24 Wild Things People Witnessed As Part of a Live Studio Audience

‘His head was bleeding all over’
24 Wild Things People Witnessed As Part of a Live Studio Audience

If you’re ever part of a live studio audience, it’s your duty to disclose any behind-the-scenes spectacles you witness. For instance, one Redditor found out that Jimmy Fallon’s laugh was totally fake. They sat in on a Tonight Show taping, and watched as Fallon gave a normal chuckle, only to say, “I don’t like that, can we do another take?” before doing his signature over-the-top laugh. 

While Fallon being a phony isn’t necessarily surprising, there’s a certain vindication I feel after having this information confirmed, and it gives me hope that he will one day pay for his crimes

Other Redditors have shared what they’ve seen as part of a live studio audience, including Alec Baldwin being very Alec Baldwin.

cassiex345 8y ago Went to a taping of live with Kelly and Michael. It was after Kelly had found out Michael was leaving the show and returned from her vacation and it was extremely awkward to say the least. 6 ...
wehyldafneps 8y ago e Edited 8y ago - Saw Who Wants to Be a Millionaire once, a guy got an easy question wrong and there was just awkward silence... They decided to redo the question again where he had to get it wrong, because the audience didn't sound sad enough. 8 ...
BudBurst 8y ago . I went with my parents to a taping of Real Time with Bill Maher. Не had a guest on that was talking about antibiotic resistant bacteria, and Bill made a joke about how awful it would be to have a UTI that would never clear up. My mom wasn't paying attention and cheered really loudly. Yaaaayyyyyy UTIs! + 12 ...
Armitando 8y ago I saw a taping of Steve Harvey's talk show last year. There was a stopdown of about 10 minutes while they moved some set pieces around, and when they finished Steve said, Shit, I coulda done something to keep these people entertained. + 23 ...
JohnEKaye 8y ago . This isn't crazy, but when I went to the Daily Show, Jon Stewart didn't say a word to the crowd beforehand, or during commercial breaks. Then he said thanks, bye at the end and left. Not shitting on him, I love the man, just thought it would be very different. + 40 ...
ordaia 8y ago Got to watch a taping of George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight on a school trip. One of the guest speakers was Jennifer Robertson and she told him a story about her roommate once who was great at sucking dick or something. So they all laugh and then he says to her I should let you know we have an audience of 75 high school students right now or something like that. All in all fun trip. + 48 ...
WarmDork 8y ago . Went to a taping of Chelsea Lately to see Tom Hiddleston as a guest. The audience was easily 90% hardcore fangirls, so when she introduced him to come onto stage, everyone screamed so loudly we freaked her out and she told us to 'Shut the fuck up.' Had to do the whole spiel again. + 53 ...
FunkeTown13 e 8y ago o I went to a recording of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me and David Cross was on via telephone. Не bashed the Chipmunks franchise a lot more than what made it through editing. + 66 ...
timesyours 8y ago Went to a taping of Deal or No Deal (with Howie Mandel) in LA. The reactions of the contestants and briefcase girls after the cases are opened were re- taped multiple times. The audience reactions were all filmed at the beginning so those were not legit either. Fun show though. 74 ...
djrjr 8y ago I went to several tapings of the new version of Match Game earlier this year. Alec Baldwin asked one of the questions were the audience would typically respond (dumb Dora was so dumb... HOW DUMB WAS SHE?!?) But only a handful of us responded to him. Alec looked add somebody on staff in bewilderment as he wasn't sure if he screwed up or we screwed up in the audience. Alec looked up to us and said oh is it one of those types of questions?. There was an awkward silence for a second or two so I
DumbledoresWatch 8y ago I went to a taping of the Bill Engvall show, where then- teenaged Jennifer Lawrence played his daughter. At one point, the director gave her a note, and she said, next can we do a take where I tell YOU what to do? It was a joke but her tone was very sassy, and the director got visibly pissed. She apologized when she saw his face, and as soon as she did, the warm-up comedian ran onstage and started doing his thing. It was... odd. Like a family that knows when a parent is going to snap,
tameoctopus 8y ago I was in the audience for Poland's got Talent when I was in Krakow last summer. I couldn't understand anything because everyone spoke polish, but they tell you when to clap and when to stand up. They also will tap you on the shoulder during breaks and ask you to smile more during the show. We left after a couple hours because Poland didn't have that much talent. 137 ...
