20 of the Craziest Things Teachers Caught Students Doing

One kid would take out his glass eyeballs and throw them
20 of the Craziest Things Teachers Caught Students Doing

It’s probably difficult to reprimand a student for distracting the class if said student is holding an earnest, emotional funeral for an ant. Yeah, it’s an ant, but shouldn’t children learn that all life is precious? 

Unfortunately, that’s one of the only heartwarming stories teachers gave when they mentioned the craziest things they’ve caught a student doing. Whether it was a kid who threw his glass eyeballs across the room or a teacher who rested their eyes for a bit too long, these tales are proof that educators everywhere deserve a raise

RSV 12y ago This was a catch in my school. One day, a kid brought in little blue pills his dad had hidden away. All the little monkeys thought it would be a great idea to take this unknown drug (remember they were about 13/14 years old) as it would make class much more fun. Turns out it was Viagra. Made the national news and everything. 1.8K Share ...
unweighedviolin 10y ago I teach 8th grade math, and I was recently giving a test to my students. One of the girls, in the middle of the class, puts her hands in her pants and starts going at it throughout the test. Being a male teacher, I didn't want to say or do anything, so I got a few of my colleagues to come in and verify I wasn't seeing things. A female teacher brought her into the hall and asked her if there was anything wrong, and she said no - went back in and started right back up again! Meeting
TheGreatFuzz 15y ago The meanest scariest teacher in my high school screamed at my friend Why haven't you done your homework? Не replied.. That page was missing from my textbook maam Obviously not believing him she tore open his textbook and pointed at the page. Не calmly ripped out the page and proceeded to eat it. 222 ...
Cr1m 10y ago Happened yesterday with a 5th grade class. A student was lost in thought and just started circling his nipples with his fingers. No one else noticed and it was clearly an unconcious act as he was just looking off in the distance. 20 ...
Armadylla 10y ago Not my story, but my mom's. Her first year of teaching (1st or 2nd grade) there was a kid who had a lot of problems, which the parents somehow attributed to a kidney surgery he'd had years ago. Apparently, the kidney surgery somehow caused him to have a habit of shitting his pants, rolling it into balls, and leaving the shit balls around the classroom. 19 ...
legendofbaggervance . 10y ago Shoved crayons in his ears, nose, mouth even up his ass. Some girl tried it and got a nosebleed. 23 ...
CaptainChen 10y ago I am a floater teacher at an early childhood education center. One day, when we were laying the kids down for naptime, this one toddler girl just did not want to sleep. So while she was laying down on her stomach as we tried to pat her to sleep, she decided to bite down on the elastic band tying the sheet to the cot, pull it back, and then let it go. She did this repeatedly. All while giving us teachers the deathstare and making strange growling noises. That child still scares me to this day. 14
in_the_vortex 6 10y ago When I taught fourth grade, a student of mine was showing his penis to other students in the small group reading room. Не had apparently decorated it with his mom's necklaces. (To clarify, he decorate his penis, not the reading room.) 10 ...
chasingcalliope . 10y ago I teach middle school. One of my 7th grade students will not stop picking the gum off of the bottom of the desks and playing with and/or chewing it. 1 ...
misscindyc . 10y ago I teach high school. I've seen lots of stuff. I found the boy who squeezed his whiteheads and ate it particularly gross. 3 ...
mrmcbastard . 10y ago One of my partners is an elementary school art teacher. She said one of her first grade students ate an eraser. Not like a squishy putty eraser, but one of those big, pink, hard rubber ones. Ate the whole godsdamn thing. 1 ...
 12y ago My mom is a secretary at my old high school, and a couple months ago she had to write up this idiot freshmen for bringing a 'homemade tattoo gun' to school. Не was charging $40 per tattoo. A $40 tattoo you got in the handicapped bathroom stall. But it's okay, because he brought an antibacterial wet wipe (just one) and some weed. All in all I'm shocked they shut him down, it sounded pretty legit. 2.1K Share ...
iLeikPoop 12y ago There was a kid in the 6th grade who gave an ant a proper funeral. I wont lie, I teared up. 115 Share ...
ShaneMcDeath 12y ago I teach geography to 15-16 year olds and a few years ago i was feeling really tired so decided to rest my eyes while the students were watching an educational video about tectonic activity. Of course, i ended up falling asleep and woke up 40 minutes later to see two of my students kissing and a group of 5-6 students playing cards, one of which was unironically smoking a tobacco pipe like a 70 year old man. 305 Share ...
Cr1m 12y ago I teach in Japan and it's pretty fun. I have one student who saw me teaching a 9th grade class that wasn't his, but when he saw me, he decided to just enter and plop into the chair and join the class. Same kid also pulled out speakers and started playing/singing J-pop in the back of the classroom when the main teacher was speaking. Just 30 minutes ago, I saw a kid biking down the hallway while a teacher yelled at him. The teacher started yelling, but then stopped because he was so surprised that they brought
freckledcupcake 12y ago I was teaching 8th grade when I turned around and saw a student standing over another on all fours, hitting his back. The thing that prompted me to turn? Him moaning Hit me harder! I told them to stop, and that behavior is not appropriate for school. Later the same student straight up told me he was a masochist. I was like (in my head) no shit, sherlock. 1.4K Share ...
wsdancergirl 3y ago Eyeballs. I worked with a blind student with autism. When he would get angry, he would pop out his glass eyeballs and throw them across the room. They were expensive, so mom asked that we put them in a plastic bag in his backpack if he threw them.... no more eyeballs for you today! 6.5K ...
elemonator52 3y ago Christmas ornaments. They were throwing them at each other and it eventually caused a fight. Next to that would be a curtain rod. Не found it and kept hitting people with it. 17K ...
antpuncher 12y ago My wife's story: Teaching 4th grade music. From the back of the room: Mrs. Jacobs, Jimmy has two bees in his pocket. Is that true, Jimmy? she asks, unsure of what to expect from his response. Yes. Jimmy had a ziploc lunch bag with two live yellowjackets in it. Seriously, Jimmy, what the fuck were you going to do with those? 1.9K ...
HandsomeDynamite 12y ago I taught English in a small Chinese city for a year. There was a kid in one of my classes who was never allowed to sit down, ever. Every single week I would go in and he alone would be standing the whole time in a class of 60. At first I blew it off and thought the kid was just weird, but after a couple weeks I asked the students what the deal was. Turns out the kid got busted for skipping class and trying to solicit prostitutes in the middle of day. 1.4K Share ...


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