35 Wild Things People Have Seen in a Public Bathroom

‘A whole turkey leg’
35 Wild Things People Have Seen in a Public Bathroom

There are certain things you expect to see in a public restroomtoilet paper strewn about, an unflushed turd, a motion-activated paper towel dispenser that makes you curse every god of every religion. But the following Redditors have seen less conventional sights when venturing into the pisser — like a family-sized serving of spaghetti and meatballs that was “splattered all over the toilet and walls,” which is the kind of thing that haunts you for the rest of your life. 

Here are some of the other curious things they discovered in a public restroom, including three of the most terrifying words in the English language: DIY colostomy bag.

 e 3y ago Does college commons count? If so, I found a whole turkey leg in the toilet the day after Thanksgiving break 139 Share ...
idprefernotto92 3y ago Lifeguard at a public pool. I'm pretty sure it was a silicone breast implant. Not sure how it got there though... Can you buy them ahead of having them put in and someone's kid found it and brought it to the pool? + 101 Share ...
dontcha_know . 3y ago I used to work at a hotel and one of the toilets wasn't working one time because someone had put a bunch of oranges in the tank 65 Share ...
Pays_in_snakes . Зу ago In a hotel I worked at: two bottles of kefir left in the tank part of the toilet, I assume to keep them cool. But they were very, very bad by then + Share 155 ...
IAteHippieGumbo 3y ago I once found a human tooth, resting on top of the TP dispenser, after a Widespread Panic concert, in North Carolina. Share 149 ...
 3y ago i i once went into an unlocked toilet and there were like 5 dudes all sitting on this one toilet seat 341 Share ...
graceamazed 3y ago I used to work in a industrial setting with a unisex bathroom. Most of my coworkers were men. Went to the bathroom and found a cell phone on the toilet paper dispenser. I thought I would be a good citizen and see who the phone belonged to and return it. If you don't want to see porn, don't look at a phone you have found in a restroom that men use! Learned my lesson. 402 Share ...
Tighten_Up 3y ago A bag of completely water drenched clothes in the 3rd floor bathroom of a Barnes And Noble. Share 350 ...
Itonlyafleshwound 4y ago It was at school and it was a valentine I got a girl I liked in 4th grade. Damn you Anna. Edit: this probably sounds like I snuck into the girls bathroom but It was the day when most of the schools bathrooms where covered in pee and poop because some kindergarteners thought it would be funny. So people got to go to the teachers bathrooms for that day. I went after she came out. 15 Share ...
 4y ago A large trout. Honest. It was the restroom of a camping village. The fish was left in one of the shower stalls. 20 Share ...
SunriseFitVibes 4y ago One time I was working a weekend overnight (I work in IT so it's not uncommon). While not a public school toilet, someone left a pile of EATEN CHICKEN WINGS next to the toilet. Like they were legit sitting on the toilet eating chicken wings. WTF Also had a coworker at the same company he once saw a giant turd on the toilet seat. Someone purposely pooped on the seat. Gross! Share 21 ...
Spangelange_ 4y ago Walked into a stall at the bus station restroom and there was a horrific amount of blood splattered on the floor and walls. Like it was a lot. More than a nosebleed or period could produce. Suddenly i didn't have to go to the toilet anymore. Still no idea what might have happened. + 29 Share ...
Softball_22_ 4y ago someone left a half eaten pizza slice on the floor of a stall. eww + 47 Share ...
OfficiallyRandy 4y ago A Old Jehovahs witness pamphlet shoved underneath the grating of a urinal. It was crusted with calcium and was hard as a rock. I cant imagine how long it was in there. + 48 Share ...
 4y ago Saw a wholeass McDonald's uniform 93 Share ...
malacath710 4y ago A severed head, no fucking lie. Was a kid and thought it was some prank. Lol mannequin head in red paint. When my cousins said they weren't pranking we told the other kids at the park and hit the emergency button thingy some parks have. I guess someone murdered someone in the greater city and left hid dismembered pieces around. + 133 Share ...
 4y ago Someone threw their entire literature textbook into the toilet at school. Another place had carpet flooring in their restroom. 54 Share ...
HE TAPES DOOM captainmagictrousers e 4y ago I once saw a toilet bowl full of glitter. Apparently someone ate a unicorn. + 193 Share ...
efluxr 4y ago An earring with part of an ear still attached. It was in San Francisco after a superbowl one year. I was visiting for work, and thought I'd head to a bar. I went to the bathroom, and it was absolutely trashed. Two urinals were broken off the wall, doors were torn off the hinges, trash was all over the floor, and an earring with a big chunk of flesh. People were going insane over that game. 292 Share ...
JessicaH21 14y ago A prosthetic hand stuffed in the toilet 10 ...
 4y ago 2 cameras attached to the florescent light fixture high up above the row of urinals, one at each end. (The units were carefully tucked into the grill so as not to be obvious.) No telling who was watching, but they had a bird's-eye view of the action. + 330 Share ...
jumpy_monkey 14y ago In a restroom in Fiji, there were signs on the walls saying Please don't wash your hair in the sink and there was someone washing his hair in the sink. Several days later I happened to occasion the same restroom and saw someone again washing their hair in the sink. I have no explanation for this behavior. 17 ...
RuskieslnTheWarRoom 14y ago three words: DIY colostomy bag. It wasn't pretty. + 26 ...
giantgrahamcracker 14y ago Two positive pregnancy tests. + 20 ...
 14y ago The first chapter of Harry Potter. + 135 ...
willc2580 9 3y ago Assuming a high school toilet counts. A live goldfish and whole rotisserie chicken. 489 Share ...
lovelesschristine 3y ago A skirt in a bathroom of a club. I can guess why it was taken off, but the fact it was left there is what I wonder about. Like did she just leave in her undies + 2.8K Share ...
InstitutionalizedOwl . 3y ago A rubber duck. + 1.3K Share ...
SirBunBuntheBrave 3y ago An abacus. It was in middle school basketball during an away game. Just sitting on one of the sinks + 1.9K Share ...
SciFiOp 3y ago Not me, but my husband once found a family-sized serving of spaghetti and meatballs splattered all over the toilet and walls of a bathroom stall. Sometimes I wonder what that person's story is.. + 4.6K Share ...
3nl Зу ago The most unsettling thing I saw in a public toilet was a massive pile of sunflower seed shells on the floor in a stall at a rest stop on I-40 in NC. And it wasn't just the shells from one of those single- serving snack bags, it was a veritable mountain of shells. Hundreds of them... Who the fuck devours a couple of pounds of sunflower seeds while taking a shit at a rest stop? Seriously unsettling. + 3K Share ...
reddit_burnr 3y ago I went into an amusement park restroom with my grandfather when I was maybe 5 years old. When I approached the urinal I was about to use I looked down and was dismayed.... I told my grandpa that someone's penis had fallen off into the urinal. Не reassured me that it was just a half of a hot dog. + 3.3K Share ...
UPLACE ClocksOnTime 3y ago On holiday in New York, I was doing my thing in a cubicle when an arm appears with a business card under the stall door. I took it because I panicked but it was surreal + 3.9K Share ...
theragatron 3y ago . Edited 3y ago No joke, a TI-84 graphing calculator. I couldn't wrap my head around why someone decided a toilet was the best place to get rid of it. EDIT: For those asking, this happened in 2016. I was at school and someone must've had a rough night drinking wise and threw the calculator in the toilet (at least I hope that's what happened.) + 5.7K Share ...
jonuggs . 3y ago A ruler. Sitting on top of a roll of TP. + 20 Share ...


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