30 Useful Hacks People Learned for Completing Everyday Tasks

‘Putting onions in the refrigerator before cutting’
30 Useful Hacks People Learned for Completing Everyday Tasks

Life is hard enough without the added stress of struggling to put pillowcases on your pillows after a load of laundry. One Redditor, however, has suggested a trick for getting it on easier — turning the pillowcase inside out and covering the pillow while gradually flipping the pillowcase right side out. Problem solved!

It turns out that there are a number of useful tricks for other annoying everyday tasks that never seem to get any easier as well. In fact, one of them is so simple that a monkey can do it — literally.

 1y ago I used to have the worst time putting eye drops in as I would hover and try to drop right on the eyeball. A doctor told me to just drop it on the side of my nose and it would find it's way to my eye because of, like, gravity. 5 ...
rslashdepressedteen 1y ago My Nana was a very clever woman. She taught me more than any of those viral life hacks ever did. When she wanted to save the end of a roll of tape, she took one of those tabs from a bread bag and stuck it on the end. Just one of many small, but genius ideas. 28 ...
Inevitable_Key69 . 1y ago The way to clean the jar - I put a sponge, washing liquid, water in the jar. I mix it and the jar is clean :) 14 ...
 1y ago I used to drag/sway the ice cube tray back and forth under the sink.... until someone showed me you can just tilt it and the water overflows downward. 31 ...
spiderbro8 1y ago Felt like an idiot for years I'd bite the shells of pistachios open. A friend showed me I can just use a half shell to lever the others open 38 ...
alfdan . 1y ago Wiping my ass standing. You get a much better wipe when sitting! 47 ...
Eyfordsucks 1y ago Putting onions in the refrigerator for a half hour/ hour before cutting makes it so you don't cry from the fumes. Learned this working in a restaurant kitchen having to prep 100 lbs of onions every shift. Refrigerating them first was a necessity. 48 ...
NotSoGreta . 1y ago If a metal lid is not coming off of a jar, instead of struggling, run hot water on the lid for a minute, it'll come off easily. 32 ...
Full_Time_Mad_Bastrd 1y ago Cooking rice. I fucked it up every time, didn't have the space for a rice cooker, ended up using packet rice or boil in the bag. A chinese friend showed me the finger method and I been eating perfect rice almost every day ever since. 10 ...
karrun10 1y ago Those styrofoam cup lids. I was always trying to tear off the little flap. Someone showed me how you flip it back and snap it into that little raised tab. 54 ...
Chum_Gum6838 1y ago Sprinkle some salt on your cocktail napkin to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of your glass every time you raise the glass. 80 ...
 1y ago . Edited 1y ago TO ALL MEN!!!! After peeing, you have to softly push at the beginning of your Nuts, the side facing the ass. All of your pee will come out, nothing in the underpants. Your welcome Let me know if it helped soldiers 58 ...
WasltG00d4U 1y ago I would always add oil or butter to my pan right away and wait for it to heat up. You're actually supposed to wait until the pan gets really hot and then add the oil. Doing that makes any pan non-stick. 110 ...
markzip 1y ago Pinching the edge of a record to get it out of the sleeve. That's how you get noise on the beginning of every record. Proper way is to hold sleeve horizontal and slide the record out onto your hand so that the ends of your fingers are on the label and the edge of the record is in the crook of your thumb and palm. If you don't feel confident sliding the record out, you can bow the sleeve slightly and reach in until the tips of your fingers are on the label. 170 ...
Clawffee 1y ago Rinsing my hair - I used to rinse with hot water and assume I just had frizzy and dry hair. Rinsed with col water once and realized I'd lived far too long with frizzy hair for no reason. 99 ...
GSnow 1y ago If you're trying to hang a picture by catching the crosswire on a nail in the wall, slide a fork down over the nail so the prongs are behind the nail head and the fork is angled away from the wall. Slide the wire down behind the fork, and it will be guided right onto the nail. Then just pull up the fork. Saves a dozen attempts to catch the nail on the wire. 183 ...
Immediate_Papayas e 1y ago Put on pillow covers. I used to shove the pillow in there and struggle with it until my wife showed me how to flip the pillow case inside out and cover the pillow while flipping right side out. 242 ...
thoughtfractals85 1y ago I folded all my washclothes and they barely fit in the drawer. My kid said why don't you just stack them unfolded in there? It's brilliant. They fit perfectly and it saves time. It sounds stupid, but it was a game changer. 169 ...
PreZEviL 1y ago I used to open banana by pulling the top, then i saw some documentary with monkey opening them from the bottom and its 10 time easier. I also learn that im more stupid than a monkey that day 223 ...
archetype1 1y ago P How to properly secure a towel around the waist after a shower. Instead of tucking the hem inwards, you fold it outwards and down, much more secure, you can like, run around and not worry about it falling off. 288 ...
Mythril_Bullets в 1y ago I just remember that one dude being told you could wait for the shower to warm up instead of having to stand in it cold as it warms up Imao. 1.1K ...
darthva 1y ago Edited 1y ago If you're mounting something to the wall that has pre-designed holes on the back, rather than measure between the holes and try to space the nails/screws accordingly, stretch a single piece of painters tape (blue tape) across the back of the piece from just before the beginning of the first hole to just after the last one. Mark each hole with a pencil/pen on the painters tape, then place the tape on the wall and voila, you have a perfect mounting template. I suggest you do a quick check with a laser level on
knittybitty123 1 1y ago Those tiny, obnoxious cans of tomato paste. You can take both ends off with the can opener, and use a wooden spoon to push on the top. It comes out clean like a push pop! 400 ...
Razorray21 . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Reheating pizza in a frying pan S00000000 much better than the microwave
 1y ago Using a gift card to sign up for free trials. 477 ...
funklab 1y ago Edited 1y ago Opening a beverage can. I keep my fingernails very short and sometimes it would be a bit finicky to open the tab on a can. I was damn near 40 years old when my buddy showed me you're supposed to push down on the hinge portion of the tab with your thumb to raise the other edge of the tab so you can get your finger under it. I felt like an idiot. 911 ...
Nymeria85 7y ago Peeling boiled eggs. Always peeled off part of the egg white with the shell until my neice, who was 14 at the time, told me I need to roll it around on the counter to seperate the shell from the egg. A 14 year old taught me such a simple trick. 333 ...
joec_95123 1y ago Not an everyday activity, but someone showed me I'd been wasting celery for years. When it goes limp and loses its crunch, you can just soak it in water overnight, and it makes it crisp again. 1.6K ...
Brontosaurusus86 e 7y ago I never knew you can take the basket out of the dishwasher that holds the utensils and carry it to the drawer to unload. 571 ...
laurakeet1209 7y ago Mixing natural peanut butter. Took me years to realize that if you store the jar in the pantry upside down, the the oil rises to the bottom of the jar, making it a breeze to stir. 28 ...


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