31 Great Pieces of Advice People Have Been Given

‘Never ruin a good apology with an excuse!’
31 Great Pieces of Advice People Have Been Given

Most wise words are annoying to hear in the moment, but that doesn’t make them untrue. In fact, once you truly grasp their meaning, you’re often offering up the same platitude to someone else. One Redditor remembered the time their older friend told them, “You don’t have time, you take time,” which had a very “sure grandma, let’s get you to bed” vibe to it in the moment. But once they got older, they understood just how true it was. 

Other Redditors have shared the best advice they’ve ever been given, and some of these pearls of wisdom may need to marinate in your brain goop for a while before they really sink in.

fa105934 . 8y ago Don't compare your weaknesses to someone else's strengths - - my grandpa + 2.6K ...
Harzoo_Zo_Morakh . 8y ago Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. + 2.7K ...
MirrorB 8y ago My grandpa once told me that a broken heart is always serious but seldom fatal. Не was a smart man. Those words have helped me push through a lot of heartache. + 2.3K ...
PM-ME-UR-DANK-MEME 8y ago Think of that insanely stupid thing that you did 6 years ago. Pretty easy to remember that, right? Now try to remember some stupid thing a friend did a few weeks ago. We pay more attention to our own faults, than we do to others. In other words, stop being such a little shit and do something. + 2.8K ...
dahliamformurder 4y ago Never miss a good opportunity to shut the hell up.- My Dad + 444 ...
kj_SmrtAlc 0 4y ago Lack of preparation on your part doesn't call for an emergency on mine. + 1.8K ...
sendgoodmemes 4y ago You cannot choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you react. 182 ...
super713 4y ago People aren't against you; they're for themselves + 222 ...
TheSquirrelWithin 4y ago Don't confuse hard work with good work. Or, said another way, don't confuse working hard with working smart. + 660 ...
Dr_Legacy . 4y ago If you loan someone $20 and they never see you again, you've come out ahead. 64 ...
Icc87 4y ago When I was very young, a friend once told me: you don't have time, you take time. I had to get well above 25 to understand the meaning of this. 142 ...
EveyStuff . 6y ago Edited 6y ago My dad once looked at me sadly when I was a kid and said mostly to himself, Every year you get older, the pedestal you put me on gets a little shorter. Не knew we have to grow up and that one day, I wouldn't be able to view him as a perfect, unflawed super hero anymore.
 4y ago friends posting the It's never your successful motivational quotes on social media + 394 ...
DemocraticRepublic 6y ago It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. + 1.7K ...
wasdo . 11y ago . Edited 11y ago Never ruin a good apology with an excuse! + 3.2K ...
666callme 6y ago Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you're a vegetarian. 2.4K ...
 6y ago If you ask a fish to bring you the newspaper, don't be pissed when its wet. My boss said this to me, and I think about it every time I ask for somebodies help. + 2.2K ...
Rust_Dawg 6y ago If you have a problem and you completely lose your head over it, you now have two problems. + 3.3K ...
Rust_Dawg 6y ago Regarding mean/nasty people: Sometimes you're just collateral damage in someone's war with themselves. + 11K ...
FullAhBeans 11y ago Buy it nice, or buy it twice. idk how wise you would consider this but it's advice i try to adhere to most of the time. it stuck with me after buying several sub par PC's. + 308 ...
 11y ago when you make tough choices, try to imagine if you will regret it in 10 years. + 652 ...
 11y ago Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. 188 ...
ZackCross 11y ago Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting them to die As a person with anger issues, this helps a lot. 337 ...
Santa_on_a_stick 11y ago You have intimate knowledge of your own blooper reel, but you only see the highlights of everyone else's life. No matter who it is, they all have doubts, insecurities, failures, missteps, etc. Comparing your failures to someone else's success is a surefire way to bring yourself down. + 1.6K ...
pwnyoudedinface . 9y ago If you're too afraid to check your bank account balance, you absolutely need to check it. + 23 ...
Dougdahead 8y ago If one person doesn't like you, screw them. If two people don't like you, screw them both. If three or more people don't like you, what are you doing to make these people dislike you? + 613 ...
77remix 8y ago In a year from now, you'll wish you started today Made me really think about a lot life decisions like going back to school and saving money early on + 2.3K ...
BassWaves 8y ago The best thing in life to know is, how and when to ask for help. 281 ...
bungle123 E 11y ago Don't argue with fools, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. + 796 ...
speed3_freak . 9y ago There are two kinds of people in this world, givers and takers. Takers eat better, but givers sleep better. + 13 ...
TheGodfather3 8y ago An 18 year old me was given this slightly inappropriate piece of wisdom by a random old man with an oxygen tank several years ago. I was smoking a cigarette outside of where I worked when he approached me and said, Put out that cigarette! Do you know how hard it is to get pussy with an oxygen tank?. I didn't quit for a few years after that but it always kind of stuck with me. Haven't smoked for 2+ years now. + 5K ...


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