35 Funny Ways People Realized They Were Old

Ah, the relentless chin hair
35 Funny Ways People Realized They Were Old

Old age eventually comes for us all. One day you’re moving into your college dorm, and the next you’re struggling in a game of pickup basketball with a bunch of twenty-somethings. You could get insecure and talk incessantly about your glory days, or you could do the healthy thing and pray to whatever god you believe in that those svelte young men live long enough to experience the sands of time themselves. 

Redditors have remembered the times they felt the internal signal that old age was upon them, and it seems we’re all very excited about appliances now.

puzzypower 4y ago When discussing the Chernobyl hbo series with colleagues, I was the one who actually remembered it happening. I was 9. They weren't even born yet. 33 ...
pinkmen311 . 4y ago when i saw underneath a music video on youtube 11 years ago 107 ...
CrotchWolf . 4y ago The day I met a fully grown adult who had no clue what Y2K was. 109 ...
jthill 4y ago Edited 4y ago The girl behind the counter had enough of the facial features, eyes mostly, also some of the vibe, that I did a double take. She picked up on it and gave me this, it's ok, but what was that about? look, so I said I can't be the first person to tell you you look like Lauren Bacall. She said who?.
 4y ago I have a favorite burner on my stove! 389 ...
iamhana a 4y ago When my partner turned off the TV and I woke up and said I'm watching that even though I had been asleep on the couch for a good 20 minutes. I have now become my father. 178 ...
Dendad1218 4y ago There's a local strip club by me, I've been going since I was a teen. Went in and there was a new bar tender. A girl my daughter went to scouts with. Ok, it's not that bad. She had a friend with her,also someone I knew. I can handle this. They started making out. I finished my beer real quick and never went back. 320 ...
Lisaab88 4y ago I have three: 1. Getting excited over a new vacuum. 2. A chin hair that no matter how many times I pluck it it returns just as thick and stronger. 3. Bad back. 187 ...
pinkleis 4y ago When I started being interested in homewares (like toasters) rather than the next iphone 454 ...
FagnusTwatfield 4y ago when i started picking the Jalapeño off my pizza because I didn't want to have to deal with the inevitable aftermath the next day. 137 ...
TheDarkKnight1035 4y ago I realized there are living adult human beings who were born post 9/11. 611 ...
triv- - 4y ago I pulled a muscle in my neck while washing my hands. Was in pain for days. 141 ...
Teacher_too 4y ago When I forgot something, and sighingly thought 'ffs, I'm only 35'. I was 38... 419 ...
seeasea 4y ago My dad said he didn't feel old until a pregnant lady offered her seat to him on the bus 148 ...
stephaniey39 4y ago When I got excited about buying a new bin. Bought it, looked at it for days thinking how nice it is. 199 ...
MurlocsNo1Stan e 4y ago When I don't really understand what kids nowadays say anymore. For example, | still don't know what yeet actually means. 680 ...
IDKHow2UseThisApp 4y ago I was telling the story of how I broke my back in a car accident. Someone asked why the airbags didn't go off or I didn't just use my cell to call for help. Both of those things were new when I was old enough to drive. 1.8K ...
mobile-513 0 4y ago When I watched new Simpsons for the first time in years, and could hear the age in their voices. I felt like shaking my fist at a cloud. 514 ...
Great-Bratton 0 4y ago When I heard people outside and grumbled about fucking teenagers to my dog. 434 ...
 . 4y ago Reading reviews on Amazon for lightbulbs 1.5K ...
 4y ago I saw a very attractive girl in her late teens/early twenties shopping with her mom and thought Wow that is one smoking hot mom 931 ...
JackassJJ88 4y ago Someone asked me for sauce the other day and I had to urban dictionary 1.9K ...
applesngiraffes . 4y ago when my students told me they had never seen the matrix, but they thought they maybe recognized a meme from it 1.2K ...
loosethegales . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago When I saw three rookies start playing in Major League baseball and realized that I saw all their fathers play as well. 779 ...
cantfindmykeys . 4y ago Not one moment. But anytime I hear a song I grew up with played on a oldies or classic station 2.5K ...
11BINF 4y ago My wife and I went to a party, we brought guacamole. We left the party and forgot the bowl. My wife and I talked the next two days about how we need the bowl back and when we finally coordinated with the other couple and got our bowl back we were extremely happy. 4.9K ...
FormalMango . 4y ago When the new person I was training at work told me she was born in 2002. 2.4K ...
wouldja916 . 4y ago I tried to skip steps on the stairs. Brain was totally unaware legs couldn't do it. Ate shit. 1.3K ...
kayser3373 . 4y ago My wife and I had a 20-minute long discussion about fiber. That was it. We were officially old right then. 4.1K ...
Taylor_made2 . 4y ago Went back to my university town for a wedding. Group of friends went to the club we all used to go, left in shock 5min later because everyone there looked about 12 years old. Ended up going to the 'oldies pub' instead. 987 ...
applejackrr . 4y ago When I couldn't sleep without hurting something on me. Currently stuck awake because I hurt my shoulder sleeping. 5.1K ...
dick-nipples 4y ago I had a dream the other day about being in high school again, then I woke up and realized I was 28. Then it dawned on me that I'm actually 38... 7.6K ...
Panda-Head . 4y ago When I was older than my doctor. 8.1K ...
 . 4y ago One year I didn't get any socks for Christmas and was disappointed 3.3K ...
Jesus_Feminist o 4y ago I was so excited when our new couch covers arrived. SO. EXCITED. (In my defense, they look awesome.) 132 ...


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