30 Horrible Financial Decisions People Have Witnessed

‘My coworker has 25k in anime figurines’
30 Horrible Financial Decisions People Have Witnessed

It’s tough to realize that not only do other people have more money than you do, but that they’re spending it on incredibly stupid things. One Redditor, for example, has a coworker who has racked up $25,000 in debt buying anime figurines, while another knows a convenience store owner who blew $20,000 on fidget spinners that no one ended up buying. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times they watched someone make incredibly irresponsible financial decisions, and it really is true that money falls into the wrong hands.

XCCO 1y ago My brother's ex fell for a Craig's list scam. She found a motorcycle and the guy needed money up front to pay bills before she even saw it. We told her don't do it, it's a scam. She said she already sent $1000. Of course, he was never available to show her the bike and we found out from my brother after they broke up she actually continued sending him money in hopes of getting the motorcycle. I think she was out $3,000 by the end. + 10K ...
Anin1987 1y ago A friend of mine who is very bad with money and his girlfriend bought some sort of water filtration system from a door to door salesman. Не has to pay something like $300/month for this filtration system. Не was all stoked because it came with a free set of pots and pans. Fast forward a year and his girlfriend has broken up with him, moved out of the house, and he's had to sell his home because he can't afford to live there. The water filtration system is now sitting in a storage unit where he still
Sensitive-Umpire2375 1y ago My maternal grandmother bought an 8-plex to avoid capital gains when she sold her large house. The apartment complex was in the red and needed a lot of repairs. She hired my father to do them and be on- site manager. The place started making money. My mom (divorced from my dad) was mad that my grandma bought it in the first place, then hired my dad, then was proved wrong because it was making money. My grandma was in her 90s and my mom pressured her for years so my grandma finally sold it. That place
Solid_Internal_9079 1y ago A dude who owned a small convenience store in our town spent like $20,000 on fidget spinners. Не was posting for like a year begging people to buy them as he would lose his business and his marriage was falling apart due to it. + 9K ...
armbar222 1y ago I knew someone who got a loan for their wedding, but decided to blow it all at a casino. Now they have a loan for 20k to pay off and nothing to show for it. + 2.2K ...
 1y ago A guy in my fraternity got 30k for an undisclosed reason, I'm guessing a family death or something and he bet it all on the Yankees winning one game. They lost + 15K ...
ErraticA09 1y ago My supervisor took out a loan against their 401k to pay their rent because their credit cards were maxed. Two weeks later, they bought a brand new 60k Lincoln with basically nothing down because her daughter just had a baby and I need a bigger car for that. + 9.2K ...
Left-Star2240 1y ago P Ran up credit card debt requiring bankruptcy. Once they were able to build credit again (7 years later) they proceeded to run up a massive amount of debt again, but couldn't go bankrupt again, so they used debt consolidation. The debt didn't come from sudden expenses. They just needed to buy things to feel better. + 4.5K ...
TeHNyboR 1y ago My roommate buys doordash almost every day. They'll maybe cook for themselves once or twice a week but other than that they order food in 5-6 times a week. I know how much they make and I have not a clue how they can afford that + 1.7K ...
AnybodySeeMyKeys 1y ago My former sister-in-law had a thriving medical practice. She got so stressed that she joined the Scientologist and started taking their classes. She opened up five-six credit cards without telling my brother, maxed the cards out with hundreds of thousands in cash withdrawals, and gave it to that cult. + 8.4K ...
h1r0ll3r 1y ago Knew someone who answered those scam emails thinking they would get rich. Last I heard, he lost around $50k. Emptied out savings account and maxed out credit cards. Left in debt and had to move back with ailing parents. Not a close to them at all but more like a friend of a friend of a friend's cousin. Motherfucker just WOULD NOT listen. Genuinely thought he was going to be a millionaire. They kept stringing him along until the bitter end and then...poof. Biggest concern his friends had was him trying to milk his ailing parents for
UglyBagOfMOstlyWat3r 6 1y ago Sending a televangelist money for a blessing and then not having enough to rent a moving truck. So I had to be the blessing 266 ...
