30 r/RoastMe Insults People Can Never Forget

‘How do you have both ‘Dumb and Dumber’ haircuts?’
30 r/RoastMe Insults People Can Never Forget

While Reddit has a reputation for being full of nerds and dorks, those nerds and dorks sure can hurl some insults. In fact, many of those insults have been so searing that people haven’t been able to stop thinking about them to this day. For instance: One woman was told that her eyebrows “look like they’re going through a nasty divorce and can’t stand to be in the same room with each other.” She could only concede that yeah, her eyebrows do look like that. 

Other Redditors have recalled the r/RoastMe burns that are forever lodged in their brains, and unless you’re very emotionally strong, don’t submit a picture to that subreddit. The nerds will fry you.

Basil3773 . 5y ago This mother fucker can smell a bowl of fruitloops from 4 miles out holds a special place in my heart 3 ...
travis- 0 5y ago not to me but some dude. your teeth looks like you can eat an apple through a chain link fence 4 ...
 5y ago Someone said I look like the kind of guy to suck dick for cab/Uber money and then just walk home. My roommate and I laughed so fucking hard when we read that one 4 ...
savvylovexx10 5y ago Your eyebrows look like they're going through a nasty divorce and can't stand to be in the same room with each other 100% true lol but idgaf 4 ...
 5y ago Someone said fucking me would probably sound like fucking a hamster. (Asian porn joke) Felt so called out on that one. Another said I looked like a goldfish with tits. 14 ...
Tresidle . 5y ago Someone said my post was like a m4m craigslist ad 10 ...
PokyCivi . 5y ago Friends posted one of me a few years back, someone said I looked like a fat Baljeet. You know, from Phineas and Ferb. 5 ...
EFIRE23 5y ago I made one shortly after the Vegas Golden Knights lost in Game 7. Someone commented that I look like Fleury if he didn't wear a mask and made saves exclusively with his face. Very well played. Other than that, most of the comments are decent but don't stand out. 4 ...
Grand_Master_Swag . 5y ago When my friend posted a picture of me they said I look like Tina fey. Im a dude 17 ...
Hendersonman . 5y ago You look like the love child of conan o'Brien and Andy Richter secret gay relationship. 15 ...
avocadosweaters 5y ago You look like you keep your sweater on during sex because Jesus doesn't want your private parts defiled was a pretty bad one bc although I'm not religious, I do keep my shirt on 99% of the time haha 31 ...
SoupGetBooped . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago you look like you smell like hot dog water. I use that one so much 2.6K ...
JoeyDR . 5y ago I was told that I looked like a gomba with the nose of Yoshi. 51 ...
Gluebluehue в 5y ago Someone diagnosed me an illness based on the size of my eyes. Wikipedia link included and all. 24 ...
sn0teleks . 5y ago Someone said that I had a face so boring that they had to stare at the white wall behind me for some amusement 57 ...
grandboyman 0 5y ago . Edited 5y ago  If unenthusiastic handjob had a face, this would be it - not me, but it stuck with me for some reason 147 ...
ExplodingShowtunes 5y ago you look like Pocahontas who had too many Big Macs it was the only comment that called me fat but also the only one that made me laugh 65 ...
Robert_Fuckler 0 5y ago You look like Post Malone's discount cousin, Post Alone It was pretty accurate and got points for that. I can appreciate hurtful accuracy 60 ...
snow-rider 0 5y ago How do you have both Dumb and Dumber haircuts? I signed up to reddit after that one. 26 ...
bloodshed1791 в 5y ago I was told I looked like Joe Lo Truglio's autistic son. It wasn't even the upvoted comment but for some reason I just found it really funny 226 ...
absolutlyuseless . 5y ago You look like you have an 800 page manifesto somewhere 696 ...
coldmeats 5y ago I posted with my friend after a concert, someone asked which rehab we met at. Also, someone said i i look like i have more DNA in my mouth than ancestry.com's vault and I really laughed at that one. 388 ...
 5y ago My favorite was when someone basically said I looked like a lesbian version of the Wendy's mascot. 847 ...
 5y ago I was told that I look like if Khal Drogo took 6 inches off his height and added it to his waistline. I waa giggling for days. My wife now calls me Chubs Drogo. 500 ...
absolutlyuseless . 5y ago You look like you have an 800 page manifesto somewhere 696 ...
 5y ago I've seen more muscle tone from a seal. You look like if hepatitis с was a person. 1.5K ...
MostlyKelp . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Thin Diesel. I made it my gamertag it was so good 1.1K ...
 . 5y ago They said I looked like if Wolverine's super power was greasy skin. 620 ...
cryptidman117 5y ago I was told I look like Matt Damon if he found the cookie jar (paraphrasing, but very close) and I personally take that as a compliment and use it to describe myself often. 1.5K ...
richardec . 5y ago The Even Bigger Lebowski 4 ...


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