22 of the Wildest Things Seen by Camp Counselors

‘The bus ran him over’
22 of the Wildest Things Seen by Camp Counselors

Summer camp is like Vegas for children, except there’s no alcohol and way more excrement-related depravity. And while that might seem like an exaggeration, it’s well known that camp is where children have formative moments like holding hands with their friends while pooping or learning how to terrorize each other with the blood and guts of a dead bird

And unfortunately, those aren’t even close to the most mentally scarring stories. Reddit’s bravest counselors have gathered around the fire and relayed the most harrowing tales from their time at camp, and if you’re a little squeamish, maybe skip this one.

hillary511 9y ago My favorite on was a thirteen year old boy at camp out. Both his hands were in his sleeping bag and he was clearly masturbating. His counselor called a handcheck where you have to display both hands in the air. Не only raised on hand. The counselor asked for both hands and he replied give me four minutes. 5.1K Share ...
rockontoast 11y ago One year we had to ban Duck-Duck- Goose because there were too many injuries. One kid didn't seem to understand the concept of a circle, and ran straight into a wall, full speed. 119 Share ...
ashortsleeves 11y ago Counselor of 5 years here. I had a Super Duper Stealth Pooper. Every morning we awoke to find a freshly dumped turd in the center of our cabin. No one would admit to it. All the kids seemed pretty normal that week and it was otherwise a great cabin. My со- counselor and I tried taking shifts staying up to figure out who it was. The phantom pooper remains a mystery to this day. 830 Share ...
penguinman38 в 11y ago One of the younger kid at the camp I worked at (around 5-6) complained that he had to go to the bathroom otherwise he was gonna go in his pants. So I brought him to the bathroom and he comes out about 5 minutes later all sheepishly. I asked what was wrong and it turns out he was in such a rush to go he forgot to take his pants off, sat on the toilet, and just shit right into his pants. Share 175 ...
WileyWiggins 11y ago A kid I was on camp with got a tick on his penis, he tried to drown it in methylated spirits, but it wasn't working. Не tried to then light it on fire, but didn't do a thorough job in wiping up the spirits. I remember seeing a huge flame out the corner of my eye, followed by him screaming and manically slapping the fire on his dick. 1K Share ...
seth928 5y ago Not really crazy, just kinda funny. Some of the female campers apparently had a crush on me and got ahold of my phone number. Cut to me (19m) a week after the camp ended having to delicately explain to an 11 year old girl why she couldn't be calling me. 21 Share ...
curlyqueue123 11y ago Okay, this isn't fatal or sexual, just kind of weird. I had a camper that would catch lizards around the cabins. Не would then proceed to make them bite his earlobes and nose until he had several lizards hanging from his head. Then he would run around and scare the girl campers. It was pretty strange. 610 Share ...
TheGursh 11y ago Camp counsellor for two summers. This one kid would wear sweat pants every day. Without prompt by the other kids he would put his arms through his foot holes and then pull the waistband up over his head so he looked like some weird two legged torso. Не would then proceed to run around like that chasing the other kids grabbing their ankles. They were terrified. 671 Share ...
PixieDreamKate 11y ago One of the kids at the summer camp I worked at was obsessed with pine trees. Не used to carry branches and needles around with him. The pieces of pine trees he found would eventually take on their own personas. Не would tell me this one looks like a young man wearing a hula skirt, and one day when I saw him on the play ground he was putting the pine needles in his ears and told me these are my children and their house is on fire. I just slowly nodded and went to play with
cookiecutter 9y ago I was a camp counselor a few years ago at a camp for foster kids. One week a counselor caught a camper (M15) in bed with another camper (F14). The room they were in was tiny, and the four other girls in the bunks were awake and cheering them on. They were loud enough to wake the counselor, who pulled the male camper out of bed. The guy had a zip lock bag around his dick, held in place by a rubber band. I was both impressed at their dedication to trying to have safe sex, and
Shlano613 9y ago I'm a lifeguard at a kids camp. Walk in to the changing rooms...Kids just shit... All over the floor... Share 6 ...
Aprofesshunal 10y ago Oh I have several stories. So at my camp, there's a gaga ball pit (or gladiator ball, whatever you may call it), and I was on my hour break and when I come back, I find out that one of my camper's kicked the concrete by accident and busted his toe open. The weird part is when one of my other campers apparently took his shirt off, scooped up the blood of the kid's toe, and started drawing on himself. I was glad I was on break 34 Share ...
listless_leprechaun 9y ago I worked at a sleep-away Girl Scout camp with all female counselors and staff where a solid 60% were lesbian. There was a strictly enforced no more fucking in the bushes rule, because so many counselors would go at it anywhere they could find. 1.8K Share ...
kulak 9y ago Had 6 year old campers at a day camp. After swimming, found 2 of them facing each other naked in the locker room. They were standing there, hitting each other's erect penises and making the 'boing boing' sounds. 3.2K Share ...
 9y ago Edited 9y ago This actually happened earlier today. I work at a summer day camp at a local park with kids in kindergarten age group. Interesting/gross things happen almost every day with kids at that age, but today's events took the cake. Basically this 6 year old boy found a dead bird in the grass and decided it would be fun to pick it up and smear the blood and guts all over his hands and arms. After doing that, he started chasing around other campers to try to share his bird entrails on them. I had
irrationalskeptic 9y ago Camper who spoke no english got a nasty head wound from a nail on the cabin rafters that he facedived into Also so much counselor sex 2.1K Share ...
ReiDelSofa o 9y ago . Edited 9y ago this summer I walked in on five 15-16 year olds touching ballsacks together while comparing testicle size that was a fun incident report to fill out
Its-ther-apist 9y ago I was a counselor at a day camp. We took kids to the zoo. A kid shoved his thumb fully inside a petting zoo goat's butt. I asked him why and he just shrugged looking at me like I'm the idiot. I felt bad for the goat but it was still standing next to him, so maybe it was into it. Share 3.8K ...
Chefgarlicjunky 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Day one at camp, we jumped out of the bus and ran around because we were so excited. My friend ran behind the bus and the bus ran him over. Не was rushed off by ambulance, we didnt see him for another 3 months. Edit-spelling. I sound like a 12 yo in those few sentences. Im 42. 831 Share ...
karmanaut 10y ago Not NSFW in the traditional sense, but the summer camp that I worked at had to fire half of its employees in the middle of July because they baked pot brownies in the camp kitchen and the camp director ate some of them. 50 Share ...
MajesticVelcro 10y ago I was a camp counselor for 4 years, and the worst thing to ever happen was that a kid got sick and started vomiting, and the rest of the girls in the cabin (~9 or 10 total) ended up vomiting as a result. Thankfully, it wasn't my cabin, but I will forever remember the counselor running out to the staff picnic table (where the counselors would hang out with staffers for a while after the campers went to bed) exclaiming, there is so MUCH PUKING GOING ON I NEED HELP 13 Share ...
mamawolf 11y ago At my summer camp the bathrooms are pretty rugged. Two toilets right next to each other, no walls, doors, dividers, or any sort of privacy keepers in between. The kids think it's funny to hold hands while pooping then they write all over the walls john doe and bobby brown took a double dump while holding hands!. this ritual is popular among both boy and girl campers, though i don't think there's ever been a coed double dump. 74 Share ...


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