28 Satisfying Times People Caught Someone in a Lie

‘A woman told me she had SIDS as a baby’
28 Satisfying Times People Caught Someone in a Lie

Sometimes you have to just sit there and let a liar lie, but there are other times when the situation is so specific that you’re able to swoop in and shut it down with facts. These are moments worth relishing. One Redditor, for example, remembers a woman who said she had SIDS as a baby — a lie that was easily disproven by the fact that she was, you know, alive. 

Other Redditors have recalled the bad lies people told them that they quickly refuted, including a lot of cheaters who can’t be bothered to craft a believable story.

wintertash 11y ago Lube tech at a Jiffy Lube tried to convince me that I needed a radiator service on a car that didn't have a radiator. Не even showed me a PH strip to prove that the fluid had gone acidic. I told him if he could show me the radiator, I'd cheerfully pay for the service. His face when he opened my car's trunk (where most cars keep their hoods) was pretty priceless. 2.8K ...
Razor-dome 11y ago I work for a broadcast camera house - we rent out camera systems to shows, news, sports etc. A few years back, a client rented a few cameras and some specialty lenses - including one very rare, very expensive fisheye. Nice lens - it's not made anymore, so replacing it isn't possible, and fixing it will be extremely expensive. That was foreshadowing, by the way. So, the package comes back at the end of the job, and the lens has a divot the size of a quarter taken out of the front element. I mean, this thing was trashed. I call the producer
twlohaliyah 11y ago A girl I go to school with did everything she could for attention. She walked into class one day with a huge bruise on her cheek, claiming that she had been punched in the face at a party. Fast-forward a few days and we're both at a mutual friend's house, she still has the bruise and wont stop talking about it and trying to make us feel bad for her. Upon looking a little closer, I see that the bruise is slightly sparkly. It's obviously makeup. So I tell her that I have something to put on
Nifferplz 11y ago My boyfriend used to work third shift at a popular gas station on the East Coast. Не worked with one of those notoriously terrible coworkers that calls in all the time with tons of excuses. Well, one night, she called out saying that she was sick, that she was vomiting and feverish, couldn't come in, sorry. The only person available to work her shift was the district manager, who happened to be in the area for a meeting. DM comes in and works cashier with my boyfriend. Around ЗАМ, who should walk in but the called-out coworker,
friekman 11y ago An ex-girlfriend of mine called to tell me she was pregnant and that she needed money to terminate the pregnancy. I did the math quickly in my head and realized that there was no way she could be pregnant by me because we had stopped having relations long before we split. So, I told her that as the father I had rights, too, and that I wanted her to have the child and I would take full custody (and pay her medical bills). She was speechless and then said, I'll call you back. She called a day
ysustistixitxtkxkycy 3mo ago Former manager told me to my face that I'd be replaced and my position eliminated while I'd be out on medical leave. Came back to her claiming that she never said that. Unfortunate that it did match her written report at the time. 472 Reply ...
Affero-Dolor 11y ago We used to know this girl who compulsively lied about the littlest things, so we always wondered if she was lying about other things. Mainly we wondered if she was lying about having epilepsy. Well, she faked a fit in front of a group of us once, at a party. She started pretending to shake, fell to the floor and so on. She then stopped, confirmed that people were looking and paying attention, and then continued. We told her to stop and that she was obviously faking. She left. 2.1K ...
Ok-Noise2538 3mo ago I'm a close, personal friend of the manager and I'll have your job for this! me, the manager-Well that's interesting because I'm the manager and I've never met you before! 181 Reply ...
KingHippoLSU 11y ago My buddy was dating my roommate. They broke up which made it awkward for me. Well she goes all crazy on him and starts telling him she's pregnant and it is his. After he told me this (we lived in a two bedroom, one bath) I started noticing that the stash of tampons my roommate kept under the sink were dwindling. Upon hearing this news from me, I've never seen a more relieved person. 1.3K ...
Odd_Cat_5820 . 3то ago My coworker said George Soros sank the Titanic for the insurance. I pointed out that he wasn't even born yet when it sank. She then said it must have been his father and it's the same thing. 183 Reply ...
RedmanWasTaken e 3mo ago When I was at school, one of the kids said he went to a private party with the spice girls and they played kiss chase. Teacher said if he didn't stop lying he'd give him detention but he refused to stop. 115 Reply ...