MattRenez 8y ago America's Got Talent. For the intro they told us to start cheering when they said America. Simple enough right? Not when the intro is America, it's the moment you've been waiting for, it's America's Got Talent We all started cheering too early, couldn't hear half of Jerry Springer's line. + 225 ...
Lucibean 8y ago 0 Edited 8y ago I was in the audience for a local daytime talk show that was doing a piece on a dog rescue I volunteer for. A (I don't know the correct word for it) floating camera on a big metal arm smacked the heck out of a producer's head during an interview. The guy collapsed and his head was bleeding all over. The anchor of the show kept on talking like nothing happened until the break despite the audience gasping and the commotion. His composure was amazing.
 8y ago I sat in the audience for Maury and was really surprised to find that they tape numerous episodes at once and very quickly. When you see the bad guy/deadbeat dad/shitty boyfriend come out, they tell you to boo and then when a baby or aggrieved woman is shown they make you cheer and scream. There's someone directing all that action so you're going from cheering one second to booing the next, without really even knowing what's going on. Editing is magic. I was also surprised to find out that a lot of the audience members are regulars.
TheCanadianViking75 8y ago I went to a taping of the Letterman Show back in '07. I was in NYC for my job, so I went solo. They sat me in the front row next to a native New Yorker who looked and talked like one of the Sopranos. I honestly thought he was planted by Letterman's people and that there would be some big reveal. Nope. Just a weird, talkative guy with that NY attitude. When the announcer mentioned that Tenacious D would be the musical guest, he very loudly exclaimed, Who the hell is Tenacious Dan? What the fuck...
Static-Frost 6y ago . Jimmy Fallon is almost completely fake with his laugh and it shows. At one point they were doing a game intro thing and he chuckled and then goes I dont like this can we do another take and they reset and did it again and he did his signature over the top laugh and it confirmed what I knew all along about his laugh. 14 ...
bzzltyr 6y ago Have seen Saturday Night Live taped. You know how sometimes when it comes on to start you hear background laughing before the opening has started? That's because it's dead silent in the room as the guy counts down to when they go on air from 10 to 1 but he cracks his voice on three and everyone lets out a nervous relief laugh (it's tense in there before it goes live). Also seeing Lorne Michaels laugh at fart sounds 20 feet away was seriously one of the happiest moments of my life. + 21 ...
deejaydeeray 6y ago . Edited 6y ago . I've been to a couple of taping of the Ellen show, and you have to clap and dance on cue. There's someone standing in front of the crowd prompting you to start and stop.
 6y ago Went to a live audition of Australia's Got Talent. They record some of the audience reactions before the judges even come out. What's real though are those moments when all the judges hate the act but the audience is cheering so much that they have to let the person through to the next round. It seems to really piss off everyone involved in the production. + 71 ...
 8y ago I went to a taping of craig ferguson because he had David Sedaris on. The interview was funny, but a bit awkward as David launched into a really long story about his time shopping in a taxidermy shop and how fascinating all the dead animals were. Craig was interested, but you could see him trying to steer out of it. Once David left, he turned to us and said, yeah, we can't use any of that. A couple weeks later, I'm watching the episode and they most certainly did not. + 592 ...
Lucibean 8y ago Edited 8y ago I was in the audience for a local daytime talk show that was doing a piece on a dog rescue I volunteer for. A (I don't know the correct word for it) floating camera on a big metal arm smacked the heck out of a producer's head during an interview. The guy collapsed and his head was bleeding all over. The anchor of the show kept on talking like nothing happened until the break despite the audience gasping and the commotion. His composure was amazing. Edit: Не was able to get up and walk
DumbledoresWatch 8y ago I went to a taping of the Bill Engvall show, where then- teenaged Jennifer Lawrence played his daughter. At one point, the director gave her a note, and she said, next can we do a take where I tell YOU what to do? It was a joke but her tone was very sassy, and the director got visibly pissed. She apologized when she saw his face, and as soon as she did, the warm-up comedian ran onstage and started doing his thing. It was... odd. Like a family that knows when a parent is going to snap,
bergie321 8y ago My sister was on Wheel of Fortune Teen Week a long time ago. There was a puzzle where the answer was volcanic eruption. One 15 or 16 year old girl tried to solve it volcanic erection which 13 year old me (and 36 year old me) found hilarious. They let her re-answer and she got it correct and they edited out the erection answer. + 81 ...


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