35 of the Funniest Reasons Someone Was Blocked by a Celebrity

‘Alec Baldwin. I challenged him to a fight in my high school parking lot’
35 of the Funniest Reasons Someone Was Blocked by a Celebrity

Social media is good for two things: bringing people together and bullying celebrities. 

On that latter count, some people have bullied celebrities so hard that they ended up getting blocked, which is a true badge of honor. For instance, one guy got blocked by the Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan Facebook pages for saying that Corgan “looks like a grown-up Caillou,” and should wear clothes that fit better. And since posting that fact on Reddit, he returned to add that he’s now also blocked from r/SmashingPumpkins, which shows true commitment to the form. 

Other Redditors have reminisced about the funniest reasons they got blocked by celebrities, and if you want Dr. Phil to block you, just ask him if he’s a real doctor — that’s honestly all it takes.

2mo ago BlameMe4urLoss I got blocked on Twitter by OJ Simpson in 2020 for asking him if he plans on purchasing the new Bronco in white when it's released. + 12K Reply ...
BunnyLebowski- 2mo ago Seven or eight years ago I used to follow Busy Phillips on instagram because I thought she was cute and funny. However EVERY day she would post intense closeup videos of herself working out. Like on all fours, pouring sweat, staring into your soul. No talking, just 3 or more stories of grunting and sweat. I didn't understand it, now looking back, she was definitely getting paid by whatever workout studio she was filming from. One day she posted a survey basically asking if she should stop posting these weird videos. I voted yes and she blocked
borntorun2000 e 2mo ago my friend got blocked by Dr. Phil forever ago on instagram. all he asked was Are you a real doctor? + 3.8K Reply ...
BlottomanTurk 2mo ago Not a celebrity, but the Head and Shoulders twitter account blocked me because I tweeted them every day for a month asking why they don't have a foot wash line called Knees and Toes. I still don't understand why they don't! + 12K Reply ...
pm_good_bobs_pls 2mo ago When the Mars rover played a black eyed peas song on mars I tweeted Great, now the martians will definitely be hostile and got blocked by Will.I.Am. I didn't even mention him or anything so I'm kind of at loss as to how he saw it Imao. + 9.8K Reply ...
doubtfurious 2mo ago Not me, but my best friend got blocked by Tony the Tiger's Twitter account because she followed enough people who liked some furry content at some point, and whoever was running that account absolutely salted the earth to make sure no furries were following Tony. + 6.9K Reply ...
Dependent-Analyst907 2mo ago Got blocked by Kid Rock for saying he looked like a less masculine version of Dr Phil + 7K Reply ...
GloomySelf 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago I was massively into the Glee fandom back in the day Dot Marie Jones (who plays coach beiste) would always tweet in CAPS and one day I just replied something like WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TYPE IN CAPS and got blocked Imao + 7.5K Reply ...
AmySchumersAnalTumor 2mo ago i told hulk hogan I wasnt his brother, so he blocked me. on google plus. + 9.9K Reply ...
YaBoiHaydenB в 2mo ago In the 8th grade, I called Dr Phil daddy on Instagram & he blocked me for that + 11K Reply ...
Pickle-Standard 2mo ago Told Mark Hoppus I was a big fan of his because Green Day was one my favorite bands in middle school on Twitter. Got blocked. + 4.7K Reply ...
RSN_Kabutops 2mo ago Mario Lopez accidentally followed me probably a decade ago on Twitter. I sent him a DM like 2 weeks later saying thanks for the follow and then was blocked lol + 3.6K Reply ...
fallsstandard e 2mo ago . Edited 2mo ago My friend also got blocked by Elon for replying I bet your balls smell terrible to one of his tweets. 1.8K Reply ...
neal144 e 2mo ago On Twitter, I asked Gene Simmons, from KISS, if the Kiss cologne smells like his nutsack or Paul Stanley's. Не blocked me. + 3.4K Reply ...
Formerlychoncho e 2mo ago Alec Baldwin blocked me on Twitter about 10 years ago. To be fair, I challenged him to a fight in my high school parking lot. Guess he didn't want no trouble. + 2K Reply ...
WhyAmlBackThere 2mo ago Iced Tea blocked me when I told him your gloves look silly in response to a picture of him working on a stage with fingerless gloves + 785 Reply ...
lamMooz 2mo ago I got blocked by Hugh Jackman on Twitter several years ago. Не had posted a picture of himself golfing and I thought it'd be funny to post something smart-ass like: Oh to be a rich cunt able to play golf and shit. I would've blocked me too tbh. 972 Reply ...
