30 Shocking, Wholesome or Hilarious Things People Found Out About Their Parents As Adults

‘That my parents met at a cocaine-fueled rampage’
30 Shocking, Wholesome or Hilarious Things People Found Out About Their Parents As Adults

Oftentimes, you don’t understand why your parents are like that until you become an adult, too. Whether it’s realizing that your childhood dog wasn’t actually taken to live on a farm or coming to the stunning conclusion that your father is “the village idiot,” it can be enlightening to watch something you didn’t quite understand as a kid come full circle. 

Redditors have recalled the times they really realized some of these things, and a lot of them are still coming to terms with the fact that their dear creators were insanely horny.

Saucy_Totchie в 5y ago My middle sister is only 1 year and 1 month older that me. My mom practically just gave birth and my dad barely waited to have another child. God I dont like thinking about this. Share 56 ...
maketherightmove 5y ago They're dumb. Good, honest and incredibly hardworking, but dumb. Love them with all of my heart and always will. Share 525 ...
DevinB333 5y ago That my dad drank in high school and college. Growing up my parents always warned against drinking and talked about avoiding peer pressure to drink. I've never seen them touch a sip of alcohol. My parents always mocked people who drank and got drunk (at home not to anyone's face).
 0 5y ago When I was about 12 I learned that my mom was my dad's second wife. It was weird. 645 Share ...
Affinity-Charms . 5y ago My dad was having an affair on my step mom, with my mom. 525 Share ...
skyppie . 5y ago That my mom is an extremely jealous person. She was telling me how mad she was that my dad had another relationship before he met her. Mind you, they married when she was 18 and he was 26. Strange. 910 Share ...
 5y ago I remember being at college and we were laughing at dumb things kids believed just because their parents told them- like their dog went to go live on a farm. Lolololololol ....and right then I realized Benji wasn't living on a farm. 2.6K Share ...
-eDgAR- 5y ago When I was a kid I used to always get upset at my dad because whenever I tried watching a movie with him, he would always fall asleep. It wasn't until I was older that I realized the reason he fell asleep was because he was so tired from working two jobs to try and give me a better life. Despite this he still attempted his best to do something with me and spend time with me, even if he ended up asleep. Share 4K ...
Fromhe 5y ago That they didn't meet in college. My parents met at a cocaine fueled rampage Partied for 9 days straight. My father then flew back to Idaho. My mom flew out a month later. Не proposed when she get off the airplane. I'm the oldest and came along 2 years later. They've been married 41 years. Share 4.3K ...
SheWhoComesFirst в 5y ago Packing for college in the 90's and my parents said I could just have the old dusty suitcases in the basement. Opened up the first one. Huge stash of old 70's and 80's porn VHS tapes. Thanks guys. Share 96 ...
Pseudopanax-the-kiwi . 5y ago My dad was literally the village idiot. 3 Share ...
WTF_Christine . 5y ago My father was a multimillionaire, but constantly claimed we were not well off.
Rocky_Roady в 5y ago Didn't find out until recently that my mom had a boob job. Apparently it wasn't a secret, I just never knew because I was S kid when it happened and no one ever talked about it obviously. 3 Share ...
littletrashpanda77 5y ago My parents did alot of drugs before my brother and i were born. When i was younger they were very strict and very religious and i would have never imagined them even drinking. But now i talk to them about my previous drug use and current use and we are open about what's changed since the 70s, harm reduction and safe use (i only use psychedelics now which still kind of freaks my mom out but she understands why i do them). I never would have thought i would have a relationship like this with my parents
frisbeegimp 5y ago They weren't married when my sister was born. This from my super religious parents, especially mother, who always had stressed the importance of being married before having sex. 22 year old virgin me was very shocked. Seriously, dating was frowned upon until I found someone I wanted to marry. How dafuq would I know?!? Anyway, I go' be'a. Share 3 ...
Miss_Michelina 5y ago Fairly minor, but one of my earliest memories is seeing my parents out in the backyard at night chatting by the firepit. I always thought it was so sweet and romantic. Years later, my mom told me they were out there smoking pot. 4 Share ...
SixtyEffPeeEss в 5y ago My mom used to be a social activist and hippie in the late 70's in Denmark. She would do group shoplifting where a big group of people (15-20 probably) would enter a grocery store, fill several shopping carts to the brim and just leave with the carts and scatter. They would then meet up later and split the goods. She got jailed once but released the next day due to lack of evidence. 4 Share ...
ScalierLemon1 5y ago My dad's an alcoholic, obsessed with rum and cocktails, and my mom actively despises her out of state relatives, the ones who were always so nice and happy when we visited. 4 Share ...
txdahlia 5y ago Found the documents that stated Mother did something and was found innocent by reason of insanity so was sent to an place. Ive been told more of the backstory that led to the thing but its still not anything I can ever condone or relate to. I try not to dwell in it b/c some shits just to fucked up to try to understand it. 4 Share ...
Skumpkin420 5y ago I learned that my dad is a super cool guy. My parents divorced and my mom convinced me he was this terrible nasty person all my life, but spending time with him was the best moments of my childhood. It took years of therapy, but now me and my dad have a proper relationship, and I quickly learned he and I are a lot more alike than I thought. 4 Share ...
TheTylerTownsend . 5y ago Didn't find out my parents got married after 6 months of dating until last year, still blows my mind 11 Share ...
Liberal_Shill_2019 5y ago Our Friday night sillies was actually just them all getting drunk and being goofy after a tough work week. Took me a long time to recognize this, even after I had started joining in. Share 11 ...
alpacalypse_nuu . 5y ago My birthday is exactly nine months after my mom's. Exactly. Even on the same day of the month. Share 10 ...
 5y ago My mom always complained about my dad cheating on her when I was a baby (they've been divorced for almost twenty years by now). Turns out, she cheated on him, too, except that she didn't even have the decency to leave the house but did so while my dad was at home. To top things off, she told me about this herself and was even proud of it. 7 Share ...
nicholt 5y ago I found out both of my parents had dropped out of high school (they did go back and finish eventually). They put on a great front and set a good example for us, but they have hidden everything negative about themselves. Everything I know, I've found out from cousins and aunties. Also found out my dad has a charge for selling drugs. But tbh, that didn't shock me as much as him dropping out of school. Share 8 ...
lettucezucchinisalad 0 5y ago Turns out they had divorced years prior, but then I came along and they stayed together. 11 Share ...
DJ_Trumpelstilskin 5y ago That my father used to work for an uncle who was part of a very large drug (cartel if you will) organization and quite possibly helped deliver/traffic drugs across the US. I always thought he was just a truck driver until he'd tell us more and more stories and then one day we found out a distant relative had gotten pinched after years and years of the govt looking for him and it all came together. This was very early before he had a family. 14 Share ...
moskowizzle . 5y ago My dad isn't actually allergic to dogs. My parents just didn't want to have to take care of one. Share 39 ...
blind_squash . 5y ago My dad lost his virginity to a prostitute when he was stationed in Germany. I found out after he died. Considering his attitude towards sex, this revelation was... shocking Share 33 ...
crowsarenice 5y ago My mom took me and left my dad when I was 5. I thought they got divorced and my mom was given custody or something. I always thought that my dad didn't want anything to do with me but it turns out my mom hid me from him. 42 Share ...


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