31 Shocking Stories About People Living Double Lives

‘He is now incarcerated as a serial killer’
31 Shocking Stories About People Living Double Lives

We’re often faced with the reality that you can never fully know a person. Sometimes, it’s finding out that they have a secret hobby. Other times, it’s finding out they have a secret life. One Redditor remembers when their college counselor was revealed to be a fugitive on the run who’d had a shootout with police 40 years prior. He not only escaped the shootout, but assumed a different identity, earned his master’s degree and moved to Michigan. But when his true identity was exposed, he ended up standing trial for his old life’s crimes.

Other Redditors have remembered the times someone they knew had a double life, and some of these stories will make you wonder what your grandpa’s really up to out there in the garage. 

1essbee 6y ago After searching for years for my birth father, he offered me 3,000 to get lost as he was running for a political office and didn't want the embarrassment of an illegitimate child. 1.1K ...
 6y ago Не pretended to have combat-induced PTSD, that he used as an excuse for his shitty behavior. Turned out he was never in combat, but he talked about it every day, all the time to everyone. It's usually just when the lies don't add up, dates and names change and there are obvious things that you choose to ignore (he told me he talked to his dad about it all the time, but when I went to meet his parents he said that they don't know anything about it so don't bring it up). 4.6K Share ...
rebecca44434 e 7mo ago Close friends with a man for almost 10 years. Не wanted more, I didn't. Не is now incarcerated as a serial killer. 454 ...
Shashi2005 7mo ago Turned up at a party. A buddy of mine was there. Body builder. (Не was taking steroids at the time) Door security at a rough Liverpool club. Hard bloke that you would not want to get the wrong side of. Не was wearing a charming dress, impeccable make up & drinking a cocktail. 6.3K ...
 6y ago A friend found out that his dad was in the special forces after years believing he sold paper products abroad. Не eventually discovered the truth after seeing his dad on a liveleak video receiving a blood transfusion after being shot. When he confronted him, his dad had said Oh yea, that. The paper industry can be very competitive 856 Share ...
dzgravity 0 7y ago A friend of ours parents owned a local pub, one day her father was arrested, turned out he played a huge part in the omagh bombings (northern ireland) 262 ...
DangoDieskazoku 7y ago My friend faked going to college. She moved away to a small town where there was a small state college. She was supposed to be living in their dorm and living the college life. She even had an instagram account and had maybe two or three pictures with her school sweatshirt or her at the football game with fellow students. I don't know how she got found out. Turns out she got kicked out, is living with her boyfriend that she knew for a month pior, and is working at a fast food chain. Her parents are
Tembag 0 7y ago In high school my teacher (religion) was a gay porn star. Не was like an on the cover of the DVD porn star. School found out and he quit. That's the abridged version. 187 ...
whatarechimichangas 7y ago Our psychology teacher in high school turned out to to have stolen a psychology teachers identity in the UK and was actually really a circus hypnotist. So all those psychology tricks he did to us were really just hypnotist tricks. 35 ...
BigBerthaCarrotTop 7y ago My ex lived a double life as both genders. My ex (born male) came out as trans while we were friends. I supported her and through all that a romance blossomed, but little did I know she had a second Facebook where she was identifying as her birth gender intentionally and actually had a whole separate male name than the one she was born with. She separated her whole friends as the ones she wanted to know her as female and the ones she wanted to know her as male. During our last 6 months of dating
reaperteddy 7y ago My best friend was a law secretary, engaged (I was to be a bridesmaid) and planning a baby. She was also moonlighting as a sex worker, having frequent unprotected group sex. When I prepared some literature about compulsive sexual behaviour and found a therapist for her, she cut me out of her wedding and life. 2.2K ...
Goldman250 1y ago There was this one chap I used to work with when I was a journalist back in the day. He'd always slip off randomly, we all assumed he just had IBS or something. Turned out, he was into some weird fetish type shit, would dress up in spandex and run around the streets. Не was convinced none of us recognised him, but he didn't even wear a mask! 127 ...
KKenzoTenma 1y ago Edited 1y ago Friend I met online and was friends with for three years pretended to be wealthy, bought me tons of stuff without me asking, gifts, dinners in luxury places etc. find out she's lying about being wealthy and actually lives in a council flat and lied about her ethnicity, parents, school, income, house. When I confronted her she ignored me 64 ...
Tararrrr 7mo ago . Edited 7mo ago A girl I worked with a few years ago ended up being one of those creepy catfishers. She initiated and continued an online relationship with one of her best friends, even made up other ancillary accounts for all the other made-up friends and family. She was such a lovely girl too, really witty and fun to work with.
Aglot_ 7mo ago A guy I was kinda irregularly working with for 2-3 years as a student (we'd meet once a week in a café to talk through some project related issues) was one day wanted by Interpol. Turned out he invited a random language teacher to his flat and decapitated her. Не might have been an asshole, but there's a difference between an asshole and a murderer. 9.8K ...
nervehacker 7y ago A friend's mother is adopted - no big ideal, she knows about it since she was 5 and loved her adoptive mom to bits, so it was never an issue. When she was in her late 20s, she discovered she had a brother which lived in a nearby city (for the Brazilians amongst us, we are all in São Paulo and her brother was living in Santos), so she decided to go after him. It turns out her brother, who was in his early 30s, did not know he was adopted.