 1y ago They won thousands of dollars and bought a new entertainment system instead of getting current on their mortgage. Foreclosed on later that year. The thing was, the area had recently become the new it area for young families, and housing prices had skyrocketed. They easily could have just sold the house, paid cash for a larger house 20 minutes up the road, and still had tens of thousands leftover. 1.7K ...
Starfox41 1y ago My (awful) aunt was the trustee for my grandparents' estate. When they passed, she decided to sell their house to a random realtor who put a leaflet on the door. TO the realtor, not WITH the realtor. It wasn't put on the market, and the aunt rejected a matching offer by me after I argued hard to actually list the house and have people bid on it. The realtor slapped a new coat of paint on it and sold it a couple of months later for literally a million dollars more than she bought it for. +
 8mo ago e Edited 8mo ago A family member who makes $27,000/yr, got $60,000 from a lawsuit. She had ~$50,000 left to pay off her house. But she spent all of the money from the lawsuit on plastic surgery. + 443 ...
Berlin_Blues 4mo ago Colleague rented a nice apartment with his girlfriend. She convinced him it would be best if only her name was on the rental contract. Не took out a cash loan, only in his name, for ten thousand dollars and gave it to her to buy nice furniture. After the place was set up, you guessed it, she kicked him out. Reply Share 18 ...
manykeets 4mo ago My dad bought an airplane when we couldn't even keep the lights on. Не was trying to start a business and thought he needed it for his business. Не got a friend to co-sign. Never made a payment and lost it. Never flew it once. 29 Reply Share ...
Bierfreund_86 . 4mo ago I know a guy who sunk all his savings into a jet ski - dude can't even swim! It got repo'ed within 2 months. Talk about a financial nosedive + 273 Reply Share ...
Muggi 4mo ago Bro-in-law rented a large house with a woman he barely knew a year and her two kids...we all told him she was a manipulative POS, they'd broken up multiple times...he still signed a THREE YEAR LEASE and maxed out a large credit card buying furniture. Less than two months later, he lives in my guest room while she and the kids live in the house. + 219 Reply Share ...
magazineman 4mo ago When I was a kid, Dad came into a modest bequest from a dead uncle. That one crazy cousin out west told him to sink it into this new company called Microsoft. Dad went with U.S. Steel instead. smh 13 Reply Share ...
MarylandBlue 8mo ago When I worked at Bass Pro Shop, I saw someone get declined for the store credit card and then pull out 2 other cards to pay for their camouflage recliner, half on each card Made me sad for them. + 126 ...
Stefie25 8mo ago An old coworker won a million dollars on a scratch ticket. She didn't have any ID so instead of going to get ID on payday she gave the ticket to her mom who she had already had a rocky relationship with. Coworker was very surprised when mum didn't hand the money over to her & kept it for herself. + 237 ...
Symnestra 8mo ago My freshman roommate decided to drop out of college and get a massage therapy certification because it was faster. She said she didn't want to be an old mom and had to get married/have kids asap. Her grandparents were paying for 100% of her schooling. She turned down a debt free bachelor's degree. 38 ...
blindserialkiller 8mo ago I worked with the guys who created Draft Kings years ago, right before they started the company. They initially started with three people, but one of them wanted out not too long after. Got bought out for a nominal sum. Now the other guys are millionaires. + 38 ...
TheCrimsonBinome 1y ago cheated on 7 years of back taxes ( got like 20k in returns) t then they were surprised they got audited, last I heard they moved away to try and run from it lol + 370 ...
Kinser9 1y ago My ex-husband paid $2500 for an online porn domain. Never made a dime from it. Oh, he also paid some fly-by-night company $1500 to help us try to improve our credit. Then there was the $7000 to pay off his truck. Не then traded it in for a different truck and payment a month later when the truck he now owned started having mechanical issues. There are a ton of reasons he is my ex. 483 ...
SlavaUkrainiFTW 1y ago 9 Edited 1y ago Friend spent $50k+ on twitch donations because he went through a hard time and was looking for acceptance. Really messed his finances up for a long time. :( Edit: the money was all on credit cards. + 423 ...
XYV_s 1y ago Someone took a loan to order a pizza. + 2.7K ...
pogo_chronicles 1y ago 21yo living in Dad's basement paycheck to paycheck went to a reptile exhibit and brought home two exotic frogs and a snake  2.2K ...
tankurd . 1y ago My coworker has 25k in anime figurines. Не is in mega debt right now. + 1.5K ...


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