32 of the Wildest Things That Were Banned in Schools

‘Glue sticks’
32 of the Wildest Things That Were Banned in Schools

We should all remain in awe of children — their persistence is a virtue, and their ability to turn ordinary things into extraordinary nuisances is second-to-none. For example, one school ended up banning glue sticks because kids took to tossing them onto the ceiling, getting them stuck up there. That little prank has a lasting legacy, and that’s beautiful. 

Other Redditors have rattled off the wildest items that wound up banned from their schools, including a picture day “bifocal bonanza” that drove administrators a little nuts.

chessgod1 8y ago Pens. I'm not joking. Kids would buy somewhat fancy pens and then there would be a bunch of trading (Duuuude lemme snag that Uni-Ball, I'll give you 2 Pilot G- 2's) and commotion. I remember there was a kid that everyone envied because of his Montblanc pen. Pretty soon, the school just banned using any outside pens and issued two of those crappy Bic Round Stics. We were crafty though and started to replace the ink cartridges with those from our fancier pens. So yeah, it was basically Prohibition: Pen Edition 730 ...
MTGKaioshin 8y ago Blankets It was the south and they keep the A/C on too high because it's so freakin hot outside. Girls would wear shorts to be cool when outside, but they'd get too cold inside. Thus, the blankets to keep their legs warm in class. Of course, blankets are opaque. And, they were already being used to cover up legs. Well, if a girl started sharing a blanket with a guy....yeah. Things could get a little handsy. 8.5K ...
deadlychili 8y ago The Captain Underpants series 3.6K ...
JDogg_of_RS 0 8y ago Rubber bands. People used to fold paper into little triangles called hornets and shoot them at rivals. 1K ...
pinklips_highheels3 8y ago Earrings on guys. This turned into a huge thing with students doing walk outs and yelling at teachers. It really was a stupid rule and as far as I know was ultimately dropped. 4.6K ...
 8y ago White socks, because they were racist, apparently. 762 ...
black_flag_4ever 0 8y ago Looney Tunes characters on your clothes. It was the 90s at a shitty school. 8.2K ...
carlinha1289 8y ago Dark jeans. Their logic was that when we'd stand against white walls resting against them, the color of the jeans would rub off. 10K ...
jvpanos . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Steel rulers - some guy bashed the shit out of a bird with it 5.9K ...
feeling_psily 8y ago Yogurt eating contests were immediately banned at my high school when an over zealous football lineman vomited about a quart of yogurt and then attempted to re- eat the yogurt to win the contest. Domino vomit effect throughout the cafeteria. 456 ...
yogibo 8y ago Bionicles because we would smash them together and whoever's helmet fell of first was the loser. So many bloody hands in grade 4. 3K ...
beingAdisaster 7y ago In my middle school, if we couldn't see the white board we'd yell enhance and make the stupid corresponding hand movement. It got to the point where it was so disruptive the word 'Enhance' got banned. 7.4K ...
Brockaloupe . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Buckets... They banned us from carrying backpacks between classes, so a couple guys started carrying around their textbooks in buckets.
Tupiekit e 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Wallet chains, yo-yos (thought they could be used as weapons), backpacks in the classrooms because of Columbine, and Pokemon cards because they encouraged theft, fights, and gambling.
Reaching2Hard . 7y ago Skulls. Like skulls on a shirt 3.4K ...
ryhan123 7y ago Jolly Ranchers...it got to the point where in my middle school kids were dealing them like drugs and making money. Still not sure why kids would pay a dollar for a jolly when they can buy a bag of 50 for like 5 bucks. 8K ...
limbictides 7y ago Pennies. A few kids figured out that you could hold a penny between your thumb and index finger, and snap, and the penny would fly. They would spend class winging them at each other's heads when the teacher was turned. Within a week, the game had spread to the whole school. Everywhere you went, you could hear the pings and thunks of little Lincoln missiles. You learned to duck every time the teacher faced away, lest you get caught in the crossfire. It lasted an entire two weeks before the penny ban. 1.1K ...
PsychoHillbilly . 7y ago Having water bottles at your desk, because someone decided to fill theirs with vodka. 13K ...
zmanofkool e 7y ago Axe body spray, it turned into a war zone and halls were closed because you could not breath in them. 994 ...
somereallycoolst... 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Walking in groups of more than two... You can guess how long that one lasted Edit: To those asking, the rule applied to those year 9 and above (~14+) because supposedly the younger kids (11-14) found it 'intimidating' when there were more than two of us walking together 5.5K ...
cybersneeze 7y ago At my Primary school ( for up to around 10/11 yr olds) I remember running being banned for like the last half a year I was there. At recess, everyone had to just stand on the yard talking. I'm remember some kids who would see how fast they could speed walk before getting yelled at. 956 ...
Lilmissmacy . 10y ago Dressing up for halloween, because some asshole had to come to school dressed as a dick. 1.8K ...
CountChocula... 10y ago Edited 10y ago Sharpies/Permanent Markers. Senior year a group of kids organized a knife fight throughout the school. Basically the people participating would wear plain white shirts and be split into gangs. Each gang was armed with a different color marker. The goal was to stab people on other gangs as many times as possible. After a couple injuries and couple people who accidentally wore white that day, the administration got more that a little angry.
newyorkglaze 10y ago They banned scarves in my high school because apparently the first year principal got the idea in her head that only gang members wear scarves. The weirdest part was we lived in an upstate New York town that never had anything close to a gang problem. Long story short, every student protested by wearing scarves the next day, CNN caught wind of it, and my school got national attention for the first and last time. Shortly after that the principal was fired, scarves were allowed again and everyone stopped wearing them like usual.
MegaClank 10y ago My high school banned the word MEEP. ..you know like from The Muppets? Teachers thought MEEP was used to mean something else like something sexual. Nope. It was just funny to murmur it in the middle of class. 3.5K ...
sticklebackridge 10y ago A couple years after I started high school, my former middle school banned lotion because a bold young chap was found servicing himself in the locker room. They posted 'no lotion' signs all over the school. 1.6K ...
 e 10y ago Eating in the library. Some kid slammed a cheeseburger in a book and placed it back on the shelf. 2.4K ...
rumblpak 10y ago In high school a friend of mine was voluntarily cleaning a closet out for a teacher for extra credit and decided it would be hilarious to climb into the dropped ceiling, scale across a pipe to the middle of the classroom, pop his head out, and sing the spiderman themesong from the 60s. Now there is a statement, in bold, in the student code of conduct for broward county, banning students from climbing in the ceilings. Не, to this day takes pride for that. 445 ...
BackUp_Jesus 10y ago For picture day the administration banned students from wearing glasses in their school photos. This was because the previous year about 9 classes of students wore the same pair of glasses and passed them around until about 75% of the student body had taken a picture with those same glasses on. It was pretty damn hilarious. Even if the kids needed their glasses, they weren't allowed to wear them out of the fear that the same bifocal bonanza would happen again. 1.9K ...
Frankie_Spankie 10y ago Glue Sticks There was a fad where people would throw glue sticks onto the ceilings all around the school. It became a big game about who can get one in the most bizarre place. 4K ...
house-of-balloons . 10y ago Silly bands. Because of apparent gang association. 2.2K ...
loSonCalaf . 8y ago White Out. Some people were sniffing it. 581 ...


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