31 Wild Things Employers Caught Their Staff Doing

‘He was hiding in the ceiling’
31 Wild Things Employers Caught Their Staff Doing

Being a manager means earning slightly higher pay and bearing witness to sights that cannot be unseen. For one manager, those sights included walking in on two women crushing up birth control pills and putting the powder into a bottle of shampoo. Upon being caught, they explained that it was to “keep them from losing their hair.” All he could do was shrug and walk out of the office. 

Other Redditors have discussed the baffling things they’ve seen their staff doing, and while they weren’t all fireable offenses, they’re definitely something to behold. This one goes out to the guy who hid in the ceiling to avoid working — he is a hero to us all.

vguytech 10y ago I manage an IT department for Government office. Get a call that a users laptop hard drive wont let him save files anymore. My first thought is hardware failure or virus/malware. I sit down at the users desk and there's a folder right on the desktop that says 'AMBBC'. Shouldn't be there so I open it. Gigs of amateur white women having sex with black men. I turn to look at the guy as he's standing behind me and with a straight face and unprompted he says 'I love them white women'. Не was gone the next
only_because_l_can 7y ago Had an employee taste and snack on со- workers' food in the breakroom. She would also take food out of the garbage that others had thrown away. Had another employee falsely claim that a coworker pulled a gun on her, and she called the cops to witness her public freakout over it. There were several witnesses and no gun. 91 ...
beestingers 7y ago on my day off i randomly stopped by the spa i managed to find two children sleeping in the waiting room. come to find out the receptionist was babysitting for a friend while also at work. i admire her hustle, but she was fired. 92 ...
icecreampopncereal . 7y ago Saw a dude fall asleep on a stand up forklift. How tired must you be to do that!?!? 1.8K ...
Sonic_Addict e 7y ago I once witnessed two women crushing up birth control pills and putting the powder into a bottle of shampoo. They said it is supposed to keep them from losing their hair. I just shrugged and walked out of the office 171 ...
5MinutesDesign 7y ago This guy always tried to hide at work to avoid working. One day I was looking for him and I stepped into the bathroom. I notice a shoe print on the back of the toilet, and I look up and one of the ceiling tiles is pushed a little to the side. I climb up there, and this mother fucker is hiding in the ceiling. 590 ...
 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I once fired a guy and he tried to go back to work. His crush was in the clock in room when I had to tell him to leave again. Не cried on my shoulder as I walked him out of the building. Not because I fired him but because I told him to leave in front of his crush.
 7y ago SuperTarget deli. Had an employee eat food from the deli in the walk-in freezer which was the only place without cameras. Не was shivering and holding an entire meatloaf, mouth full. I couldn't stop laughing. 900 ...
weedmoneylol 7y ago I was doing a weekly call monitor on one of my better employees and found he was doing an Indian accent. I was a bit surprised so I went back and listened to 5+ calls of his from that week and found he was doing different impressions for almost every call. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Micky Mouse, Apu from the Simpsons, a pretty solid Christopher Walken and a few others. 4.2K ...
Seven65 . 7y ago I had an employee call a French woman a frog and then start ribbiting. That was kinda awkward. 2.5K ...
SplungerPlunger 0 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I was a Valet Captain at an expensive restaurant with the parking lot two blocks away and one of the valets I was supervising took a wrong turn in a customers 2016 Audi Rs7 and ended up getting pulled over & arrested for going 110 in a 70 on the interstate. 473 ...
 7y ago I was a supervisor at a bulk food store. Had a staff member who was responsible for sweeping the floors. Не would regularly snack on what he swept up. 5.3K ...
Hourslikeminutes47 10mo ago Caught an associate drinking antifreeze 12 Reply ...
Popular_Western2739 10mo ago This one is more funny to me and not a bad story but its real short but it was told to me like this. We had an ASM who, if his sugar got to low he would he would play hide and seek with his supports and they would have to trap him in the personel office while they tried to fed him a snickers (or some kind of candy) Lmaooo 65 Reply ...
 10mo ago ON stocker routinely watches porn will stocking the shelves. Не sets his phone on the shelf and just stocks away. He's been coached and asked to stop, but never fired.