Tiny_Ear_61 2mo ago Roseanne blocked me on Twitter about 15 years ago. I forget what she was saying, but it was a blanket statement about how people disagreed with her on a certain subject were un-American. I made some comment about singing the national anthem, and poof! I was blocked. You probably have to be a certain age to even get the reference. 997 Reply ...
Wrong-Junket5973 2mo ago I got blocked by Metallica on Facebook years ago when they posted themselves in expensive suits and I called them posers. 1.2K Reply ...
Mason_Youn 2mo ago Frank Ocean dropped out of Coachella last year two days before I was supposedly to see him live claiming he broke his ankle, so I DM'ed him saying send me the xrays and he blocked me 1.3K Reply ...
2mo ago Donut_Puzzlehead Not really much of a celebrity, but a pornstar I use to follow asked us to DM her our most dirty pictures. I sent her a picture of dirt. She wasn't too thrilled. 772 Reply ...
sapphirerain25 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago Got blocked by the Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan Facebook pages because I pointed out that Billy looks like a grown-up Caillou and could benefit from some better-fitting clothes. I've been blocked for six years now. Edited to add: now banned by the official Smashing Pumpkins Reddit sub. I'm on a roll! 711 Reply ...
Theaceman1997 2mo ago I was blocked by James Charles on Grindr lol and it was the real him he verified and everything I reached out as a joke like oh yea I doubt it but no we talked for a while, anyways I asked him if he wanted to go to the club with me he just left me on read then I said oh sorry it's not under 18 night and he instantly blocked me 601 Reply ...
BurgerCombo 2mo ago Scott Baio blocked me for tweeting the following: Crazy how Scott Baio played a genius in Baby Geniuses 2 and plays a dumbass in real life, that's some impressive range. Knowing he saw it delights me to this day 564 Reply ...
latruce 2mo ago On Facebook, Death Cab for Cutie got hacked with some link how to eat ass and it had a video. After that many people, including me, kept commenting Death Cab for Booty and they blocked me for that 406 Reply ...
 3y ago I remember someone saying they got blocked by Hulk Hogan for telling him he doesn't need to sign his tweets off with HH. + 7.9K ...
igivefreetickles 3y ago Dane Cook blocked me on Twitter. Не tweeted something along the lines of, Sometimes no matter what you do, you can't win. And I replied Did you make another movie? Insta-blocked. + 11K ...
Entrin 2mo ago I got drunk one night and tweeted Olive Garden that your endless pasta bowls are bullshit because you ended mine when I took off my pants... Was blocked within 5 minutes and loved showing people that. After a year they unblocked me so I guess it's automated. 452 Reply ...
SentryFeats 2mo ago Ellie Goulding was talking about how meat was bad for you on instagram. I - being the insufferable teenage debate brain I was-wrote an entire essay explaining why she was wrong, the benefits of eating meat, how morality is based on more than someone's diet etc. I spent about half an hour constructing it. She simply replied You have too much time on your hands and blocked me. She wasn't wrong lol. 406 Reply ...
BoulderEric 2mo ago Lance Armstrong blocked me on Twitter in 2010(?). Не was flying all over the world in a private plane, and I replied to a tweet asking about the environmental ramifications, and sharing an article about his water usage. In one month, he used 330,000 gallons of water at his home in Austin. 444 Reply ...
ballplayer0025 . 3y ago Joel Osteen. I posted in his facebook that he was the best stand up comedian of our generation. 2.9K ...
SteveTheHitman 3y ago William Shatner. I tweeted him What's goin on, Slick Willy?. Apparently, he does not like being called Slick Willy Imao + 8.1K ...
equivalentofagiraffe Зу ago gordon ramsay. i was thirteen and in a dumb group chat with my friends on twitter, someone in it was followed by him so they added him to it. he ended up blocking half of us (rightfully tbh) also i messaged him asking if i could be on masterchef because i could make good ramen noodles and i think that also caused it 2.1K ...
danimalscrunchers . 3y ago Dr. Phil has me blocked on Instagram for commenting I wanna run my teeth through your mustache. 740 ...
Awkward_Truth4703 e 3y ago Bobby Flay ! I tweeted that he looked like Randy from peewees playhouse :/ 1.1K ...


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