26 of the Funniest Things Included on a Resume

Though a resume is annoying to write, the general rule of thumb is to only include information that would make you hireable — after all, your effort shouldn’t be in vain. But according to these Redditors, not everyone is on the same page about what that means, like the guy who listed his secondary languages as “Pig Latin, basic Tolkein Elvin and Parseltongue.” The specific job he was applying for wasn’t disclosed, but it’s hard to imagine an instance where any of those languages would be relevant.
Surprisingly — or maybe unsurprisingly if you know a lot of dumbasses — this wasn’t the craziest thing a candidate disclosed in the hopes of being hired. Whether it was someone begging not to be drug tested or a girl who included her bra size, these are the funniest things seen on a job application.