Illustrious_Curve249 10mo ago Had a guy eating the claims in the meat department. Would dig through the big trash cans full of hotdogs and raw meat and take bites out of them put back what he didn't like and shove some in his pockets for later. 172 Reply ...
StepEfficient864 10mo ago A guy named Chuck used to ride his bike to work and park it in an out of the way place in the back room. One day Chuck got into it with a guy named CJ. Well, CJ proceeded to disassemble Chuck's bike and scattered the parts around the store. A weird day. 98 Reply ...
Delonce 10mo ago There used to be an associate at my store who would find a place to hide and meditate. Associate was lazy as shit, so it was especially funny to find out why they didn't get shit done. Even funnier to hear they were caught meditating in an area loaded with cameras. Not very bright, indeed. 162 Reply ...
 11y ago I work at a sports bar/cantina style spot. We have Jell-O shots in big syringes and they're a big hit, especially with girls. Well one day I go out to the back patio and there's a crowd like someone is having a dance battle, except it's the middle of the day and we're playing classic rock. I take a closer look and a few of the employees and regulars are watching one of our security guards inject the jello shot into his ass. Не was off the clock and it was funny. So I told him to
ianp 11y ago Christmas party a month ago. Employee was ... smoking crack in the bathroom. Share 845 ...
DrAmberLamps 11y ago A guy at my last job was spending his workdays doing other people's taxes on tax software that he pirated on his work computer. Не got caught because he was eating up tons of company bandwidth. After he was fired they found a ton of porn, movies and music on that same computer. 1.3K Share ...
drunkbarbie 11y ago When I worked nights at Sonic, there was a night when one of the cooks knew his parents were going to give him a drug test. And we all knew he wouldn't pass it. So one of the other cooks went to the bathroom and gave him his sample in a styrofoam cup. As he handed it to guy getting tested, he said, Here. I should pass. They then decided to put it in the steamer to keep it warm and viable. Не didn't pass. 2.7K Share ...
stayfaded 11y ago I used to own a pizza place and in our basement is where we stored everything. I sent one of the kids downstairs to get boxes and about 20 minutes go by and I'm thinking where the hell is jen? I send one of the guys who works for me downstairs to go check whats going on. Mind you its a friday night and we are jam packed. 10 minutes goes by and I'm thinking alright enough is enough. I go downstairs myself I see the girl who I originally sent downstairs blowing the guy who works
Lbalzoffthewallz 11y ago o Edited 11y ago My dad once caught one of his female employes sniffing other peoples shoes... Edit: because everyone is asking why people had their shoes off. They worked with very expensive machines that create micro chips and couldn't get them dirty, so they all had to change into sterile suits kind of like intel. They all had to take off their shoes and put them in locker room. 2.3K Share ...
 11y ago We caught one of our bakers brewing pineapple beer in the upright prover. She was then getting raucously drunk and trying to fight the other bakers. It was pretty fucking good pineapple beer, but we fired her. 3K Share ...
gsjopul 11y ago My father once caught a drunk employee masturbating on a colleague's printer. In the colleague's office. An open-space office. Share 1.4K ...
grantrules 11y ago Had a coworker who managed a skate shop, he got fired when he let a kid run the shop while he met a girl at the bus stop out front then fucked her behind the shop. Share 1.3K ...
puffadder43 . 11y ago Worked at a very large software company when I came out of University. My team had considerable turnover, and were in need of a manager in the Quality Assurance Department. Mr. X is hired. Resume is impeccable, well dressed yada yada yada. 3 weeks into his employment he comes to me and asks for $5 for lunch (claiming that he'd forgot his wallet). Turns out, that he asked 90% of the people on our floor for $5, and collected about $360 in 2 hours. At the same time, he was scoping out all the spots that
 11y ago . Edited 11y ago Caught a guy washing his dick in the sink. We let it slide... but we called him soap- dick from then on.
rather_be_happy 11y ago Kid I worked with at an amusement park got caught selling acid to nearly 100 other employees. They didn't even find out about all his clients. Lots of acid. 297 Share ...
Johnhaven 10y ago I managed a Blockbuster store back in the mid to late 90's and an employee changed the name in the system on a non-customer account from Non Customer to Cock Sucker which printed out on the receipt of everyone that bought something without an account. Yes, I laughed my ass off. Then I gave him a high five and fired him. 372 Share ...


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