29 Wild Things People Found Hidden in Terms and Conditions

‘Apparently, I couldn’t even get out of my lease if I DIED!’
29 Wild Things People Found Hidden in Terms and Conditions

Don’t shoot the messenger, but apparently we’re supposed to actually read the terms and conditions. I know, it’s crazy! But that’s the thing about being an adult: We’re expected to do certain things, no matter how much they suck. But while we’ve been ignoring the good old T&Cs, companies have been hiding lots of different things in there. In fact, they’ve been banking on our laziness, and that’s messed-up! 

Case in point: One Redditor discovered that Sony can sue you for not updating your console software; on the flip side, another Redditor got a bonus day of PTO simply by doing the extra reading. So, you know, it’s a real mixed bag. 

Other Redditors have discovered hidden tricks, treats and treasures in the terms and conditions as well, and yeah, we should definitely be reading these things.

devingr33n e 5y ago Sinemia, a short lived and super sketchy discounted movie ticket service: your account can be terminated for violating the terms of service, or for no reason at all. Also no refunds. 81 ...
dsyzdek 5y ago Legal agreement with a scuba instructor for a cave diving class had a clause saying that said something like I shall love baby ducks and not allow baby ducks to come to harm. The instructor didn't know about that duck love clause. 106 ...
AOULO 5y ago Some guy had read through the terms and conditions of a Samsung smart TV, which had come with a remote that had voice control. Не found out the the TV could record and listen in on your conversations, and that they could also be passed on to third parties. Basically, your TV watches you. 109 ...
ColaNaught 4y ago Apple's terms and conditions have plenty of jokes in them. They even made one about faking the moon landing. 82 ...
hansn 10y ago I applied for a credit card through a bank I was using. They approved the card, and gave me a few pages to sign, one line of which read I have been given the terms and conditions booklet or something similar. I had not been given the booklet, so I asked for it. The banker said something like we don't have those in the bank, but you can read them online. After a bit of back and forth about it, it was clear I was not going to get the booklet. I left without a credit card.
jsmiff573 4y ago Ancestry and 23andme have a clause that says they own your dna sequence and can do whatever they want with it. + 3.2K ...
SunnySamantha 5y ago I know at some point Comcast was not responsible if it killed you. Haven't looked at it in years though (used to work for them so you get to learn the terms pretty quickly) + 4.9K ...
MissionApostate - 5y ago Not me but a coworker. A hospital she had a large bill at was changing their payment plan system and sent out a notice. In all the legal jargon they included in the letter, there was a very small insignificant note about how if you called and asked to pay everything off before the system changed to the new plans and you referred to the letter, you'd get a 50% discount. 127 ...
reddi fuckgoldsendbitcoin 4y ago I read the warranty for my motherboard once. It said it does not cover damage from bodily fluids including urine and vomit. 105 ...
 4y ago Technically Steam owns any and all games that you purchase from them. What you purchase is basically a copy of one of their games, and they reserve the right to access your library and do whatever. + 223 ...
Doctor_Myscheerios 4y ago Discord's Terms of Service are worded in such a way that they can literally say whatever they want is a breach of contract on a whim. 78 ...
Bitomic 4y ago Accordingly to Photoshop ToS, you can't use Photoshop as a verb and must say edited with Photoshop or similar instead of Photoshopped. In Spanish it's common to use it as a verb, photoshoppear. + 663 ...
AwSkiba 4y ago Ts and Cs for a cinema in the UK. After purchasing a ticket and choosing your seat/seats the cinema doesn't guarantee you the seats you have chosen will be available and you are encouraged to find a different seat if the one on your ticket is taken. 161 ...
Isellati E 4y ago PPG (paint company) does not allow their paint to be used on terrorist, biohazard or nuclear facilities. + 1.6K ...
OIStickInTheMud 5y ago I was stoned and downloaded a mobile game some years ago and decided to read the terms and conditions. It was like 20 pages and mostly had to do with privacy and micro transaction stuff. In the back half a paragraph was the lyrics to ToTos Africa. 6K ...
pakidara . 4y ago Spybot S&D asks that you send the devs beer money. + 1.3K ...
grouchy_fox e 4y ago You cannot use the Java programming language to control a nuclear reactor. + 1.3K ...
 4y ago I was asked to sign a petition for something that I generally was in agreement with, until I read the last part of it, that read something like, the chairman of the committee reserves the right to change the wording of this petition. So it was like, sign here, and we'll figure out what you signed later. + 3.2K ...
ArikBloodworth 5y ago Back in the day when people  acquired new music by buying CDs, one of the bands I listened to would hide nice little messages to fans in the copyright/legal fine print in the booklet that came with the CD. Sometimes there would be a small link to a hidden part of their website that had extra content. + 8.2K ...
dixthemean 5y ago I don't know if they changed it but, when you chose the fragile obtion in a mail system like FedEx, that didn't ment they would take special care of it but that you admitted that it was fragile and therefore it could be broken without being their fault, leaving you unable to sue them for breaking your package or to ask any reimbursement. + 17K ...
other_usernames_gone 5y ago If you want to take Huawei to court you have to take them to court in China. What they don't tell you is that it's near impossible for a foreigner to win a court case in China. + 14K ...
plate0221864onice 5y ago Gamestation once made an Immortal Soul Clause on April Fool's day, to prove that no-one actually reads the terms and conditions. It read By placing an order via this Web site on the first day of the fourth month of the year 2010 Anno Domini, you agree to grant us a non transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul. + 21K ...
TamponLoveTaps 5y ago I had a Victoria's Secret coupon that said Canadians are required to pass a math question or test in order to be eligible for the discount. I think I still have it at my desk - my job in part is writing terms and conditions, agreements, and disclosures for the bank I work at so I actually do read a lot of T&Cs in homage to the amount of time my colleagues in the field put into writing 18 pages of shit no one but examiners read. The Canadian math requirement is the strangest I've ever seen. + 10K
69poop420 e 5y ago Idk if this is super surprising, but I read the entire lease for my first apartment and apparently, | couldn't get out of my lease even if I DIED. + 34K ...
_eg0_ 5y ago Thank you customer for actually reading our terms and conditions. Send us an E-mail with the following content and we will send you a free box of chocolates. They did indeed send chocolate. + 52K ...
TheDarkLord023Reborn . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Sony can sue you for literaly not updating your console software if you're connected to internet + 25K ...
PhilipLiptonSchrute 5y ago In the hiring contract for the last company I worked for, there was a line buried on page like 22 that said if you email a certain email address on your first day saying you saw the line, you'd get a bonus day of РТО for the year. + 26K ...
oak_sway 5y ago At a gun range one time I saw that if I yelled out I love dogs! my time and anything I buy is half price. I immediately did so, startling my best friend. That was awesome. The contract to a job I had working in the desert warned about the frequency of alien attacks. I was disappointed to go a year and a half without any, though. + 4.4K ...
Unsolicited_Spiders 5y ago Royal Caribbean has a clause in their Cruise Ticket Contract stating that that they are granted the exclusive rights to any videos, photographs, audio recordings, etc, taken of the guest during or in connection with the cruise throughout the universe and in perpetuity. Well-played, RC. That's thinking ahead. 79 ...


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