none of us are safe. If you’re justifiably paranoid of dying in a situation fit for a Final Destination movie, please skip this one. I’m not kidding.

UnspecifiedBat 1y ago My grandma stepped in a nest of yellow jackets while we were out foraging for mushrooms. They didn't attack her though... they attacked 6yo me. 5 ...
thebluestblue1 1y ago Almost drove through a tornado without realizing it. I think I was a couple minutes behind it, and when I took the exit...power lines were down, roofs had been ripped off buildings, trees on the ground, etc 15 ...
 f 1y ago beans. (i was diagnosed with g6pd deficincy afterwards) 52 ...
securinight . 1y ago Got trapped in a walk in freezer. The door shut and refused to open. A few solid kicks were enough to open it, but it was genuinely scary for a minute. + 195 ...
NomadOne33 1y ago In 1999 I almost got trampled by two water buffalo in Nepal. + 291 ...
 1y ago I fell in the middle of an icy road when I was 5-6 y old. A red pick up truck drove over me missing me completely. + 133 ...
Comfortable-Fan-9721 e 1y ago I tried to climb out a second story window with bed sheets when I was 5. My siblings had to pull me back up, (I was the guinea pig.. it didn't go so well + 105 ...
piperpeters 1y ago I almost drowned in the wave pool at the Wilderness Lodge (now Great Wolf Lodge) in Gatlinburg, but I really big hairy guy pulled me out of the water. + 138 ...
StormsDeepRoots 1y ago Opened the chlorine tablet dispenser in my above ground pool to refill it. Was consumed with chlorine gas and couldn't properly breathe. I had to be rushed to the ER where they gave me Oxygen and evaded what could have been a scary death. Then, I was a child of the 80's so my parents never knew where I was. I could have been hit by a car and they wouldn't have known until I didn't show up with the street lights. I never stayed in our neighborhood. I would ride my bike 40 minutes to my
Draug_ 1y ago My sister found a wooden chair leg with a screw in it and thought a kid could get hurt if they found this, so she threw the chair leg off the edge of a cliff. I just happened to be standing at the foot of the cliff, and got the thing in my head. The screw cracked my skull. + 160 ...
ajfoscu 1y ago On 12/21/12 (the supposed end of the world), a massive spruce tree crashed through my house during a freak windstorm and landed within a foot of where I was sitting. It literally could have been lights out for me that day. + 503 ...
Plastic_Gas3449 1y ago I was being dumb as a teenager with some friends. We were swimming and decided to have a bellyflopping competition. We ended up on the roof of the house after all doing the diving board. I went first off the roof. I really committed. The sudden halt of momentum on the surface caused my bladder to be ripped away from the body. I almost bled out internally. + 463 ...
Emergency_Source_18 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Sleeping while dummy bf light a cigarette quickly to go toilet and threw the lighter on the bed where i was sleeping. Bed caught fire, i was in deep sleep couldnt even feel the heat from the fire. I had a nightmare that woke me up in time because the flames were getting near my hair and face.
 e 1y ago Edited 1y ago I went skinny dipping in a lake at night with a group of people while extremely drunk. I suddenly got out of the water and immediately passed out. If I hadn't gotten out at that moment I probably would have drowned before anyone would have noticed since it was pitch black outside. 357 Share ...
 e 1y ago I almost died at a Denny's when I was 8 choking on a mozz stick that no one could get out until a doctor came to help me (not super unusual, but what a dumb way to have a brush with death) Share 742 ...
nwaterman44 1y ago Took a line drive to my temple as a baseball pitcher when I was 14, gave me shattered skull and some nice internal bleeding. Apparently if it struck more half an inch in either direction it likely would have killed me. Luckily burr holes work + 663 Share ...
potato_in_hot_water 1y ago Mom almost yeeted me when I was a baby b/c it was late at night and I guess she was sleep deprived because when she picked me up she thought I was a baby grey alien and freaked out. 458 Share ...
