32 Pieces of Really Bad Health Advice People Have Received

‘You sweat too much because you drink too much liquid’
32 Pieces of Really Bad Health Advice People Have Received

While it seems obvious not to take health tips from Joe Rogan, it turns out that medical professionals can’t always be trusted to dispense the best advice, either. Case in point: One Redditor went to the doctor complaining of back pain, and the doctor dismissed it by saying, “Everyone has back pain, there’s nothing wrong with you. Use a heating pad.” It turned out to be kidney stones

Other Redditors have remembered the times doctors, relatives and Joe Rogan wannabes offered the worst health advice on Earth to them, and if someone tells you that your mental health issues are caused by the devil, please get away from them. Quickly.

Keefer1970 9mo ago I was told that to quit smoking, I should switch to smokeless tobacco (aka dip) because it was easier to kick that habit. Plot twist: no it isn't. 72 ...
discostud1515 . 9mo ago Dr said to drink 4 cups of milk (an entire litre!!) before anything else in the day. 99 ...
Infamous-Spirit7068 . 9mo ago Type 1 diabetic here, advice was to stop taking insulin and just eat a tablespoon of cinnamon everyday instead 246 ...
entomofile 9mo ago Power through the pain! Your body will build up a resistance to it! No, turns out I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Powering through it left me housebound for several months. 254 ...
tronassembled 9mo ago The pain and fever is probably from your birth control. - college nurse It was a kidney infection, I spent four days in the hospital. 343 ...
HansVonpepe54 10y ago If you had faith maybe you'd be better off. I was suffering from seasonal allergies and just needed some pills. Thanks, doc. + 1.5K ...
 10y ago You don't need an MRI. You have a torn ACL. Two months later, MRI reveals aggressive giant- celled bone tumor had completely destroyed my right knee and half my femur. 320 ...
buttwalk 0 10y ago Running isn't a good form of exercise. It jolts your heart and you'll die. 594 ...
nord93 10y ago I went to the doctor with a flu, discovered later that it was pneumonia. During the first visit my doctor advised me to smoke cigarettes, because they will kill the bacteria in the throat and thus ending my flu. Just wow... + 1.1K ...
Thairapist 10y ago My gyno said I had a genital wart and brought in the stuff to burn it off. I said I would get a second opinion. I had razor burn folks... Razor burn. Не was going to burn off razor burn. That would have scarred my lady bits! No clue how he could not tell the difference. My new doc wanted to report him. + 1.3K ...
 10y ago Went to a doctor about my bad back.. Here do these stretches I read about in the NY Times Writes NY Times stretching on Rx pad + 731 ...
SpicyWitch143 e 9mo ago Someone just told me to go have exploratory surgery for a condition that I don't have any symptoms for. + 640 ...
adairtd в 10y ago The pain you are feeling in your right foot is normal, no more light duty for you - US Navy doctor. My achilles ruptured the next week during a PT run (was in the Marine Corps). Thank you sir! + 2.4K ...
BillyRubenJoeBob 9mo ago From a physicians assistant - don't see a dermatologist, you'll just embarrass yourself. This comment was regarding a teensy spot on my stomach that wouldn't quite heal. A month later, I went anyway. Two operations later they got all the skin cancer out. The reason I saw the PA was because my doctor went to some kind of concierge service where I had to pay another $1K a year on top of health insurance to get the good care. I refused. Needless to say I dropped him after that. 822 ...
 9mo ago You have too many toxins in your body. Subscribe to this holistic newsletter and buy these herbal supplements. They will fix your problems. 582 ...
 9mo ago to just take some pain meds before my iud bc it would just be a small pinch. i almost passed out and had pain for almost 6 months. + 697 ...
GlassCharacter179 9mo ago I had severe digestive problems. If I ate too much (more than about 700 calories a day) I would spend days on end throwing up, even water. Walking helped with digestion, but it was tough because it took so many calories. I lost 50 pounds in five months. My gastroenterologist blamed in on menstruation. + 1K ...
johnnylongpants1 . 9mo ago From a boomer to me, working in a warehouse that had no a/c during a heat wave in summer: you sweat so much because you drink too much liquid. + 1.4K ...
pnwinec 9mo ago That if I had just made my body more alkaline I wouldn't have had Hodgkins Lymphoma. That's not how any of this works, at all. + 1.3K ...
hypo-osmotic e 9mo ago The school nurse telling me to tilt my head back for a bloody nose. That was an awful experience + 2K ...
sapphireblossoms 9mo ago A friend of mine was in horrible pain, and was repeatedly told (by multiple doctors) that she should stop complaining and just get used to it because periods are painful and that's the way it is. After being blown off for years, she finally got a doctor to take her pain seriously- and it turned out she had severe endometriosis. The surgeon said it was the worst case he had ever seen in his career, and was horrified that it had gotten so advanced with no one listening to her. + 1.6K ...
littlemybb 9mo ago My primary doctor kept telling me that nothing was wrong with my thyroid, and I was a hypochondriac. I had been told at 12 years old that I had thyroid issues and she told me that doctor was wrong. I had to see a whole other doctor to get a referral to the endocrinologist because she literally refused to refer me to one. The endocrinologist said, I had scarring all over my thyroid, I had Hashimoto's, and my levels were horrible, and she didn't know what the doctor was talking about. She said she was glad I
 9mo ago When I had an urinary tract infection someone told me to wash my vagina with vinegar... + 3.5K ...
UncleCeiling . 9mo ago I was told my mental health issues were caused by my parents being different flavors of Christian, which left a gap so the devil could get in. + 2.2K ...
comfortablynumb15 9mo ago If you have pale skin, get just a little sunburnt every day so that your skin will learn to get a tan. That's how everyone else does it. My Solar Keratosis skin cancers would beg to disagree. + 2.2K ...
Panda_monium109 9mo ago I was having chest pains and I went to my primary doctor. She said she'd send me to cardiology If you want me to. I decided to go. Lots of folks may have waited or decided not to go given the doctor's lack of concern. Went to cardiology. Doctor said I could do a treadmill test (which I had passed the year before just fine) or I could get an angiogram. It was up to me. The angiogram has some risk but is more accurate. I went with the angiogram. I had a 90 percent blockage of
BoyMonday . 9mo ago Just push through whenever you're sick. If you can get to a doctor's office for a doctor's certificate you can get to school/college/work. + 5.9K ...
pinotproblems 9mo ago My childhood pediatrician told my parents that A sick child never smiles. I tend to laugh/smile when I'm nervous or uncomfortable to self regulate. 3.4K ...
AREZ Centro - PASO, TX. 5hrs4hrs3hrs2hrs1mor 9mo ago - I got from a doctor, everyone has back pain. There's nothing wrong with you, just use a heating pad. It was kidney stones. + 858 ...
tronassembled 9mo ago The pain and fever is probably from your birth control. - college nurse It was a kidney infection, I spent four days in the hospital. + 343 ...
MAGA-Godzilla e 9mo ago Doctor said certain pain is normal as you get older. Turns out it was cancer. + 7.1K ...
cowzroc 10y ago My daughter's doctor told me at her 1 year checkup that she was ADHD because she didn't want to sit still in the exam room for 15 minutes. We got a different doctor after that. 244 ...


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