30 Creepy Towns People Have Visited

‘Florida, Missouri’
30 Creepy Towns People Have Visited

Whether it’s the undeniable presence of inbreeding or a mine town turned murder town, every state has at least one locale that seems like a perfect setting for a horror movie. One Redditor, for instance, cited the eerily quiet town of Green Bank, West Virginia, which is near a radio telescope that’s sensitive to interference, meaning inhabitants aren’t allowed to use electronics. 

Other Redditors have named the places they had the misfortune of driving through, stopping by or spending the night in, and it sounds like Powers, Oregon, is among the most terrifying places on Earth. 

flcinusa D 3то ago Pleasance, Colorado. Formerly a mining town, then a murder town. Lots of alien activity, and the town doctor is weird AF 108 Reply ...
Goldeneel77 . 3mo ago That place called the villages in Florida. I stopped there once and the whole place had a very fake feeling to it that I can't really describe. 120 Reply ...
PlasticBlitzen 3mo ago Florida, Missouri Creepy, creepy, creepy. I just checked. It's now listed as uninhabited (by the living). I'm not surprised. 353 Reply ...
anannanne 3mo ago Whittier, Alaska Most of the town's residents live in a single apartment building. There's nothing else there. The town is accessible by water and a one-way tunnel through the mountain. 1.7K Reply ...
AnybodySeeMyKeys . 3то ago Gotta say it. My wife and I were vacationing in Bar Harbor, Maine, and decided to drive to the easternmost point in the US. So we made it Lubec, Maine. It was kind of foggy and looked totally deserted. I get Stephen King novels now. 2K Reply ...
evilprozac79 . 3то ago Most towns in East Texas, close to the LA border. They don't want you there, and they'll let you know it. I'm a white Texas native, and I don't even feel welcome. 1K Reply ...
Discipline-Salty 3mo ago Picher, Oklahoma. Abandoned lead mining town that produced most of the lead for the world wars. The town is riddled with sinkholes from poor mining practices and is the largest ЕРА superfund clean up site. It's now abandoned from a combination of people dying of lead poisoning, orange sulfuric acid waters, and a large tornado a few years ago. 545 Reply ...
 3то ago Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The Moth Man is hiding there, somewhere. 2.5K Reply ...
paddjo95 3mo ago It's barely a town anymore but definitely Mineral Springs, Missouri. It was once a bustling town with a famous hot spring, but it dried up. Now various people live in very old houses with no electricity. No one knows their names but they send one person into town a month for groceries. If you're there very long at all, they WILL shoot at you. 415 Reply ...
NagelEvad . 3то ago East St Louis, IL. Never seen a town that looked post-apocalyptic before going through there. 1.2K Reply ...
Lessthancrystal . 3то ago Salton Sea, CA went to clean out a family members house after they passed...didn't see a single car on the road...or human... that whole weekend. Felt SOOO creepy. 3.1K Reply ...
Blixenk . 3mo ago . Edited 3mo ago Tonopah, Nevada. Clown Motel next to a cemetery full of infants and workers who died in a silver mine. 5.6K Reply ...
somehonky 3mo ago Barstow, California. It's the convergence of highways in the middle of nowhere. It's like an entire town of unhinged hitchhikers who got dumped there. Freaky shit. 11K Reply ...
 3y ago Randsburg, CA is something else...it's mostly a ramshackle ghost town (mine closed long ago) with a few people still hanging around in old trailers and whatnot. Creepy as fuck at night 17 ...
shards_of_sanity 3y ago D Edited 3y ago Green Bank, WV. It's near a large radio telescope that is sensitive to local interference. No one in that town has a microwave, Wi-Fi, or cell phone, and electronics are banned. Edit: it's called The Quiet Zone. 74 ...
SnipesCC 3y ago Centralia PA. There's been a coal fire burning in the mines since the 60s. Town is all but deserted, with about 5 people left. When you drive through it, steam comes out of the ground, like when you visit Yellowstone. I actually read an Urban Fantasy book where a bunch of demons set up shop in the town because it was deserted and smells like hellfire. 93 ...
Pale_Consideration_2 e 3y ago Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. There is a legend that says more dead people walk the streets than living, and holy crap what a weird feeling everything is there. Literal time machine 142 ...
