20 Hilarious Times Someone’s Massive Ego Was Deflated

‘Tried to show off his car and immediately smashed it into a pole’
20 Hilarious Times Someone’s Massive Ego Was Deflated

We’ve all encountered someone whose ego needed to be taken down a peg. For some of us, it’s a neighbor we have a weirdly aggressive relationship with, and for others, it’s… David Copperfield. 

A Redditor told the story of the time his ex-girlfriend was a hostess at an upscale restaurant, and she heard a voice requesting a table for eight. Without looking up, she said it would be at least a 90-minute wait. “But I’m David Copperfield,” the voice protested. 

“Then maybe you can make a table appear,” she replied. 

When she looked up, she saw that it actually was David Copperfield, but he didn’t magically make a table appear, and neither did she. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times they watched a massive ego deflate like a giant balloon, and these are the kinds of satisfying moments we should all get to experience.

bestprocrastinator 2y ago Worked at a seasonal small amusement park as a summer job. One girl that worked there was in the summer between her college graduation and start of her grad school. Anyway, one day she was working ticket sales, and this total Karen of a mom was getting pissed at her for some reason I can't remember. Karen turned to her young daughter and loudly said to her, this is why you go to college, so you don't end up with a nothing job like this lady. Without missing a beat, my coworker friend goes, ma'am, I have
Adept_Ad_4369 2y ago Hottest and most stuck up girl in our small town of 1000 people getting brutally ignored by every guy she came into contact with on our senior trip to Florida. She did everything she could to get noticed, and not a single dude she was interested in paid her the time of day. A small town rural 8 is a big city 5! 16 ...
mmmbacon914 2y ago We were at a wedding for one of my wife's coworkers and were at a table with the rest of the work friends. We were making small talk and the boss' husband mentions something about the Grateful Dead. My wife's not really into music from that era and didn't get the reference, so she asked, What's that? Boss' husband loses his mind. Не goes, Seriously?? How can you not know who the Grateful Dead are?? and just generally is making a huge scene about it. Without missing a beat, the boss turns from her conversation and says,
Boardndave 14y ago Was at a bar last night waiting to buy a drink. A guy came up behind me and asked if I was waiting for a drink. I said yes, he instantly went to the side of me leaned in and ordered drinks ahead of me. The bartender grabbed the three beers he ordered, removed the caps, set them down on the counter (out of reach of the guy), asked me what I wanted, made my drinks and gave them to me before the other guy. Needless to say I tipped well. + 96 ...
NapSweaterShineUpp 2y ago Girl in choir was absent for musical auditions the day before. She was OUTRAGED I got the part she wanted. She was yelling and stomping around the theater demanding an audition. She sang the audition song in front of everyone (instead of one on one like the day before). When she was finished she asked the group at large and the whole group of peers (like 32 kids) said no. She left the theater and didn't show up for a couple days. 112 ...
usernameemma 2y ago When I was in middle school I was very short and generally just looked like a stereotypical 14 year old girl. One day in gym class we go to the weight room, so I'm doing weighted squats (don't remember the exact weight, but probably between 60 pounds and 80 pounds), and this kid starts getting all cocky and teasing me for trying too hard and basically challenges me to a bench pressing competition. What he didn't know was that I spent 2 hours in the weight room every morning. I kicked his butt, it was very satisfying.
walks1497 2y ago My good friend was just leaving the parking lot of my apartment building when his ex showed up with her new boyfriend. Не proceeded to try to show off in his car & immediately smashed it into a pole. It was hilarious. 231 ...
i-piss-excellence32 2y ago Son was born the day before, my wife was in bed recovering. I'm all cocky because I was able to put him to sleep and did a perfect swaddle. I was able to calm him down in seconds and I'm just getting more arrogant by the minute. I volunteer to change his pooped diaper because I've been a father for an entire day and clearly an expert at this point. So apparently my beautiful newborn wasn't finished pooping and not only peed all over my face and chest but he pooped all over my hands. After that
