35 Injuries That Were So Embarrassing People Lied About How They Sustained Them

You wanna know how I got these scars?
35 Injuries That Were So Embarrassing People Lied About How They Sustained Them

Some injuries are too embarrassing to admit to. Sure, maybe you actually got a concussion because you were spreading butter on your toast very precisely, sneezed and banged your head on the countertop, but no one needs to know that. Obviously, you would make up literally any excuse to avoid admitting that you’re so particular about your butter distribution that it landed you in the emergency room

These are the kinds of injuries Redditors have lied about sustaining, and frankly, we can’t blame them. No one needs to know how they got those scars — especially the dude who said he got mugged. That’s much better than the real reason for his injury.

CthuluPlush 5y ago I had a large bruise on my forehead, about the size of a fist. I didn't want to tell my coworkers I got it from my friend slapping her big black suction-cup dildo on my forehead and I left it there while I laughed about being a phallicorn. 66 ...
The_Sown_Rose 5y ago I said I broke my toe hitting it on the radiator, which wasn't a lie in itself. What I left out is I hit it on the radiator because I fell off my bed, which happened because I was trying to imitate my cat and see if I could lick my butt. I could not. 80 ...
blanb 5y ago I have bad tinitus in my left ear. I tell people it's from firing rifles in the army without earplugs. The real reason is I strained really really hard trying to poop when I was 13 and my ear popped. It's never been the same since 71 ...
DaughterEarth 5y ago I once literally fell in to the door knob. You can't say that though cause a) the meme about it being an abuse coverup and b) who the fuck falls on a doorknob? It was winter so I just said I slipped on the ice + 81 ...
 5y ago Caught my ex with his hand sliced open. Told me he was handling knives. Turned out it was a partial truth except his hand slipped since he was trying to sneak a chunk of my cookie dough I had frozen without me finding out 290 ...
AtlanticHDMI 5y ago I was going to the bathroom and I was reading comic books. I was on the toilet for so long that my legs happened to fall asleep. As I was getting up I fell over with no use of my legs and broke my wrist. Told everyone I got in a fist fight.
simba_matata - 5y ago Jumped off a 12ft recreational climbing wall drunkenly to impress a boy and broke both of my legs, putting me in a wheelchair for the rest of the summer = I had a rock climbing accident + 333 ...
PyrrhuraMolinae 5y ago Edited 5y ago Was riding my husband's face. Really close to getting off. Then he pushed up just as I rocked forwards and I slammed my face into the edge of the wooden headboard. The really hilarious part is that the sex was so good, I just shook it off and told him to keep going. It wasn't until after, when he touched my cheek and screamed that I was covered in blood, that we realised I had two black eyes and a gash across the bridge of my nose. I told my coworkers I ran into
billbapapa . 5y ago Feel down the stairs cause I'm old. I told everyone there was ice on the top step, but there wasn't. I have no idea how I missed the step or what I did I just know I was on my back and thankful I didn't also smash my head against them. 136 ...
DeAdprivlar 5y ago I got super pissed and in my stupidity I punched a wall and broke my hand along with snapping all the tendons in the pinky side of my hand. To avoid disappointed stares and judging looks I just said I dropped some furniture on it. + 381 ...
SmartieLion 5y ago I got a second degree burn on my butt cheeks. My friends stupidly let it slip during a dinner with my mom. I had to quickly lie and say I was taking a bath and didn't check the water because every human gets in the bathtub butt first. I really got the injury from pouring oatmeal which hadn't cooled down into the back of a diaper I was wearing. + 451 ...
 5y ago I broke my toe running from a bee. I'm a huge weenie about stingy bugs, so when a bee got in my hair I freaked out. I ran toward the house, lost my balance, kicked the concrete step of mom's porch and fell backwards. Mom was sitting on the porch and I accidentally backhanded her before crashing to the ground. She was laughing so hard she couldn't help me up, and I was laughing so hard I couldn't get up. I was super embarrassed for a while and just told everyone I tripped. I got over the
MrsBossSargent . 5y ago I have these really ugly shoes that I wear around the house that my husband absolutely hate. I was taking laundry down the stairs and I fell down the stairs because of the shoes. I couldn't tell him that because then he will be correct that my shoes are stupid, so I told him that the dog ran between my legs and made me fall. + 3K ...
-eDgAR- g 5y ago Threw out my back sneezing, told people I was moving something heavy because that was less stupid than the truth. + 1.9K ...
 5y ago Was getting hot and heavy with my boyfriend at the time. Не reached under my shirt and unhooked my bra and then pulled my shirt and bra up over my head at the same time. As he did this the underwire in my cheap ass bra popped out and left a huge scratch right across my forehead. I made up some story about digging through my closet looking for something and getting scratched by a hanger. + 6.9K ...
