25 Wild Times People Objected at a Wedding

‘Mom! Don’t marry him!’
25 Wild Times People Objected at a Wedding

While many wedding officiants skip the question, there are still a few out there asking if anyone objects to the union they’re about to witness. And occasionally, to the dismay of everyone in attendance, some people do. One Redditor, for instance, remembers when a groom’s actual wife stood up and objected, holding up their marriage license in the process. Yikes! 

Other Redditors have recalled the times someone spoke at a wedding instead of holding their peace, and it turns out you don’t even have to be alive to object.

Husbandaru 1y ago Edited 1y ago The mom of one of the Bridesmaids got up and yelled Yeah I object: You fucking stole him from her! While pointing at the bride. I've known the groom for a long time and by proxy the bride. I am still very good friends with them. I have never seen her more infuriated than at that moment. The bridesmaid got up from her chair and was like I'm so, so sorry. Let me get her out of here. The bridesmaid and the bride's stepfather escorted the woman out of the wedding and it continued.
Tink2013 1y ago My grandmother objected at my sister's wedding. My sister was a Florida based Italian Catholic and somewhat conservative individual who fell in love with a progressive New York Jew. My Nonna said it wouldnt work and it would change one of them and she was worried about it changing her grand daughter. My parents managed to get her away from the wedding and it continued. My sister is now neither Catholic or conservative, so my Nonna was absolutely right. 5.4K ...
SuvenPan . 1y ago In my cousin's wedding her friend said I object because she was not invited to the wedding. She was kicked out of the wedding. 2.2K ...
nathcrowley 1y ago A relative visited one ceremony where it was asked if anyone objects, and the groom decided it's a good time for a joke and said I do. The lady who was going to marry the couple just turned and left. They had to go through all the paperwork again and change the date. Got married, divorced in like three years if I remember correctly. 6.2K ...
FuriouSherman 3y ago Edited Зу ago This happened several years before I was even born, but my parents once went to a wedding where the groom said no to the Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? question and walked away, literally leaving the bride at the altar. Apparently, her and her parents were very controlling and forceful, while the groom simply wasn't happy but had bit his tongue the whole way through. When the ceremony actually happened, he just decided enough was enough. I can't imagine how awkward that must've been for everyone watching. 521
Mischief_Makers 3y ago Somebody yelled out They're brother and sister!. They weren't. Both families are really easy going and my group of friends is full of..... let's just say unique characters so no-one was surprised and everyone except the priest found it pretty damn funny as there was a running joke among their friends and family about the fact they have the same face. At the reception the best man introduced them as the new Mr and Mrs Van Houten. 94 ...
AdventureEngineer 3y ago My dad is a pastor. Не got asked to do a redneck wedding. They had him wear a cowboy hat, leather boots, Texas neck tie, bullet belt, and holster. They gave him a revolver with blanks and said they were going to have the bride's cousin object and he was to shoot him and ask anyone else? Needless to say I made sure my dad loaded the blanks himself. Funny little gag though 220 ...
hundreddollar 1y ago I went to a Catholic wedding where, when the priest asked this question, one of the groomsmen did a VERY loud, long, throat clearing, which got everyone laughing. Everyone except for the bride's elderly Italian Grandmother who marched out of her seat and angrily hit the groomsman with her handbag and shouted at him in Italian! 8.1K ...
Rabies182 . 1y ago A woman, in her 20s at the time, objected to her mom marrying my uncle. So she started yelling, Mom don't marry him! during the ceremony. The ceremony proceeded and some family on the mom's side lead the daughter away to quit interrupting. I don't blame her-my uncle was a lying, lazy bastard. The marriage didn't last. 12K ...
 e 5y ago Had an ex call me the morning of my wedding and threatened to come to the ceremony to object. Thankfully he pussed out. 135 ...