invalidpassword 2y ago Edited 2y ago In highschool a martial arts group performed for us during an assembly in the gym. The lead guy with a microphone was arrogant and full of himself. Не was demonstrating how you could lock your arms behind your neck in a hold that can't be separated. Не asked for someone from the audience to try and break his arms apart. Down from the bleachers came our top male gymnast. The student got behind the expert and in a matter of seconds the student not only broke the hold but dislocated the pro's shoulder in
tikivic 2y ago D Edited 2y ago Ex girlfriend was hostess at a swanky restaurant in Seattle. She was looking down at her book when some people approached the dais and a guy said I need a table for 8. She said without looking up it's probably going to be at least a 90 minute wait. Voice says But I'm David Copperfield. Ex says Then maybe you can make a table appear. Finishes what she's doing. Looks up. It's actually David Copperfield. No table appeared. + 3.2K ...
jcillc 2y ago A high school friend told a group of us he couldn't get-together with us over a college break because he started playing semi-pro football and scouts were coming to see him. Не never played in high school, but was on track and cross- country so while it seemed unlikely we thought we'd surprise him by showing up at his game in support. Got the game info from his mom... and it was a bar-league flag football team. Не was crushed when we showed up. 267 ...
Fit-Lawfulness-525 2y ago A girl in my English class said that she would score a 100 on our End of Course test. She made everyone feel bad about themselves and thought that she was the best in the class. In the end, she scored a 64. 2.6K ...
llovemytocarditis 2y ago Edited 2y ago Once I saw two young kids probably like thirteen years old, try to cross the street. A guy in a pick up truck yelled at them to get out of the way. The kids had the right of way, and said something back to the guy. The guy loses his shit, and jumps out of the truck acting like a hard ass and got up in the one kids face screaming and yelling, when he took his eyes off of the kid he was yelling at to yell at the other kid. Bam! Right
Zjoee 2y ago I knew a guy that always felt the need to one up everything I said. I was on the phone with my girlfriend at the time and he happened to overhear us talking. Не came up to me and started to brag about himself, loud enough for my girlfriend to hear, and how he could steal my girl just by talking to her on the phone for 10 minutes. I offered him my phone and my girlfriend reamed him out for 5 minutes straight before he handed me back the phone and walked off. I was so
ashrae9 2y ago I used to work at a photography studio. I'm not a photographer but I know some basics. Photographer guy, probably in his 50s, tells me the equipment he rented isn't working and he is ranting on about how he has wasted 25 minutes of his rental time because his camera wasn't syncing to the lighting equipment. All in front of his poor clients. Best moment of my life - - as he was cursing me out I walked over and wordlessly plugged it in. Never seen a grown man turn so red. + 5K ...
Unknown_Captain 2y ago Some dude came into the pub I work at for the pub quiz. Kept going on about how he was smarter than all these bumpkins (I live in a university city) and that he was gonna get first prize. Не was adamant and he sat at the bar across from me the whole time. I played on my phone and named myself Bumpkin. Не didn't even place in the top 10 and was furious that he got beaten by a bumpkin and a gang of old retired fuckups that have nothing better to do 3.7K ...
Mymorningpancake 0 2y ago Me when I was a kid. Made fun of a girl in my neighborhood in front of people, then proceeded to try and do a bike trick and break my wrist as they all watched. 4.8K ...
Ryan233tiger 2y ago I worked IT support for my school while I was in college. One of my coworkers was the type who thinks they're the smartest guy in the room. One day he came in and couldn't get his monitors to work. After 10 minutes of watching him struggle I tried to interject and help but got a long winded rant about how he's been working with computers his whole life and doesn't need any help, if he can't figure it out I certainly wouldn't be able to. I just responded with that's cool man, I just thought monitors
1980pzx 2y ago A guy in our union was running for some executive board position and he was telling everyone what an easy win it was gonna be for him because nobody like the other 2 people running for the job. Come election day he got a very humbled awakening. Out of 1300 people he got less than 10 votes. Не didn't speak to many people for awhile after that. Nobody likes a braggart. 7K ...
 . 2y ago My sister started working out and after a few weeks she thought she was gonna go pro in both power lifting and body building. Then she arm wrestled our 54 year old disabled mother and got put down instantly. 10 ...


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