32 Unwritten Household Rules That Outsiders Would Find Super Weird

32 Unwritten Household Rules That Outsiders Would Find Super Weird

While plenty of rules are useless or end up backfiring, some are worth acknowledging. For example, one Redditor’s household has a rule that you have to perform a full interpretive dance to earn the right to the TV remote, saying that it “keeps the peace” as well as “provides nightly entertainment.” 

If you were a visitor who wasn’t privy to this rule, you’d definitely think it was weird when your friend started randomly dancing in the living room before having the remote bequeathed upon them. But you also might start to wonder why your family doesn’t have a similar ritual. 

To that end, Redditors have revealed the rules they observe in their homes, and you may want to borrow some of these for your own household — especially the toilet paper one.

WeirdBogWitch . 1d ago If someone is voluntarily doing a chore, no one shall tell them how to do it differently unless damage is going to be incurred. If unsolicited advice is given without the intent to actively roll up sleeves and help, the task then belongs to the giver of the unsolicited advice. + 26K Reply ...
redcoat 1d ago If someone drops something everyone else has to tell them you dropped something so they know you know. Also. If someone walks into something: there's something there + 3.9K Reply ...
mouaragon . 1d ago This is at my mom's place. If you are wearing long sleeve shirts you are exempt from doing the dishes. + 5K Reply ...
TheEggieQueen 1d ago Edited 3h ago My husband and I have a large mug that says as I suspected I was right all along. When one of us has an I told you so moment the other says you get the mug tonight. We love the laughs we have when one of us turns the corner with that big ass mug lookin smug while the other has a regular pity mug haha + 8K Reply ...
cszack4_ 1d ago Winner of a board game is charged with putting said game away. + 9.6K Reply ...
weenie2323 - 1d ago If you have a cat on your lap and want something from the kitchen someone else has to get it for you. Cat must not be disturbed. + 9.8K Reply ...
Shytemagnet . 1d ago If you tell me you can't find something after I've told you EXACTLY WHERE IT IS, and I walk over there and find it EXACTLY WHERE I TOLD YOU IT WAS, I get to hit you with it. + 6.3K Reply ...
LeopardSpotDesign 1d ago The loud noise and I'm ok rules. If you know you're going to make a loud noise, say dropping a heavy bag down the stairs you had to yell loud noise to warn everyone that the noise was coming and planned If you made a loud noise unplanned you had to yell I'm OK so no one came running or did come running I'd you were NOT ok. Side note this rule was created when grandpa dropped a toilet on his finger. + 7K Reply ...
Leeloo_Len . 1d ago If a cat meows at you, you meow back. It's impolite not to answer. + 6.3K Reply ...
sixsmalldogs . 1d ago We mute all tv commercials. + 3.5K Reply ...
KelMel8417 e 1d ago When you use the last paper towel from the roll you have to take the cardboard tube and yell do-ta-do in it and then give it to the dog when he comes running so he can shred it! + 4K Reply ...
bungle_bogs 1d ago LASHBOW No sound on when using a device, phone / iPad etc, in the living room. No exceptions. Visitors included. Both of our Mum's are the most flagrant breakers of the rule and get a lot of stick from our kids (teens and older) when they do. + 2.1K Reply ...
chachfinley . 1d ago When removing eggs from the carton, all remaining eggs must be arranged symmetrically. A pattern is preferred. + 3.6K Reply ...
bispecsual e 1d ago Sometimes, my cat will carry a ball toy into the room and meow loudly. As soon as she drops the ball, every human in the house must clap and go Yaaayy!! It is law. + 1.6K Reply ...
Diiiiirty 1d ago When I was a kid, we had the Bernie rule. Whoever had the worst manners at dinner was Bernie (short for St. Bernard like the big messy dog) and had to do the dishes. One time my brother farted at the table and my dad proclaimed, You are Bernie. Nobody can take that from you tonight. So I decided to test that proclamation. I proceeded to put my feet on the table, and that night I learned that there could actually be two Bernies and we both had to clean the kitchen. 1.4K Reply ...
raccoonhippopotamus 1d ago When you're sitting down and you've misplaced something small (phone, remote control, etc.) you must get up and check under your butt before asking anyone else if they've seen the thing. 1.4K Reply ...
