22 Crazy Experiences People Had While Working the Night Shift at a Gas Station

‘I once saw a guy try to climb into the coolers’
22 Crazy Experiences People Had While Working the Night Shift at a Gas Station

Working the night shift at a gas station has to be one of the circles of Hell. How else do you explain the Redditor who was robbed at gunpoint two different times by the same guy over the course of three weeks? Or, better yet, how do you explain the dude who realized halfway through his shift that someone had come in and stolen the toilets

These are the bizarre occurrences that are relegated to the literal and emotional darkness of the nighttime gas station shift, and we should all thank the following Redditors for their service.

ozQuarteroy 5y ago A friend of mine worked nights in a convenience store by herself and she told me about a time when a woman came in drenched in blood. When asked she said flatly, don't worry, it's not my blood. She bought a pack of cigarettes and was on her merry way. + 955 ...
RedditTrollin 5y ago Years ago I worked overnights at a gas station, in a pretty bad neighborhood in Florida. My first night working there an older guy came in, walked up to the counter and reached across and punched me in the jaw pretty hard. The guy I was working with chased him out the door while I called the cops to send someone over. My coworker came back in pretty quick looking frightened and said to send an ambulance because the crazy guy just died outside. EMT and police came, guy was alive but had a pretty bad heart
ejsandstrom 5y ago A drunk guy tried to fight me for stealing his job at the gas station. Не started chasing me and fell down in the street. The police called and questioned me, and then the police Sargent blew her cover when she started yelling at me for beating up her son. Не was in his mid 20's 6' 275. I was a short skinny 16yo. + 945 ...
littleredhoodlum 5y ago I worked in a rural gas station/ garage when I was in high school. One evening I was working and there were some pretty bad storms brewing. It didn't take long for there to be a fairly large group of people stopped at the station to find some shelter. I didn't think much of it, wasn't the first time it had happened, but then they started blowing the tornado sirens. All the sudden there's a bunch of adult and families looking at little 16 year old me looking for answers. There's no basement so I did the
kaczmarek224 e 5y ago I once saw a guy try to climb into the coolers. Just opened the door and tried to squeeze his body into the soda... fucking weird + 329 ...
BreezyLemLem 5y ago A shirtless man standing in the pouring rain in the middle of the parking lot for what seemed to be about 3 hours. + 252 ...
derekthedeadite 5y ago Edited 5y ago I had a 300lb man come in and tell me he was looking for god. Не walked over to the soda and started downing mountain dews, Then he got butt naked and laid on the floor and pissed everywhere (including on himself). When the police arrived they told me he was apparently off his meds and they'd been searching for him for a while, Не broke the windows out of a church a few blocks down the road. That was one of the stranger nights of my life. + 263 ...
CloutlessLurker 5y ago I wasn't working, but my mom worked the graveyard shift and would have me sleeping on a cot behind the counter by her so she could take me to school right after work. I woke up to use the bathroom, saw an old, probably homeless man walk in. A rat fell off of him, scurried after him for a second, then died. + 206 ...
legokid0106 5y ago My step-mom worked at a gas station. My dad went to visit her and talk because she was bored. A guy walked in looking really anxious. Не took a look at my dad (6'3 220 lbs) and left immediately. About 10 minutes later that same guy robbed the gas station right down the street. My step-mom still can't believe she could've lost her life if my dad wasn't there with her. + 67 Share ...
helmets_guy 5y ago a man with his frying pan swaggers by saying sup by the way then another one comes by and so on until i start hearing some banging (pan noises) and i find a bunch of guys jousting using pans and shopping carts in the middle of the night and i joined them 259 ...
rizzlycaviar 5y ago when i was in high school i worked at a gas station and this one night i heard a loud crash and stuff started falling off the back wall. puzzled, i just sort of stared at the wall and then a guy, clearly intoxicated, walks in and says ya sorry, i backed into your building but i'm not paying for any damages. so do you guys have zigzags? and proceeded to short change me for a pack of them Imfao 284 ...
hot_pocket_hero 5y ago A few things. One is a man came in very drunk and told me that the key to happiness is cocaine, hookers, a new truck and a bottle he then tipped me 20 bucks. Another time I had like 20 police officers in my store at the same time for no reason. + 608 ...
clem82 5y ago worked for 7-11 corporate. Every employee has to spend 2 weeks working in store. Overnight shift came, and we were helping but typically it's a single person unloading the entire truck, and loading the entirety of the donuts while assisting customers overnight.... Creepy part is that one night a guy came in to help as a customer. Не was arrested just up the road being wanted for murder, that night 53 ...
SolidVirginal 5y ago My best friend works in a gas station in Nebraska while going to school. She told me once that an old lady walked in at 2 am, completely sober (at least, that's how it seemed), and asked for my friend to make her a tuna melt. My friend said I can't make one, this is a gas station. I can sell you cigarettes though. The lady conceded, bought a pack of Newports, and then left. 14 Share ...
Roidtravis e 5y ago e Edited 5y ago A drunk woman threatening to shoot me if I didn't sell her a carton of cigarettesafter her card got rejected for the fifth time. That was my third day on the job. 144 ...
3Dadict 5y ago . Edited 5y ago My buddy worked overnight at a gas station and occasionly I would go up to hang out with him, it was one of the ones were the toilets were around the back not accessible from inside the store, one night while we were shooting the shit up in the store area somebody came in and stole the toilets. We didn't know untill he needed the bathroom. Who steals gross bathroom toilets? 116 ...
kersplat86 5y ago I used to have this woman come in the store all the time. She constantly told people that we were married and had 7 kids together and that I didn't really work at Gas Station and Sons but that I worked for the US Marshals. Had to have her removed for threatening customers and eventually permabanning her. Moral of the story kids dont do drugs. 101 ...
longtailwriting 5y ago One of my first jobs was a gas station night clerk at a truck stop. Weird was kinda normal. For example, we had this homeless guy come in. Не grabbed a few cookies and began to eat them. Не poured a cup of coffee, spilled some, cleaned it up with a rag, then put the rag in the coffee machine. Next he went up to the register and handed me a receipt. Не asked me to charge the cookies and coffee to the receipt. I nodded and said, sure thing, you're good to go and he walked
JohnyZoom 5y ago A guy came in to buy some red bull, as he was handing me a 20$, he asked if Karl (co-worker) was there. At that very moment Karl was sitting in his car in the parking lot waiting for his pay to be deposited so he could buy cigarettes. I told him, yeah he's outside in his car. The guy then proceeded to beat up Karl and left. Thanks for the 20$ dude! 12 ...
DropDeadArtemus 5y ago I was robbed at gunpoint..twice...over the course of 3 weeks...by the same guy...different gun each time. 12 ...
TheLolTree 5y ago I worked at a Dunkin Donuts in a gas station but one night at like 3am some dude got mad that we were closes (i was baking the bagels and donuts) and he tried telling the cashier at the gas station part and proceeded to pull a gun on him till his friend puts his gun down and rushed him out the store. Super odd experience. 22 ...
Cliff_Doctor 5y ago I had a friend who worked at a gas station. Не said someone came in one night and produced a gun and told my friend to empty the register. Being completely dumbfounded by the situation my friend told him that he had to buy something first. This is because to open the register an item from the gas station needed to be scanned at the register. According to my friend they stared at each other completely silent and bewildered for a few seconds. After that my friend had regained enough of his faculties to explain this to


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