33 Funny Things People Do That They’re Sure No One Else Does

‘I pretend I’m on a horse when I’m in the car’
33 Funny Things People Do That They’re Sure No One Else Does

The most adorable thing about human beings is that we’d all like to think we’re totally unique. I’m resisting the urge to reference the coconut tree meme, but suffice it to say, none of us exist in a vacuum. There’s likely someone out there who also pretends their retail job is a sitcom, or clenches their butt cheeks in rhythm with the road lines, or fills their belly button with Silly Putty at night. 

It’s okay! That shouldn’t take away from the joy you experience while doing your thing. 

Redditors have disclosed the quirky things they’re convinced no one else does, and if you identify with any of these, you can find comfort in knowing there’s another little freak out there like you.

IrregularComicsYT e 2y ago Subconsciously thinking a demon is watching me every time I close my eyes in the shower. I know there not but I just can't shake the feeling. 548 ...
placeholderNull 2y ago I know a lot of edible wild plants, so my friends would tease me for randomly breaking off from the group to eat a clump of grass or suspicious fruit. + 477 ...
Extra_Aoili 2y ago If I touch something that has an unpleasant texture (microfiber towels do this to me) I have to either touch something more pleasant, or put on lotion. 395 ...
vultures84 2y ago I pick up random objects and answer them like a phone. The caller (usually a police) always wants talk to my cat and I argue that my feline friend does not speak common tongue and it often escalates in heated but brief exchange. No matter how firmly I state my point they always keep calling... + 3.4K ...
Hattie_Cat . 2y ago Whenever I see a pigeon, I always say ah bonjour Monsieur Pigeon! Absolutely no idea why I do this, particularly as I have zero connections to France. + 4.1K ...
AW2007 2y ago I count (in my head) the number of stairs I'm going up. Don't know why. Don't count them going down... only going up. + 1.5K ...
fraxbo 2y ago I am almost certain that I am the only person who, after going on my daily 5k run, cools down by walking the whole path through the IKEA showroom and marketplace. I only started this a couple months ago when we moved to a new house about ten minutes walk away from an IKEA. I find it very calming and stimulating, though. + 1.5K ...
Breadsocial 2y ago I try and make sense of license plate letters like acronyms. + 4.7K ...
FrowstyWaffles 2y ago When I am alone and I remember an embarrassing memory, I'll make random loud sounds to block it out. Kind of like what you'd do to your siblings when you were a kid and you were trying to block them out. + 581 ...
 2y ago When I go get the mail if I hear a car coming I run in the house real quick so they don't see me and then look through the blinds like I got away with something. + 5.5K ...
MotherTheresa99 2y ago when a car drives past me i try to remember the number on that plate, there's no reason for that, it just automatically happens + 1.6K ...
 e 2y ago Twist my wrist a few times as I reach to open a door. Gotta make sure the wrist works before I get there. + 2.5K ...
Capt_Thunderdump 2y ago When I mow the yard I pretend I'm on espn and two sports announcers in my head are commenting on how excellent I took that turn, and the precision movements of my mowing. + 5.7K ...
ThePerson-_- 2y ago When I need to make a decision I consult an imaginary person in my head who is a combination of everyone I know and they give me advice that I'm really giving myself. + 6.9K ...
Fluxtuxx . 8y ago I blink for each lamppost while driving + 255 ...
chimcakes . 8y ago I regularly think about what the scenario would be like if I switched lives/souls with random people. I don't know why, but it sounds interesting 222 ...
kestrelkat 8y ago Edited 8y ago I write random words in cursive in the air using my finger. Sometimes I hear a word or see it written out and I want to write it in cursive. I'm sure I look crazy while doing it, like I'm conducting some strange orchestra in my head or something, but I just can't help it. The oddest part to me is that I don't actually write in cursive, I just print it like normal.
GirlAtTheRockShow182 8y ago Eat in the shower when I'm in 1. Too tired in the morning 2. Too tired after the gym. I legitimately have full meals while I'm washing my hair with one hand. Last week I was eating tacos in the shower because I couldn't decide whether I wanted to eat or shower first after the gym. + 151 ...