SlipperyPunk 5y ago I was at a friends wedding when his mother got up during the vows and said Objection!. Everyone stared at her in confusion while she stood there staring at his soon to be Wife. His mother then proceeded to say I don't want my baby being with that rat bast*rd for the rest of his life!. Everyone just kind of sat there looking confused and shocked. Her son/my friend looked at her with a beet red face and ran out of the church we were in. I guess he felt the same way but didn't want to
MC-NIGLET 5y ago Went to a wedding, guy objected and said if y'all marry I'll loose my drinkin buddy 3.1K ...
 5y ago I wasn't there, but an old friend told me about a wedding he attended years ago. When it came time for the objection part a voice in the back yells SHE SUCKED MY DICK LIKE 30 MINUTES AGO. Bride bursts into tears. Groom just walks away. 6.5K ...
Plethorian 5y ago My good friends wedding video is awesome! A big thunderstorm blew up during the ceremony; and just as the minister asked Does anybody have any objections? Lightning strikes the church with a tremendous ka-boom and all the lights go out. There's some nervous laughter, and the minister says That doesn't count!, and the ceremony continued. 653 ...
 5y ago The wife objected because she had shorty found out her soon to be husband had been sleeping with her sister for the past 8 years despite the 2 of them having 2 kids 1.9K ...
MrNegativity78 11y ago No, but this past October I was at a wedding where the bride was so certain there'd be an objection she told the official to be sure to leave that part out. 503 ...
neverbird 12y ago At one wedding, the bride's mother stood up and objected. She said, I love you, , and I don't want anyone else as a son in law. But my daughter is exactly like me, and I wouldn't be able to let this wedding continue if I didn't warn you about the mess we make out of the lives of people we love. Make sure you want this. then sat back down. 1.5K ...
Mr_Monster 12y ago Yep. Lots of lawyers. It was a joke between the groomsmen. They all said it in unison. Everyone laughed, except the bride and her parents. Good times. 1.1K ...
Chad_Ostapuscat 5y ago I was at one of my good friends wedding (She was marrieng a man she thought was a truck driver) and when the priest says does anyone object this woman stands up and says i do.Turns out the guy wasnt a truck driver but was a married man from florida who had two kids and the woman was his wife. 558 ...
RaindropRoses 11y ago About 25 years ago my neighbor went to a wedding and came home to tell this story. When the pastor got to the part or forever hold your peace, the bride said, Yes, I'd like to say something. Then she turned around to her guests and said, I'd like to thank my Maid of Honor for sleeping with my Fiance last night. With that, she threw her bouquet and stormed off. The story even made it on the radio at the time.
Amaevise . 1y ago Edited 1y ago My husband's first marriage. The brother of the bride stood up and said to my husband Say no, you can still be happy! They went through with the marriage, wound up divorcing with a messy break up. Brother in law is still best friends with my husband (as far as he's concerned he gained a brother and lost a sister and is better off for it) and he never lets him forget the fact that he was right and he should have bailed lol. Edited for clarification 3.1K ...
Chiquita4eyes . 1y ago My aunties fiance was already married (lady stood up waving marriage cert) so wedding didn't go ahead. The reception was on a long boat so we still went to that. The fiance went back to home country to sort it out and never came back. 15K ...
efloresmty 1y ago I was at a small ceremony indoors, maybe 30 people tops listening. When the minister asked for any objections, a picture of the bride's dead grandmother that was hanging on the wall fell to the ground with a loud thump. We looked at each other but the minister finished anyway. Divorced within a year. 2.1K ...
MeLdArmy 11y ago I objected at a small wedding in Vegas. I was drunk and had already voiced my opinion the night before to the bride-to-be. I told her that her future husband would end up back in jail and leave her to raise all the kids alone. His friends yelled at me when I made my little speech. Fast forward a year and he is now in prison for 2nd degree robbery and she is alone. 879 ...
efloresmty 1y ago I was at a small ceremony indoors, maybe 30 people tops listening. When the minister asked for any objections, a picture of the bride's dead grandmother that was hanging on the wall fell to the ground with a loud thump. We looked at each other but the minister finished anyway. Divorced within a year. 2.1K ...


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