milk_bone 7y ago My friend is a divorce attorney, and has a client right now who is a wealthy guy in his 40's or 50's. Не was told he was terminally ill, so he went and started a relationship with a stripper and got her pregnant. Не ended up recovering, and the stripper had the kid. He's been supporting the stripper and the kid without his family knowing for years. The older guy and his wife are now divorcing and this stripper issue (which the wife still has yet to know about) is making things complicated. 349 ...
krazyeyekilluh 7y ago A local pastor in Florida gave me private marriage counseling many years ago. Не was pious and godly, and I respected him very much. Не insisted that the sanctity of marriage demanded that I make sacrifices of some of my desires, and that God would reward me later (in this life and marriage) for those sacrifices. About a month after the counseling concluded, he was forced to resign from his church. Turns out he got caught fucking his assistant pastor's wife. 3K ...
Ravesh 7y ago Edited 7y ago A guy I knew was a tattooist so worked late hours at night. Не had a family with 4 kids in one neighbourhood that was about an hour away from his shop. Then he had another girlfriend with a kid about 20 minutes away. The two didn't know about each other, he lived out of both of his girlfriends houses and when he wasn't at one of the houses, the girlfriend would think he was at his parents due to working late. Anyway, it all unfolded on him when he got arrested and ended
 7y ago . Edited 7y ago we had a guy in highschool who faked a deep voice for the do 7 years weve known him and senior year he revealed that it wasnt his real voice.
ArtWithoutMeaning 7y ago My grandfather was in a romantic relationship with another man across the country for a few decades. My entire family knew about it, so it was no big deal... or so we thought. Just last October, my grandfather died. We went to call his partner, and he was very surprised to learn that my grandfather had children. It's amazing how he hid an entire family for decades. 2.8K ...
TheDreamLightDude 1y ago As a child there was a family who was known for say, not being the most appealing to put it politely. They where a scruffy family, dad worked 12hr days driving to Scotland as a lorry driver. We lived on a council estate so if something was happening, everybody knew about it. - One evening police and fire response went blitzing to their house, the mum had set everything of his Ablaze. Turns out he'd married another women and had a family of 3 for around 15 years. Was so bizarre. 548 ...
jackelfrink 12y ago I manufacture and sell specialized BDSM toys for a living and am a nationally recognized lecturer and educator on the topic of detective/damsel in distress bondage. (I did an AMA a few months back if anyone wants to read more.) Over the past 15 years I have helped more than 10,000 people improve their sex lives. Anyone who knows me from my public life as an erotic bondage expert would probably be shocked to learn that in my personal private life I have never gotten past third base with a woman. 162 ...
Danisue7 7y ago A well respected family of two teachers with two cute kids - - the husband at the high school and the wife at the elementary school in the fairly high- income town they lived in. Turns out the wife was dealing drugs without husband knowing, got busted at school (cops showed up to elementary and high school), lost her job and they got divorced/she moved away. 18K ...
mooseknucks26 7y ago I'll save the backstory. A good friend's father was found out to be huge in the cocaine trade. Not like a dealer on the streets, but smuggling into the country and helping distribute in California. The dad was a real normal dude, and very family oriented/present. He's in prison now. Blew my mind. 1K ...
TazzzTM 7y ago A counselor at my college in Michigan faked his identity for over 40 years. Не was a civil rights organizer in San Francisco in the 1960s and ended up in a shoot out with police. None of the police were injured but he was shot in the foot apparently. Не was supposed to appear in court later but he took off, and in the 40+ years following the shooting, he earned his masters degree with a whole new identity, ultimately working as a guidance counselor at a community college in Michigan. His true identity was exposed around
alnumero 7y ago There was this kid at our church who started attending the youth group when he was about 15. Everyone loved him, but he was always a little standoffish. Fast forward 3 years to graduation time. Everyone kept asking him what he planned to do after high school and if he was looking forward to it, but he always changed the subject. Finally, he revealed to one of the adults that he wasn't graduating because he hasn't been to school since he was 8 years old. His dad removed him from school and never let him return. A
Damien2001 7y ago A friend of mine lives in San Diego, and was recently telling me the story of her grandfather who has an entire family in Mexico that he kept hidden for decades. Im talking he has kids that have kids, and one of his secret granddaughters has ANOTHER kid. Dude is a great grandfather and nobody knew. Her grandfather is nearly 90, so its unbelievable how much a quiet old man can keep from people. 4.7K ...
yiliu 7y ago My sister-in-law had a second child. She was still married, but separated with her husband (because she caught him cheating). The man with whom she had the baby was her father's old prodigy, who was also married with a couple of kids. This all took place in China, while the one-child policy was in full effect.
CrazyInvention 7y ago In one of my previous jobs a few years ago, we gired this guy who turned out to be a really good partner, worked hard, never complained. After about a year and a half of working with him I get called into the office, he's there with the manager, assistant manager and two beefy guys in normal clothes with the exception of ear pieces. Не wanted to say goodbye to the bosses and I and explain why he had to leave the company. Turned out he was the son of some leader in his country and they
Riyeko 7mo ago Knew a guy for about six months. Both of us are truck drivers. We talked about a lot of stuff; our kids, trucking, social issues, politics and the economy, you name it. Two drivers stuck in their trucks with not a lot of anyone else to BS with, we're gonna talk. Met up one day to hang out and we are sitting outside one of our trucks just hanging out when one of our new drivers came by to chat. Talked for a bit, I laughed at something the newer driver said before he had to grab


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