blackpoisOn1 5y ago Edited 5y ago Was drunk walking home at 4 AM, crossed a few train tracks, and came across a two meter high fences with tiny cylinders on top. I make the jump because I think I can, I fall. After standing up, worrying about my back pain, I looked at my arm. My arm was completely torn open, covered in blood because it got stuck on the fence. I came into the ER, the nurse says she'd seen shark-bites before in Australia, and this looked worse. I had 49 stitches, and now have a scar from a
majc93 5y ago I have scars on my knees that I tell everyone I got from a bad fall (it's plausible, I am very clumsy). In reality, I was having sex with a guy the floor of his bedroom and got rug burn on my knees from when I was on top. + 5K ...
mdhunter99 . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I broke my dick once. Look, I was tired, practically asleep, I was about to jump on my bed to sleep, I missed somehow, landed on the floor with a chub. Hurt like motherfuck. I just said I got mugged and hit with a bat.
LilapsophobiaLark . 5y ago A scar across my forehead. I got it from hitting my head on a fan as a child, and it's still kind of there. I always just say that my cat scratched me and it went pretty deep, therefore the reason it's still there. + 3.8K ...
 e 5y ago I got a black eye as a kid. I slipped and fell into the support beam of my basketball rim. My dad made me lie to my other family members and say I got it defending some kids at school. Не was pretty embarrassed at how terrible I was at basketball lol. + 9K ...
SquirtleInHerMeowthh e 5y ago Was out of works for months with this one. Broke my finger and severed the tendon catching a heavy door to hold for a cute girl. + 8.7K ...
- SUPER jok3r_bm . 5y ago e Edited 5y ago When I was younger we dismantled one of those plastic football goals, and reassembled it into a giant golf club. I was then swiftly hit in the face, causing my cheek to rip open. I had to tell my dad that someone kicked the football too hard into my face because I didn't want to admit that I was beaten by a homemade plastic rod
NumberJuan013 g 5y ago Fully took off my nail while playing football i said. Was playing sport. Just an intense game of swordfighting on wii sport resort and slammed my hand really hard on a table. + 10K ...
DUN-DER_MIFF-LIN 5y ago Got drunk. Fell on my face on pavement. Said the huge gash on my forehead down to my cheek was from rugby. To be fair (to be faaaaaair), it was during a rugby social. + 12K ...
 . 5y ago I was removing facial hair using a remover cream. I ended up leaving it on for too long which caused burns. I told people I dropped hot noodles on my face. + 16K ...
lasteclipse 5y ago I got surgery a few years ago on my knees as I had dislodged some loose cartilage in the joint and also torn a bit of my meniscus. At the time I was playing a ton of ultimate frisbee, so I just told people it was that. It actually happened when I was getting up from a chair. + 16K ...
LothairValaohtar . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I have a scar that crossed my left eyebrow. It looks bad ass and I made it during a fight against a man with a knife. At least that is what I tell everybody because saying my ps2 fell on my face cause I tried to lift it while not paying attention may be too stupid.
PizzaForElevenses 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I was having some trouble with my heart a few months ago that caused dizziness and occasional fainting. Passed out while in the shower and sprained my wrist. Told my co-workers it was a workout injury because I passed out in the shower was a visual I didn't want to give everyone
LDKCP 5y ago I once fell out of bed and cracked my head open on a metal frame. Blood everywhere, ER visit, stitches etc. I was about 6 years old, I still have the scar decades later. My mother literally changed our beds even though we really couldn't afford it to safer ones. The truth is, I didn't want to go to bed, so I flung myself out of bed to pretend to be hurt and maybe get to stay up for a short while longer. + 16K ...
hunter15991 . 5y ago I dislocated my kneecap while masturbating. Lied and said I was falling off my bed when I woke up from a dream. + 8.9K ...
TheBrokenSnake 5y ago I once semi-dislocated my kneecap (in such a way that my leg locked up and I was in incredible pain) by sitting down to eat at the dinner table and twisting my leg somehow. I hurt myself sitting down. Instead I told my friends I had fallen down a steep hill on the local heathland, but my brother told them the truth and I was promptly mocked. + 2.3K ...
5thAxiom 5y ago I lied to my family when I said my co-worker accidentally shot me in the hand with a nail gun. Because in fact / accidentally shot myself in the hand with a nail gun. 23 ...
ecksit 5y ago I once punched a bowling ball because I was frustrated. It turns out bowling balls are pretty hard. Broke my hand, it was swollen and bloody. Told my boss at work I slammed my hand in a door. Its still broken, this was like 6 months ago + 17K ...
justchase22 5y ago I was once buttering toast with my face really close to it (I like my butter to be spread precisely) then I sneezed and slammed my head on the counter, effectively knocking myself out, and had to go to the ER to be treated for a concussion. + 19K ...
 5y ago My eldest son accidentally spit his gum at me, so I chased him around a restaurant's parking area and ended up twisting my foot. I told the nurse I stepped on my younger son's toy truck in the driveway 61 ...


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