22 So-Called Irrational Fears That Became Terrifyingly True

‘I only buy pre-shredded cheese now’
22 So-Called Irrational Fears That Became Terrifyingly True

We’ve gotten to the point where the term “irrational fear” is a misnomer. Just watch any recent horror movie. Each and every one of them has proven that anything can be turned into something worth being afraid of: clownsdolls, Nicolas Cage, you name it. 

Every fear is rational now, baby! 

But some fears are so specific that it seems impossible that they could ever become true. Wrong! Countless Redditors have revealed their darkest irrational fears that ended up turning real, including bug-filled underwear, something hiding in the closet and an incredible argument for only buying pre-shredded cheese.

 11y ago Mother fucking cows man. Their black, souless eyes, and their absolutely empty brains.....Ugh. It's near immobalizing. The worst part is, it's like my body gives off a pheremone that says hey, come stand in a perfect circle around me, and creep me the fuck out. But yeah. Because they're so dumb, they're unpredictable. They could just charge me for no reason, and since they weigh like 800 pounds, I'm screwed. They do surround me. All the time. And it's scary when they do, as it makes me think they're planning something together. Also, I'm a little afraid
PovoRetare 4y ago Not being able to breathe through my nose. It's enough to trigger an immediate panic attack especially if I'm asleep. I even had nose surgery to stop it blocking up, so I wasn't living in a state of high anxiety with panic attacks every night. Unfortunately the nose surgery recovery went wrong and it got completely blocked for 3 weeks, so now I have a strong fear of hospitals as well. 212 ...
mblunck 0 4y ago That eventually, all holidays will be overtaken by christmas. The fact that I hear christmas music in mid-October is only confirming this theory. It terrifies me 6 ...
King_of_all_Dorks 0 11y ago . Edited 11y ago The Statue of Liberty. Something about her face freaks me out. The last scene in Ghostbusters 2 is my worst nightmare.
FloobLord 4y ago I have a phobia of breaking the 4th wall. Mascots especially freak me out, but any situation where a live actor talks to the audience or comes down off the stage makes me super uncomfortable/anxious. 269 ...
TheSpecialSnowflake 0 12y ago So, at my boarding school you had to do kitchen work sometimes. I have a fear of sticking my hands in the water when it's too cloudy, I was always called irrational. Skip to last day I had duty before I graduated, murky water and my job was to clear the drain, I refused and got shit. I said there HAD to be a knife there. Cook was fed up with me, quickly reaches in, and swears as his hand is cut bad. There were 2 knives, both pointing up, for some reason. I took this
Kelet . 12y ago A bug in the crotch part of my swimsuit. It was an Earwig. 47 ...
atwoheadedcat . 12y ago Getting my fingernail ripped clean off. Good thing it has only happened to me TWO TIMES. :| 159 ...
quarktheduck 12y ago Being watched through my windows at night. It was a panic-attack-inducing paranoia for years. About a month or so ago, it happened. I was sitting at my computer when I noticed movement outside my window through a crack in my curtains (which I always keep an eye on). I froze, waiting to see if the guy moved, which is what made me realize it was real, and when he did shift, I turned my head and looked him dead in the eyes, then he ran. It wasn't anyone I knew, he was a total stranger, but I
LivelnTheSun 12y ago I don't like moths I think they are butterfly abominations and scary to boot. While camping in the trail of tears state park my brother handed me an electric lantern, when I turned it on I was swarmed by moths and thought I was going to suffocate on their evil little bodies. 85 ...
TheBlackBrotha 0 12y ago . Edited 12y ago I used to be afraid if getting trapped in elevators. It happened, only for a few minutes, a couple years ago. Needless to say, shits were flipped and plenty of fucks were given. Now I'm cool with elevators. Funny how that stuff plays out. 37 ...
scrambelina 12y ago I was always afraid to sleep in a sports bra because I felt like something might crawl on me in the night. Summer came along, and room was like a sauna so I decided fuck it, sports bra it is maybe five minutes after I got in bed a giant black spider crawled over my stomach. NEVER AGAIN. 46 ...
