21 Wild Things Employers Uncovered During a Background Check

‘The guy had been convicted of taping ladies in the shower’
21 Wild Things Employers Uncovered During a Background Check

You have to admire the audacity of someone who applies for a job in security after previously serving time for stealing airplanes. I mean, I guess someone with a prior career in theft would know exactly how to guard valuables, but that’s not really something an employer would want to leave to chance. 

The hiring managers of Reddit have remembered the times they requested a background check on applicants, and there’s no reason to let a little thing like murder scare you off from hiring someone. Murder is, after all, hard work.

 11y ago I called a referee on someone's resume and the guy's response was simply - snort This former employee of mine is depriving a village of a perfectly good idiot and hung up on me... 6 ...
tacos388 11y ago For a job in a hospital laboratory, an applicant submitted urine for their initial drug test. It came back as non-human urine. Of all the places you could fool, you really think you would be able to fool a lab? 7 ...
ihaveaboyname 8y ago I wasn't doing the hiring, but my coworker was. A girl came in and interviewed for my work and everything went really well and my со worker was planning on hiring her. A few days later there's a news article with her face on it. Apparently she attacked someone with a hammer. We were pretty shook Share 1 ...
pistolrevolver E 11y ago One of my associates had a felony assault charge. For attacking her boyfriend with a stiletto heel. 9 ...
allenme213 11y ago Recently interviewed a girl who seemed like your typical-all-American-girl-next-door....and then I found her Twitter. Turned out to be a white supremacist and a very open one at that. Curveball. 9 ...
2016TrumpMAGA 8y ago Shawn Eckhardt, the bodyguard who hired the guy who whacked Nancy Kerrigan in the shins during 1994 US figure skating championships, applied under an assumed name. He's dead now, so I don't think this is a rules violation. In a sea of murderers, pedos, and every imaginable kind of felon and scumbag, this is the one that stands out. 71 Share ...
salesgod11 8y ago We were hiring people to be security officers and had one guy that did great on interview and was a shoe in. When we got the background back we found out he had just recently gotten out of jail for stealing airplanes and currently had a warrant out for his arrest. Job service thought he would be a good fit for security. 3 Share ...
RTA_TID 8y ago Had a guys background check come up with an explosives charge once. According to him he had fireworks in the state of California and they don't really mess around... Share 45 ...
scottyrobotty 11y ago A man who worked for Wells Fargo was hired and then fired after they found out about his criminal past. Не put a fake coin in a machine at a laundromat in the 60s. Glad they caught that sick fuck. 26 ...
GingerSnap01010 11y ago Edited 11y ago It's way to late but... My aunt's husband had his identity stolen by his identical twin brother. The twin proceeded to commit a bunch of felonies. So that shows up on every background check. edit: I should add he has a super common name, like John Smith level of common, so it doesn't come up when you Google him, just during an in depth background check. 54 ...
MsCurrentResident 11y ago I've hired two murderers. No regrets. They were fine employees. + 94 ...
queerissues 8y ago One time we had this girl come in for an interview and she killed it. Super friendly, professional, well- spoken and she had experience. Googled her name and immediately found a video of her stealing a butt plug from the local sex toy place. The company posted it online and all the comments consisted of people naming her because she was well-known in the student community. I never felt such intense second-hand embarrassment, and while she was obviously in the wrong to steal, the company publicly shaming her was so unprofessional. Anyway, I hear she moved away
JustCalllnSick 8y ago One of the first things we do is google you and check out your FB. My favorite profile picture was of this girls butt. Zoomed in...lacy underwear. Made me laugh. Lock down your FB and have a decent profile picture before you turn in your resume. + 383 Share ...
toss_my_potatoes 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I once interviewed a guy for a mental healthcare position who turned out to be a dedicated and outspoken neonazi. Не was really open about it on his Facebook. I found it extremely creepy since I'm black/Arabic and he was super polite to me. + 582 Share ...
OathOfFeanor 11y ago We were looking through resumes for a data entry clerk. One of them was the son of a prominent executive at the company. We found his MySpace page and it was something to the effect of, I love pussy, anything with a vagina is awesome. I love bitches and drugs and pussy. Cocaine and marijuana hellz yeah YOLO. All kinds of pictures of underage drinking and drug use, you get the idea. We did not hire him, and I felt bad for his father (the executive, our boss) who was quite religious and obviously dealing with a
DoNotForgetMe 11y ago One time while I was working at a nursing home one of my fellow employees was fired. When I asked my boss what happened she said the police called and said he was wanted for breaking his parole. Apparently he had been arrested trying to smuggle cocaine in Chicago or something and then ran when he got out. + 222 ...
St_Maximus_Gato 11y ago Not so much scandalous as funny. I worked for a payroll division of company one summer. We dealt with taking out employees who had not worked for the company in over a year. My supervisors job was to call any new applicants who had checked yes that they had a felony. She calls this woman up and speaks with her for a few minutes and hangs up, bursts out laughing. We asked what was up and this girl has a record because she was driving a boat in Florida and accidentally hit a manatee. She said that
dratthecookies 11y ago Edited 11y ago Someone who did twenty years in prison for murder. Someone else who was arrested for attempted murder. Someone else who was arrested for throwing oranges at people. Edit: All of these people were hired. + 1.2K ...
tsim12345 11y ago My sisters boss found out not through a background check but through word of mouth which was later verified that the IT guy there had been convicted of taping ladies in the shower (also, jerking off in their shampoo) + 792 ...
A_Tasty_Zoidburger 11y ago . Edited 11y ago My dad owns a business and had an resume of someone who he thought was perfect for the job.. Maybe a little too perfect. So he called up the mans recent employer and asked about him. Apparently the guy photo shopped 7 of his previous coworkers into illegal situations (E.g. Smoking marijuana, drinking on the job.) and got all of them fired. My dad did not hire that man
kane55 11y ago My dumbass nephew got caught shoplifting from a local store 2 years ago. Recently he applied for a job there and got hired (they have new management now). On his first day of work one of the other employees recognized him and talked to the manager who then looked in the system and sure enough saw he was banned from the store for shoplifting. They pulled him into the office and fired him. I was amazed he even had the balls to go apply there knowing the was banned from the store. 6 ...


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