breezy84 e 8y ago I can't open a can of pop without tapping on the top of it 3 times with my nails. My nieces have starting doing it, because they see me do it, which pisses my sister off, but I don't even realize I'm doing it! 127 ...
wmd3 8y ago I only walk at the right side of whoever I'm walking with. so lost his hearing in his left ear years ago, so I have adapted to being at his right side. It's to the point now that I feel very awkward and distracted if I walk at the left side of anyone else too. 266 ...
SilicaViolet 8y ago Edited 8y ago I make the finger motions for typing constantly without thinking about it. Sometimes it will be things I'm thinking, or if a word stands out in a sentence someone just said, I'll type it over and over again. Sometimes I don't even make the motions, but I just think about the fingers and what order they have to move in.
 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I do this weird thing where I count the letters in every sentence I hear or say by twos and if the sentence doesn't end on an even number I get aggravated.
VanillaWhiskey 8y ago e Edited 8y ago I like to push the cold outer parts of my ears into the warmer center and just hold it there. I enjoy the cold feeling on the inside of the ear. It looks really fucking stupid so I try to do it only in private. I'm middle aged now and I've been doing it as long as I can remember, and I've never seen one other person do it.
Habefiet 8y ago Edited 8y ago I blow in cups before I use them most of the time. I pull them out of the cupboard and blow some air into them. Usually discretely. Two quick puffs in rapid succession. My fiancee knows I do it and I assume other people close to me do too. It stems from a weird childhood habit I picked up to try to blow spiders out of cups in case there were any in there. I just never put in the conscious effort to stop doing it.
 8y ago I regularly talk out loud in the car; no big deal... But I actually play the role of a politician being interviewed by the press and I give the answers that I think the public really should hear. I precede the monologues by thanking the 'reporter' and I fully address the fictional populace via camera or podium. Yes, I give the speeches out loud in my car. + 1.5K ...
llamarider13 8y ago Edited 8y ago I like to pretend to be a dinosaur when I'm alone for long periods of time. I'm talking likes days, at least one of those days will be dubbed dinosaur day where I will walk and eat like a dinosaur. Meals can get messy, but who cares, not I, the dinosaur. Edit: I feel people are imagining it very different from how it is. It's not like I'm a furry dinosaur or something. It's more like if I have to walk to the kitchen I do the t-rex arm thing and run angrily, then
Landdropgum 8y ago I also pretend I'm on a horse when riding in the car and every time I pass a driveway I mentally jump over it. Like every time. For hours. + 580 ...
Imanual_robriguez 8y ago I've never met anyone that does this, but It feels good to put the edge of clothing under the tip of my nail and move it back and forth. Like the open side of a pillow case, and bottom of my t shirt. + 724 ...
cthickyy 8y ago Edited 8y ago Because I work in retail--just that simple fact ensures hilarity--I format every single time I go to work as a TV show. My coworkers are my supporting cast, the customers awful guest stars, and each episode focusing on character development and/or plot development. When you work a dead end job with the most insane requests and customers, I think I'm safe in saying I'm more sane than they are.
Wonderfowl 8y ago I used to put silly putty in my belly button at night before going to sleep. When I woke up the putty would be perfectly formed to the shape of my belly button and super fun to peel out. Moving in with my first boyfriend ended that. + 2K ...
 8y ago You know them broken white lines in the road on high ways ? Yeah, I alternate clenching each butt check together as I drive passed them. Oh and the solid white lines I'll hold it on the butt cheek until the next line will come up. + 781 ...
-eDgAR- e 8y ago Sometimes when I'm bored I like to Google bars and restaurants in other countries, look at their menus, and decide what I would order if I was there. + 1.8K ...
Twoyurnipsinheat 2y ago Whenever I get ready for bed or take a shower and I go to take my pants off I have to kick them up with my foot and catch them in midair before they go in the laundry. Underwear as well. I am an adult 341 ...


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