17 Times People Fell for the Oldest Trick in the Book

‘Heads, I win. Tails, you lose’
17 Times People Fell for the Oldest Trick in the Book

You may think it’s funny to pretend to throw a ball and watch a dog go running after it, but there will come a time when you, metaphorically, are that dog. Whether it’s being tricked into playing the quiet game or falling for an email phishing scam, we’re not as smart as we claim to be. 

Redditors have owned up to the times they fell for the oldest trick in the book, and if you’re in the prankster mood, there are quite a few ideas here for fooling someone dumber than you. 

A-punk 13y ago I heard if your hand is bigger than you face you're supposed to have cancer. Then get proceeded to be smacked in the face. 585 ...
RhymenOcerous 13y ago Try this one, Did you know it's impossible to bob your head back and forth with your mouth open? It's driving me crazy. 134 ...
kingtickler 13y ago when my dad was a kid, he got a new watch as his birthday gift. this was very special to him because most kids didn't have any wrist watches during that day, so he was the coolest kid. one day he's walking home, this businessman-looking guy approaches him and asks my dad if he knew where so and so street was. my dad pointed in the direction, but he said he is in a rush and need to deliver this envelope. he asked my dad if he can possibly lead him to the street. my naive dad
BarbarinJobs 7d ago I once fell for a classic email phishing scam promising a big cash prize. I was so excited that I clicked the link and entered personal information without thinking twice. 3 Reply ...
BenjaminSkanklin 13y ago I lost 60 dollars to a bum in the back of a bus playing 3 card monty. Not all at once, 3 times for $20. I still get a wave of embarrasment whenever I think about it. 134 ...
mikeyb1 13y ago I found a bike I on craigslist this summer in a fairly shady neighborhood. When I got there to look at it, I asked the guy if I could take it down the block and he said sure, just come back. I couldn't believe it - I hopped on and took off. I thought, man what a sucker, I can't believe he just let me ride away on this thing. Then I turned around at the end of the block, so I could go back and pay him for it because I'm not a festering pile of shit.
One_Perspective_3074 7d ago When I was in highschool people always used to do that thing where they stand on one side and then tap your shoulder on the other side so you look to the wrong side and I fell for it every time 1 Reply ...
msnse 13y ago Once when I was younger, I got a terrible, terrible ear infection - the sort that makes you not able to do anything for a week because your ears and hearing are so sensitive. I had non-stop pain and sensitivity and the medicine had to be refrigerated. I go to the kitchen for my meds and my uncle is visiting. Не asks about the infection and then tells me to pinch my nose closed with my hand and then blow really hard, that it would clear out some of the infection. As soon as I tried, I fell to
BickNlinko 8mo ago My ice cream smells weird, here take a sniff and then you boop them in the nose with your ice cream cone. My GF was PISSED and I was like dude, oldest trick in the book, and I just barely booped. Oldest trick in the book in my family anyway. She also didn't know what an ice cream kiss was... I guess she didn't come from a family who liked going out for ice cream... Share 58 ...
pfochris . 7y ago Telling someone they have something on their shirt and then flicking their nose when they look down. 2.1K ...
barkev 9y ago Asking dad for something when mom said no 3K ...
notmyname123007 7y ago Asking mom for something when she's on the phone. 3K ...
ownage99988 . 9y ago Let's flip a coin for it, heads I win tails you lose 431 ...
OnlyOneNut 9y ago The pull your finger off trick. I totally forgot how to do it but my uncle always did it to me when I was a kid and it blew my mind every time. 422 ...
FusRoeDah . 9y ago Switching vodka with water. Either for a friend who's too drunk, or when doing mischief. 2.7K ...
jusheresodntgetfined . 9y ago Asking loud, obnoxious, and young children if he/she/they want to play the quiet game in an exciting voice. 278 ...
 13y ago Little league baseball, I wasn't the greatest player. Hit a double, fuck yeah!. Get to the base just before the 2nd baseman catches the ball. Не says to me, hey dude, i just need to clean this plate, would you mind stepping off for a second? go, yeah, sure! and he tags me with his glove. I was out. that was THE WORST FEELING! 41 ...


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