27 of the Dumbest Reasons a Stranger Got Mad at Someone Else

‘I got death threats at work when I wouldn’t accept a box of reptiles as payment’
27 of the Dumbest Reasons a Stranger Got Mad at Someone Else

You never know what minor thing is going to piss somebody off. Case in point: One Redditor angered a guy by simply laughing at the beach. No, she wasn’t laughing at the guy, she was just… laughing, which apparently was a bit too much joy for him. Someone else annoyed a stranger by placing the divider between their items while waiting in line at the store

Other Redditors have also recalled the most puzzling times they set someone off, and everyone really needs to calm the fuck down.

BobbitTheDog 4y ago Breathing. I have a deviated septum from a broken nose, and a girl in middle school once got so annoyed at me breathing too loud, insisting that I was doing it on purpose and a broken nose doesn't make you breathe like that!, that she threw a fit and got herself detention... 75 ...
 8y ago yesterday i was walking on the sidewalk and a jogger muttered so annoying as she went around me. Seriously, get a treadmill if you're going to be like that. 8 ...
Cheetodude625 3y ago Because I'm not full white. I'm half Japanese and half white American. 12 ...
Monkeymonkey150 3y ago New neighbors are miffed because of our dog. She does not bark, whine and is usually outside with one of us. But she does have a disquieting habit - our dog stares and judges! Apparently she will just sit and watch the neighbors and they don't like canine judging........ 20 ...
Kamui079 3y ago A nurse needed to check my pulse so I sat there and let her do her thing. I guess she couldn't get a read on my pulse for some reason and immediately got angry and yelled Well if you're not going to cooperate! then stormed out. I had no clue how she thinks I purposely suppressed my pulse. 11 ...
Meewol . 4y ago For holding my girlfriend's hand. Not much happened except they shouted some abuse at me. 132 ...
Blueeyedguy40 . 1mo ago Lady got mad at me for holding the door for her. Said she knows how to open a damn door 9 Reply ...
Introvetero 8y ago All I was doing was walking down the street then someone called me a cracker. 13 ...
A_Unicycle 7y ago I got death threats at work when I wouldn't accept a box of reptiles as payment for an electric guitar. The guy was later banned from the mall after trying to steal shoes from a mannequin. 5.8K ...
Tacocatx2 7y ago This total stranger at the bus stop...He sneezed and I said bless you. Не replied angrily That wasn't a sneeze, it was a cough! I said Sorry, I thought it was a sneeze, and he yelled Well it wasn't! Не was angry out of all proportion. 7.9K ...
laniteThePirate . 7y ago Someone got mad at me because I didn't get mad when I lost a game. 3.8K ...
SophieCamuze 3y ago For trying to use a divider to divide his groceries from the person behind him. Не told me it offended him and he tried to wrestle the divider away from me. Не even had the audacity to tell everyone I was the crazy one. 349 ...
LiquidDreamtime 7y ago A woman I had never met or seen in my life, at a public event, asked me where her kids were. I was confused and said I'm sorry, I don't know. And she yelled and asked where they put them. She stormed off angry at me. I never had a clue why she asked me. 2.1K ...
tablawi96 . 3y ago Someone got mad at me for stopping my car because children were crossing. 331 ...
Damseldoll . 3y ago A guy in class I barely knew was pissed off royally because I had cut my hair short. 59 ...
punkterminator 7y ago A woman screamed at me because I wouldn't return a heavily used toaster she purchased 5 years ago at a store that doesn't even exist in Canada. I do not work at a place that sells toasters. 8K ...
AuroraDavis97 3y ago Because I thanked their boyfriend for opening the door for me... Like, what? 893 ...
Linisaria 4y ago It was Christmas Day 2020, I was at work at the register (gas station) while a customer walks up to a food warmer. Customer asks if all we have is pizza, advised we had more food like burgers etc coming up in about 10 min. Customer yells ' Great, now all I get is this fucking pizza' and proceeds to pick a slice then throw it on the counter at me. 82 ...
mydadlefttenyearsago 4y ago Me and a friend were around 13. While we were waiting to cross the road, we started talking about the sushi that we were about to eat at her place, both very excited. After not even a minute, this HUGE bald man standing in front of us whips around and just yells at us to SHUT the FUCK UP, with the look of a man who would not Hesitate to Punch a Child. So we did. And then had to walk in the same direction as him for the next 5 minutes. T'was a pleasant experience 240
ursaggybutt101 4y ago Edited 4y ago I said hi to her. This was back when bluetooth was a semi-new technology. She was wearing a BT ear piece and I didnt see it. I was walking home from school and she was standing out in her driveway. She said hi and started talking. I turned and looked at her, didn't see anyone or her phone so I said hi back while continuing to walk. She got a disgusted look on her face, pulled her hair back from her ear, and snapped CAN YOU NOT SEE I'M ON THE PHONE???? I just
 4y ago Brought my big dogs into 'big dog' side of dog park. Two ladies with SEVEN chihuahuas started screaming at me and then tried to tase me. Needless to say that the cops got involved. 196 ...
1BoiledCabbage 4y ago I was 8 years old, swimming in a swimming pool and a women nearby frowned at me and said, UGH! Lose some weight!! I didn't know how to respond, I just started crying. 714 ...
slutforslurpees 4y ago I work retail. people have been mad at me for everything. 380 ...
PrankyButSaintly 4y ago I once had a guy at the beach yell at me to stop laughing. I wasn't laughing at him at all. Just laughing to myself because I was happy and having fun. 418 ...
 4y ago Had some lady get mad at me last night in a Walmart because I wasn't an employee there and couldn't help her. Last I checked Walmart employees don't wear bright ass yellow shirts with reflective safety striping, faux badges on their sleeves, or wear slippers while on duty. 624 ...
Ives_cro 4y ago A guy yelled at me from balcony because I didn't pick up after dog. Не couldn't understand that my dog only peed. I had to explain to him that female dogs need to squat to pee. Не also couldn't accept the fact that she is a female dog, because she just looks like male. (American akita) 548 ...
Ailward_Derward 4y ago There was this one time I tried to give my seat to an old man. Не said no, I asked whether he was sure or not and he yelled at me and told me to sit the fuck down. That was really unexpected. 27 ...


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