Purplepunkkk . 1d ago In our household, the unwritten rule is that you must perform a full interpretive dance routine to earn the right to use the TV remote. It keeps the peace and provides nightly entertainment 1.2K Reply ...
Airplade 1d ago Edited 1d ago The dinner table Dumb Joke of the Day rule. When I was a child my father would tell a dumb joke at dinner every night. It was probably one of my best memories from an otherwise plain vanilla WASP suburbs childhood. I did the same with my kids. Then when the internet was becoming more of a popular resource, I tasked each of my kids to take turns bringing a really dumb joke. It truly made dinner fun, because jokes are like potatoe chips - You can't have just one. :-) And dumb jokes are frequently
brose_af 1d ago If an item in the kitchen has not been opened, YOU MAY NOT OPEN THAT ITEM. Only the person who purchase the milk, Oreos, pasta, cheese, &c may open the item. So ingrained to us as adults I am immediately alarmed seeing someone open things they did not purchase, and born out of years of my folks carefully crafting grocery lists and planning meals only to find the chips for nachos night have long since gone stale, the cream for potato soup is gone, and our lasagna will be mozzerellaless courtesy of the no-mercy children snacks. Edit
magicunicornhandler e 1d ago If your turning on a light in a dark room that has an inhabitant you say 1 2 3 bright light so the person can cover their eyes or prepare for the shock of light. 640 Reply ...
millionthcustomer . 1d ago If anyone arrives home from an evening out later than they said they would, that person has to come in bearing snacks. 460 Reply ...
wyomingtrashbag 1d ago You have to choose the topic of your fortune cookie before you read it. this is about my new job many a big life decision has been made this way. Inside spiders are named Franklin. Outside spiders are named Fronklin. They are all good boys. 585 Reply ...
Jimmyqueens2 o 1d ago The dining table is for special occasions. We just sit in the living room with trays on our laps to eat food 295 Reply ...
gothiclg 1d ago There's a bathroom only my grandma uses. You ask which bathroom is the guest bathroom every time she moves. If she hasn't moved and you've forgotten which bathroom is the guest bathroom you're expected to ask for a reminder. People have been banned from her house over it. There's never been anything worth stealing before so we don't know what she expects. 424 Reply ...
blamedolphin 1d ago If you fail to check for toilet paper before sitting down to number two, I will get it for you, but it will be thrown through the door as hard as humanly possible. Multiple rolls, Ideally at your head. My kids now do this to each other too. I smile inside every time I hear screams from the toilet downstairs. I hope it becomes a tradition handed down over many generations. 273 Reply ...
dryintentions 1d ago No sweeping or mopping after sunset. No whistling at night. No cutting your nails after sunset. No cutting your hair after sunset. This one is for me and me alone but no sleeping with any wardrobe doors open. + 273 Reply ...
MalDuzArt в 1d ago When someone gives you a present in person, you must thank them... then you must call them the next day to thank them again and act as if you didn't already do so. 202 Reply ...
pretendthisisironic . 1d ago Clothing in your room is optional, scream at me through the door or see a naked body the choice is yours. 183 Reply ...
Longjumping-Bus4939 . 1d ago You can take food off someone's plate as long as you say yoink first. + 175 Reply ...
pastelchannl 1d ago the majority of our tea/coffee mugs are pairs and should be placed in the cupboards in pairs (for example, orange goes with green, blue goes with pink, etc). bf and I have each designated mugs, though we sometimes deviate from that a bit though, depending on what mugs are available and the type of drink. 186 Reply ...
Snoo74600 e 1d ago Our grandfather would occasionally at random times hand us cash. If you asked what's that for?, he would take it back and say if you have to ask you must not need it. 157 Reply ...
Tinyfishy . 1d ago When someone shows you the eggs the chickens laid today, you mist admire them and say 'eggknowledged'. + 11K Reply ...


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