SallyJane5555 . 3то ago A girl at my high school made up a disease she had. She had this patch on her arm that would change color. If it went black it meant something was really wrong and she would faint. Turns out it was a patch she pulled out of a mood ring and the fainting was all fake. 43 Reply ...
OfficeSalamander e 3mo ago I once had a woman tell me that she had had SIDS as a baby. I uh, neglected to comment on how she looked good for someone dead for decades 571 Reply ...
Resrup24 . 3то ago Had a fella who worked for me call in on a Monday morning. Said he couldn't make it in cause he had just totaled his car. Next day he rolls up to work in said car and told us they had fixed it last night. 42 Reply ...
SeedOfTelperion . 3mo ago Living in a shared house back in '97. My housemate told us his dad had taught him a martial art that only his dad and Bruce Lee knew as they invented it together. We asked him to demonstrate and he said he'd promised to never reveal it to anyone. 44 Reply ...
Gailagal . 3то ago In a group I was in, they said they were an Alaskan dog sledder and showed a poor quality photo of the dogs, almost as if taken on a computer monitor. Took me less than five minutes to pick up the photo on Google 37 Reply ...
hhfugrr3 3то ago Woman I worked with didn't come back after Christmas one year. She told the bosses she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and decided to leave to focus on herself. Everyone was pleased to see the back of her. Nobody believed she was ill for a second. We were correct, she'd just taken a new job. She really was a piece of shit in every way possible. 16 Reply ...
xcoalminerscanaryx 3mo ago My alcoholic grandmother decided to call up family members and claim my sister was starving her. It got to the point my sister had to send pictures of three fridges full of food to prove she wasn't. My grandma just didn't want to eat the food there and wanted to cause drama. 8 Reply ...
SpookyMinimalist . 3mo ago Last december: An ex-colleague barging into my office, slamming the top of my desk with his flat hand and barking at me, claiming the head IT administrator DEMANDS he should get admin access to a list of data bases ASAP. Fun fact: I am the head IT administrator. I informed HR, that's why he is an ex- colleague. 4 Reply ...
Bongofromouterspace 3mo ago Had an ex-partner tell me they were mugged and their wallet stolen, only to pull their wallet out 3 weeks later with all their ID and everything. I guess they forgot what their story has been. Even stuck to the lie when I pointed it out oh that's a new drivers license I just ordered and replaced it already, and ya I bought the same wallet to replace the one that was taken Ugh fucking PSYCHO 14 Reply ...
. 3то ago Kicks4meFromyou My Dad swearing he never cheated on my Mom. Не must've forgot that I found his condom stash and Mom got her tubes tied 2 Reply ...
GinaLillyth с 3mo ago A woman I know claimed she was falling down the stairs and pulled a muscle in her chest when she grabbed the railing. Who knew that pulling chest muscles can increase your breasts by two cup sizes? 2 Reply ...
Mindless_Attention36 в 3mo ago Someone saying they drank over 100+ drinks without blacking out lol there was a video of them passed out on the floor not even 20 drinks in 2 Reply ...
EmperorBozopants 11y ago I had a long argument once with someone who claimed loudly and angrily that Pat Morita from the original Karate Kid movies was a master of martial arts in real life. Не came up with loads of evidence and even talked about stories of Morita single- handedly defeating hordes of attackers. Then I showed him an article where it talked about Morita spending most of his life as a stand-up comic with no martial arts experience, and he shut up.
oneineightbillion 11y ago You gave me chlamydia. I'm not mad, but you should get tested. I got tested 3 and a half months into seeing you and came back negative. Who'd you cheat on me with? 111 ...
joseadan88 11y ago I met this dude who wanted to join my band, and he was a huge pearl jam and Rolling Stones fan. So I had asked him If he was a fan of the band stone sessions, a band I made up on the spot. Не told me he had every one of their albums. The look on his face was priceless when I told him I made up the band. 1.3K ...
 11y ago I knew a girl in High school who everyone thought of as a pathological liar. She used to tell everyone she was fluent in Italian, and would speak it at home with her parents all the time. One day my friend gets fed up with the lie and asks her to speak in Italian to her. She goes, oh I don't really want to, I really only speak at home. my friend says, No come on it'll be fun. Here I'll say something in English, and you reply in Italian... WHat did you think of the math
BlatantBlunt 11y ago I once had a graphic designer apply for a post using my artwork in his portfolio. Asked him all about the work and the thinking behind the designs before I showed him the originals and the door. 2K ...


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