marxychick1 12y ago I never got my ears pierced as a kid/teen. My sister did like 5 holes in each of her ears & her belly button with a sewing needle, and never had any major issues. I was certain my ears would get massively infected. When my daughter turned 3, as a going to preschool gift we let her get hers done. I kept them clean and they were ok. I figured if she could do it, I could do it so I gave it a whirl. Of course, mine became massively infected (I suspect metal allergy). At one
coalitions 12y ago Tornados. I have nightmares about them at least once a week, when it's going to be potential tornado weather, I just stay home. I mean even a 10 percent chance. All my life my parents have thrown statistics at me about how little of a chance I have from being injured my a tornado. Sure enough, while on the fourth floor of a glass building the sirens go off and a tornado forms outside the window. I was in my college math class, the teacher looks up, and simply says go. wasn't injured, but I just narrowly
lostintransition_ 12y ago I'm scared of cockroaches. Even though they can't hurt me. One night I had an itch on my arm and when I went to scratch I got a handful of one. As soon as it squirmed in my hand I threw it across the room and ran out as fast as I could. Wouldn't go back into my bed because I thought that it would go back there 4 ...
XPostFacto1776 12y ago I always feared that when I'm at the gas station the automatic shutoff wouldn't go off and gasoline go spraying everywhere in true slapstick fashion. Then it did happen. The gas kinda just dribbled down the side of my car. I told the guy working there and he just nodded, grabbed a jug of water and dumped it down the side of my car and on the ground. Then he tipped his hat and walked off. 10 ...
college-cynic 12y ago Alright, so for some reason I am terrified of iguanas. Like I know they are slow moving, non-violent creatures I could easily outrun and/or overpower, but I can't think around them. I stop breathing, I can't move. So I go on this kayaking trip in Puerto Rico run by 12 year old kids, who tell us to watch out for the iguanas and wild life. We're traveling through the mangroves, it's dark, and iguanas start literally falling out of the trees into the water. I start hyperventilating and yelling at my kayak partner, and a mother-fucking iguana
katelusive 12y ago I used to have an irrational fear of something biting my feet when I swam in the ocean, and my dad (who grew up on the coast) would always tell me it was nbd and just don't think about it. Well one family vacation, as I dog- paddled around in the waves, some goddamn sea creature (possibly a crab) pinched/bit my big toe so hard it bled. Also, the next day I got stung by a jellyfish in literally shin-deep water. Fuck you ocean 4 ...
 12y ago i dont like sleeping with the closet door open for obvious reasons (darkness, monsters, boogieman, etc) and i usually make it a case to close it as im climbing into bed. One night my dumb dog decides to crawl in there and fall asleep. In the middle of the night, he bursts open from the closet and i start to have a fucking heart attack thinking about what dimensional being just warped into my closet. 4 ...
LiddoLadyRainicorn 12y ago I have this fear that while I'm taking a shower and close my eyes to wash my face that when i open them the first thing i see will be someones face or something scary or just anything that wasn't there before. Well the other day my BF comes over and we worked out then i wanted to shower since i was sweaty. I had music playing loud while i showered and sure enough i closed my eyes to wash my face and when opened them back up my BF's head is peaking in from the curtain
NellaRellim 5y ago I have this fear of driving on a highway and a rock being kicked up from another car and lodging itself in my head. I will roll up my window while passing by a semi. It finally (kind of) happened a few months ago. A Jeep kicked up a pebble and it cracked my windshield. Made me feel less crazy. 2 ...
HotLocalSingle 12y ago I've had a life-long fear of cutting myself (grating myself?) with a cheese grater, to the point where I would refuse to wash a load of dishes that included a cheese grater. One day I decided that it wasn't a big deal...and proceeded to grate part of my finger off. Now I buy pre-shredded cheese... 146 ...


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