Intelligent-Jelly419 1y ago Abscess tooth. Infection traveled up my face and started under my eye, was going to my brain. ( ( hospital for a week and needed surgery) . During this hospital stay, not only was a possible brain infection trying to kill me, the doctors overdosed me on morphine and also gave me an antibiotic I was allergic to, not once, but twice. My mom tore that place apart. Share 589 ...
raccoonsarepeople 1y ago When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I snuck two mini muffins and my mom walked in so I stuffed them both in my mouth and tried to swallow them whole. 335 Share ...
birch-cosmo 1y ago Sitting in one of the baby spring seats In a park and my friend pulls it back and my head is basically on the floor, they let go of the seat and I go flying into the air and land directly on my head and my neck basically shaped to the side. After that I just got up and sat on the swings that were in the park like nothing happened to me + 948 Share ...
pancakesquest1 1y ago My stomach veins exploded. It was like something out of a movie the blood pouring out of my mouth. Don't recommend. Still traumatized + Share 1.2K ...
East_Dog7971 1y ago When I was a kid, I accidentally almost choked myself by having my head sticking out of the car window and my hand accidentally hit the button where the window rolled up. + 1K Share ...
cschneider27 1y ago I was sitting in a chair on my deck on my 35th birthday (just a few weeks ago). Hanging out around a fire with our neighbors after a cookout. Our deck has a towering, full growth oak tree overhead. About 30 min after sitting down a 25' branch falls from 60' in the air and lands squarely on my shoulder. Oddly enough it broke my radial bone near my wrist. Y'all...this tree branch scraped my neck when it hit, that's how close it was to ending me. Luckily a clean break of the radial and that was
HappyHubby33 1y ago I almost got crushed in a pin setter when I was working on the pin table (bowling lane). I was lazy and didn't LOTO because as the manager I didn't think anyone would turn it on but me. I was wrong and it was a mistake I only made one. + 1.9K Share ...
CommieWhacker14 1y ago Was assisting at a target practice in the military when a trainee misfired and got saved by my Kevlar helmet, the force of impact pushed my head backwards and fell into the ground with so much force that I got a concussion... Next thing I know, the drill instructors are tearing that trainee a new one while I'm looking at a beautiful blue sky hearing shouting far away. Luckily I got hit by a 9 mm. to the helmet and not a 7.62 mm. from our standard combat rifle. + 2.1K Share ...
BadLuckEddie 1y ago I was digging a hole at 12-14 years old. Вс I could, kid stuff. I only remember waking up and it was dark. I had apparently hit an underground electric line. No one knew. I was there for hours. I got up, went inside and ate dinner. This was in the early 80s. I pissed my pants. And felt weird for a day or two. Never told my parents. Thought they'd be mad. + Share 10K ...
kingofthepews 1y ago When I was a baby my older sister had me by the ankles at the top of the stairs, encouraging me to try and crawl down the stairs headfirst, because she wanted to be an only child again. + 1.3K Share ...
EchoLynx 1y ago By inhaling a Goldfish. The cracker, not the animal. Got pneumonia, hospitalized, the whole 9 yards. I don't eat goldfish anymore. + 5.4K Share ...
Gurpguru 1y ago Fell down a mountain. (It was like a slide area that went at an angle off vertical.) My clothes and skin were torn badly, one of my pack straps was broken, and, while nothing felt broken, I felt like I had been beaten by baseball bats for a week. Took me 2 weeks to get out and to medical care. I was bleeding from every orifice and couldn't eat or drink when I entered the hospital. For a CAT they dumped something like 1.5 liters of, what we soon discovered, of a dye that I was severely
HumboldtSquidmunn 1y ago I've almost died a bunch of ways. I was nearly vaporized by an IED that only failed to detonate due to a disconnected D-cell battery, fell into a tree well in Norway, had the van I was driving near torn in half by a semi truck, and was nearly crushed by a falling 30m mast antenna (though the whipping cables were probably more dangerous). Knowing for a fact life could end at any time does tend to make you see everyone as equals though. 8 ...


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