RankedAverage 6mo ago Lynden, Washington. A HIGHLY Christian town comprised of mostly Dutch families. No liquor stores. No weed stores. Illegal to mow your yard on Sundays. I've lived maybe 10 minutes away from it for about 20 years now and only go out there for the fair. 675 ...
Resident_Job3506 6mo ago Edited 6mo ago Amboy, California. Was a route 66 boomtown, with a railroad stop. When I-40 was opened, bypassing Amboy it withered and died. Only it didn't give up the ghost. There are some famous murders that occurred in town (If you can call it a town, it's only three buildings at a crossroad). Legend has it that Charles Manson and the Manson family would frequent the diner in the 1960s as it was the closest part of civilization to their nasty little hippie commune. Last time I was there was about 25 years ago, driving through.
mister_sleepy 6mo ago I can't explain it but Ithaca, NY gives off old money, we-are-very-nice-and-well- educated-progressives-who-happen-to- hold-a-yearly-lottery-to-see-who-gets- sacrificed-to-appease-the-ancient-one vibes 1.3K ...
Marcoyolo69 6mo ago Mora, NM is pretty damn scary to outsiders. Lots of rural mountain towns that are isolated from tourists can be strange. I've spent alot of time in WV and Arkansas but rural NM is probably the most hostile place to outsiders I have been 1.5K ...
blackforestham3789 6mo ago Collinsville, Ok has a diner named Karen's Country Corner (formerly Kountry Korner) where the local chapter meets or used to meet every week. Used to have racist signs on the edge of town. One the most racist places I've ever had the misfortune of finding myself 2.1K ...
Longjumping_Pop6024 o 6mo ago Moscow, ID, home of the University of Idaho. 1/3 college students, 1/3 hippies, 1/3 Christ Church cult. The recent college knife murders don't help the vibes either. 1.9K ...
thebadhedgehog5 0 6mo ago Colorado City, AZ-Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints stronghold. Lots of inbreeding. 2.5K ...
SkylieBunnyGirl . 6mo ago Powers, Oregon. Stopped in the diner for coffee once on a drive thru. I shit you not, like straight out of a movie, the other patrons just turned and quietly stared, not touching their own plates, until we left 11K ...
blissout2day 6mo ago We stopped for gas in Coos Bay and it was pretty weird vibes. That evening we found a dispersed camp spot along the river. It was all good until it got dusk and the spidey senses kicked in big time. We ignored it until about midnight and then threw all the camp stuff in the back of the rig and high tailed it out of there. We've camped a ton and I've never had that feeling while out in the woods of smthg bad is going to happen if we don't leave now, like sheer panic. 477
Starbucks_Lovers 6mo ago Man this was years ago, but it was around 1998 or 1999, when I was 9. my family drove us to Mount Rushmore from Denver. We stopped off the highway in a random Wyoming town with a population of just over 100. We had a choice between two restaurants and entered one. Straight from a horror movie, when we walked in, the entire restaurant, packed with most of the town, fell silent. We ate and everyone was staring at us. My sister and I believed they were going to murder us. We left and it turns out
lotsalotsacoffee 6mo ago Seabrook, WA It is idyllic. perfectly idyllic. Too much so. Strong Stepford Wives vibes. I read somewhere that it was inspired by the town in The Truman Show. 3K ...
PirateJohn75 6mo ago Clearwater, Florida I had known it was the HQ for Scientology, but had never been there. Last month, I was visiting family in Florida and my best friend lives a few towns over from Clearwater. Не took me to a place that entailed driving through downtown Clearwater. It is impossible not to notice that every building had brand new paint, all the shops looked sparking clean, and there was not a soul to be seen. All the neighboring towns had hundreds of people milling about, but Clearwater looked like a ghost town. It looked like the set
Educational-Bat-7009 3то ago The peculiar atmosphere of Clinton Road in West Milford, New Jersey, reputedly haunted by strange creatures and ghostly hitchhikers, extends to the nearby town, enhancing its creepiness. 53 Reply ...


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